
12-letter words containing c, r, a, p, l, e

  • perceptional — the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
  • perceptually — of, relating to, or involving perception.
  • percussional — of or relating to percussion
  • perichaetial — denoting the leaves in mosses that surround the archegonia and, later, the base of the sporophyte
  • perimetrical — the border or outer boundary of a two-dimensional figure.
  • periodic law — the law that the properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
  • periodically — recurring at intervals of time: periodic revivals of an interest in handicrafts.
  • perivisceral — surrounding or situated about the viscera.
  • permaculture — a system of cultivation intended to maintain permanent agriculture or horticulture by relying on renewable resources and a self-sustaining ecosystem.
  • perspectival — a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface. Compare aerial perspective, linear perspective.
  • pharmacolite — hydrous calcium arsenate, 2CaO⋅As 2 O 5 ⋅5H 2 O, formed by natural alteration of mineral deposits containing arsenopyrite and arsenical ores of cobalt and silver.
  • photonuclear — of, relating to, or caused by the collision of high-energy photons with the nucleus of an atom.
  • phylacteries — Judaism. either of two small, black, leather cubes containing a piece of parchment inscribed with verses 4–9 of Deut. 6, 13–21 of Deut. 11, and 1–16 of Ex. 13: one is attached with straps to the left arm and the other to the forehead during weekday morning prayers by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish men.
  • pictorialize — to make pictorial; illustrate or represent with or as if with pictures.
  • picture rail — bar from which pictures are hung
  • pig launcher — A pig launcher is a device which starts a pig moving without interrupting flow.
  • pipe cleaner — a short length of twisted flexible wires covered with tufted fabric, used to clean the stem of a smoker's pipe and for various handicrafts.
  • piperacillin — a broad-spectrum semisynthetic penicillin, C 2 3 H 2 6 N 5 NaO 7 , used against certain susceptible Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and certain anaerobes, especially P. aeruginosa.
  • place-holder — Mathematics, Logic. a symbol in an expression that may be replaced by the name of any element of the set.
  • placentiform — shaped like a placenta, with a flat rounded form
  • plaid screen — [XEROX PARC] A "special effect" that occurs when certain kinds of memory smashes overwrite the control blocks or image memory of a bit-mapped display. The term "salt and pepper" may refer to a different pattern of similar origin. Though the term as coined at PARC refers to the result of an error, some of the X demos induce plaid-screen effects deliberately as a display hack.
  • plant-cutter — any of several South American, passerine birds of the family Phytotomidae, superficially resembling grosbeaks but having serrated edges on the bill that aid in cutting leaves and other plant food.
  • plaster cast — any piece of sculpture reproduced in plaster of Paris.
  • polar circle — either the Arctic or the Antarctic Circle.
  • policymakers — a person responsible for making policy, especially in government.
  • politicaster — an ill-suited or disliked politician
  • poll watcher — a representative of a political party or of an organization running a candidate who is assigned to the polls on an election day to watch for violations of the laws that regulate voting, campaigning, etc.
  • porcelainite — Mineralogy. mullite.
  • porcelainize — to make into or coat with porcelain or something resembling porcelain.
  • porcelainous — made of or resembling porcelain
  • porcelaneous — a strong, vitreous, translucent ceramic material, biscuit-fired at a low temperature, the glaze then fired at a very high temperature.
  • porcellanise — to bake into porcelain
  • porcellanite — hard and dense rock resembling unglazed porcelain
  • porcellanize — to bake into porcelain
  • post-nuclear — pertaining to or involving atomic weapons: nuclear war.
  • postcardlike — (of a scene) resembling a postcard
  • pre-colonial — of or relating to the time before a region or country became a colony.
  • pre-cultural — of or relating to culture or cultivation.
  • preauricular — of or relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing; aural.
  • precariously — dependent on circumstances beyond one's control; uncertain; unstable; insecure: a precarious livelihood.
  • precedential — of the nature of or constituting a precedent.
  • precessional — the act or fact of preceding; precedence.
  • precipitable — capable of being precipitated.
  • preclassical — occurring or existing in, produced during or characteristic of a period prior to the classical period
  • preclearance — the act of clearing.
  • preconciliar — (in the Catholic church) of or pertaining to a period prior to a church council, particularly one of the Vatican Councils
  • preeclampsia — Pathology. a form of toxemia of pregnancy, characterized by hypertension, fluid retention, and albuminuria, sometimes progressing to eclampsia.
  • prefectorial — of, relating to, or characteristic of a prefect: prefectorial powers.
  • prelatically — in the manner of a prelate
  • prescribable — to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed; appoint, ordain, or enjoin.
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