
16-letter words containing c, s, t

  • exotic shorthair — a short-haired variety of domestic cat with a stocky body, developed through crossing Persian cats with American shorthairs
  • extrachromosomal — Happening outside a chromosome.
  • extrinsic factor — vitamin B12
  • factor of safety — the ratio of the maximum stress that a structural part or other piece of material can withstand to the maximum stress estimated for it in the use for which it is designed.
  • fahrenheit scale — Gabriel Daniel [German gah-bree-el dah-nee-el] /German ˈgɑ briˌɛl ˈdɑ niˌɛl/ (Show IPA), 1686–1736, German physicist: devised a temperature scale and introduced the use of mercury in thermometers.
  • falsificationism — (epistemology) A scientific philosophy based on the requirement that hypotheses must be falsifiable in order to be scientific; if a claim is not able to be refuted it is not a scientific claim.
  • father christmas — Santa Claus.
  • father confessor — confessor (def 2).
  • federal district — a district in which the national government of a country is located, especially one in Latin America.
  • feel constrained — If you feel constrained to do something, you feel that you must do it, even though you would prefer not to.
  • fertile crescent — an agricultural region extending from the Levant to Iraq.
  • fictionalisation — Alternative spelling of fictionalization.
  • fictitious force — any force that is postulated to account for apparent deviations from Newton's laws of motion appearing in an accelerated reference system.
  • file composition — A typesetting language.
  • finance minister — a member of a government in charge of the financial affairs of a state etc
  • fingertip search — When the police carry out a fingertip search of a place, they examine it for evidence in a very detailed way.
  • finished product — the product that emerges at the end of a manufacturing process
  • fish or cut bait — any of various cold-blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with scales.
  • flat-bed scanner — a type of optical scanner having a flat, stationary surface on which a page is scanned by a moving head.
  • flathead catfish — a yellow and brown catfish, Pylodictus olivaris, common in the central U.S., having a flattened head and a projecting lower jaw.
  • floridean starch — the storage polysaccharide of red algae.
  • fluorescent lamp — a tubular electric discharge lamp in which light is produced by the fluorescence of phosphors coating the inside of the tube.
  • focused strategy — a business strategy in which an organization divests itself of all but its core activities, using the funds raised to enhance the distinctive abilities that give it an advantage over its rivals
  • folk linguistics — speculation and popular views about language.
  • football special — a train service provided specially to transport football supporters to and from a match
  • francis townsendFrancis Everett, 1867–1960, U.S. physician and proposer of the Townsend plan.
  • frankfurt school — a school of thought, founded at the University of Frankfurt in 1923 by Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse and others, derived from Marxist, Freudian, and Hegelian theory
  • frederic mistral — Frédéric [frey-dey-reek] /freɪ deɪˈrik/ (Show IPA), 1830–1914, French Provençal poet: Nobel prize 1904.
  • free association — the uncensored expression of the ideas, impressions, etc., passing through the mind of the analysand, a technique used to facilitate access to the unconscious.
  • free perspective — exaggeration of perspectival devices to increase the illusion of depth, used especially in stage-set painting and construction.
  • friendly society — law: mutual group providing benefits
  • fuel consumption — use of a material to generate power
  • full court press — Basketball. a tactic of harassing, close-guarding defense in which the team without the ball pressures the opponent man-to-man the entire length of the court in order to disrupt dribbling or passing and force a turnover: Suddenly behind by eighteen points, they went to a full-court press.
  • full-court press — Basketball. a tactic of harassing, close-guarding defense in which the team without the ball pressures the opponent man-to-man the entire length of the court in order to disrupt dribbling or passing and force a turnover: Suddenly behind by eighteen points, they went to a full-court press.
  • functional shift — a change in the grammatical function of a word, as in the use of the noun input as a verb or the noun fun as an adjective.
  • functionlessness — The quality or state of being functionless.
  • fundamentalistic — Fundamentalist.
  • galactic cluster — a comparatively young, irregularly shaped group of stars, often numbering up to several hundred, and held together by mutual gravitation; usually found along the central plane of the Milky Way and other galaxies.
  • garment district — an area in the borough of Manhattan, in New York City, including portions of Seventh Avenue and Broadway between 34th and 40th Streets and the streets intersecting them, that contains many factories, showrooms, etc., related to the design, manufacture, and wholesale distribution of clothing.
  • gas liquefaction — Gas liquefaction is the process of refrigerating a gas to a temperature that is below its critical temperature in order to form a liquid.
  • gemini telescope — either of two identical 8-metre telescopes for optical and near-infrared observations built by an international consortium. Gemini North is in Hawaii at an altitude of 4200 m on Mauna Kea and Gemini South is in Chile at 2715 m on Cerro Pachón
  • gender selection — choosing the sex of a baby
  • genetic disorder — disease caused by abnormal DNA
  • gentlemen's club — a private social club whose members were traditionally aristocratic males
  • geochronologists — Plural form of geochronologist.
  • geometric isomer — each of two or more chemical compounds having the same molecular formula but a different geometric arrangement; an unsaturated compound or ring compound in which rotation around a carbon bond is restricted, as in cis- and trans- configurations.
  • geometric series — an infinite series of the form, c + cx + cx 2 + cx 3 + …, where c and x are real numbers.
  • geostrophic wind — a wind whose velocity and direction are mathematically defined by the balanced relationship of the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis force: conceived as blowing parallel to isobars.
  • giant's causeway — a large body of basalt, unusual in displaying perfect columnar jointing, exposed on a promontory on the northern coast of Northern Ireland.
  • gilt-edged stock — government stock on which interest payments will certainly be met and that will certainly be repaid at par on the due date
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