
10-letter words containing c, r, o, m

  • conacreism — the Irish system of letting farming land for a season or for eleven months
  • conchiform — shaped like a shell
  • concretism — the practice of representing abstract concepts in concrete terms
  • condemners — to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure.
  • conferment — to consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation.
  • confirmand — a candidate for confirmation
  • confirming — Present participle of confirm.
  • conformant — In accordance with a set of specifications.
  • conformers — Plural form of conformer.
  • conforming — to act in accordance or harmony; comply (usually followed by to): to conform to rules.
  • conformism — the tendency to adopt the attitudes, behaviour, dress, etc, of the group to which one belongs
  • conformist — Someone who is conformist behaves or thinks like everyone else rather than doing things that are original.
  • conformity — If something happens in conformity with something such as a law or someone's wishes, it happens as the law says it should, or as the person wants it to.
  • conga drum — a large tubular bass drum, used chiefly in Latin American and funk music and played with the hands
  • consimilar — similar; alike
  • consortism — symbiosis
  • consortium — A consortium is a group of people or firms who have agreed to co-operate with each other.
  • contemners — to treat or regard with disdain, scorn, or contempt.
  • contemnors — to treat or regard with disdain, scorn, or contempt.
  • conundrums — Plural form of conundrum.
  • copolymers — Plural form of copolymer.
  • coppermine — river in Nunavut & Northwest Territories, Canada, flowing northwest into the Arctic Ocean: 525 mi (845 km)
  • copperworm — a shipworm, Teredo navalis
  • copromoter — a joint promoter
  • cor blimey — an exclamation of surprise or annoyance
  • cordectomy — the removal of a cord, esp a vocal cord
  • cormophyte — any of the Cormophyta, a major division (now obsolete) of plants having a stem, root, and leaves: includes the mosses, ferns, and seed plants
  • cormorants — Plural form of cormorant.
  • corn broom — a broom made from the panicles of broomcorn.
  • corniculum — a small horn or corniform part
  • cornishman — a man who is a native or inhabitant of Cornwall
  • coromandel — calamander
  • coryneform — resembling a corynebacterium
  • cosmic ray — a radiation of high penetrating power that originates in outer space and consists partly of high-energy atomic nuclei.
  • cosmocrats — Plural form of cosmocrat.
  • cosmodrome — a site, esp one in the former Soviet Union, from which spacecraft are launched
  • cosmolatry — the worship of the cosmos
  • cosmoramic — of or relating to a cosmorama
  • costumiers — Plural form of costumier.
  • coterminal — having the same border or covering the same area.
  • cottierism — (in Ireland) the system of cottier tenure
  • cotyliform — shaped like a cup
  • coulometer — an electrolytic cell for measuring the magnitude of an electric charge by determining the total amount of decomposition resulting from the passage of the charge through the cell
  • coulometry — a method used in quantitative analysis, whereby the amount of a substance set free or deposited during electrolysis is determined by measuring the number of coulombs that passed through the electrolyte.
  • coumarilic — coumaric
  • counterman — a man who works on a lunch counter or behind the counter of a cafe
  • countermen — Plural form of counterman.
  • countryman — Your countrymen are people from your own country.
  • countrymen — a native or inhabitant of one's own country.
  • coursemate — One who is taking the same academic course.
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