
12-letter words containing c, o, u, a, l

  • primulaceous — belonging to the plant family Primulaceae.
  • procedurally — of or relating to a procedure or procedures, especially of a court of law, legislative body, or law enforcement agency.
  • proconsulate — the office or term of office of a proconsul.
  • productional — the act of producing; creation; manufacture.
  • prosecutable — Law. to institute legal proceedings against (a person). to seek to enforce or obtain by legal process. to conduct criminal proceedings in court against.
  • pseudocereal — any of several plants, as buckwheat and quinoa, that produce fruits and seeds used as flour but are not of the grass family.
  • pseudoscalar — a scalar quantity that changes sign when the sense of the orientation of the coordinate system is changed.
  • psychosexual — of or relating to the relationship of psychological and sexual phenomena.
  • pugnaciously — inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative.
  • punctulation — the state of being punctulate
  • qualificator — (in an ecclesiastical court) an officer charged with examining cases and preparing them for trial.
  • quartz clock — an extremely accurate electronic movement utilizing the natural frequency of vibrations of a quartz crystal to regulate the operation of the timepiece (quartz clock or quartz watch)
  • quasilogical — according to or agreeing with the principles of logic: a logical inference.
  • quetzalcoatl — the feathered serpent god of the Aztec and Toltec cultures.
  • quixotically — In a quixotic manner.
  • radicicolous — living on the roots of plants
  • radiolucency — almost entirely transparent to radiation; almost entirely invisible in x-ray photographs and under fluoroscopy.
  • radionuclide — a radioactive nuclide.
  • renounceable — of a nature that can be renounced
  • renovascular — of or relating to the blood vessels of the kidneys.
  • reticulation — a reticulated formation, arrangement, or appearance; network.
  • ribonuclease — any of the class of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of RNA.
  • sacred lotus — Indian lotus.
  • sacrilegious — pertaining to or involving sacrilege: sacrilegious practices.
  • salsolaceous — relating to the genus Salsola
  • sanguicolous — living in the blood, as a parasite.
  • sans-culotte — (in the French Revolution) a revolutionary of the poorer class: originally a term of contempt applied by the aristocrats but later adopted as a popular name by the revolutionaries.
  • sansculottic — relating to sansculottes
  • santalaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Santalaceae, a family of semiparasitic plants of Australia and Malaysia including sandalwood and quandong
  • saronic gulf — an inlet of the Aegean, on the SE coast of Greece, between Attica and the Peloponnesus. 50 miles (80 km) long; 30 miles (48 km) wide.
  • scandalously — disgraceful; shameful or shocking; improper: scandalous behavior in public.
  • scapulomancy — divination of the future by observation of the cracking of a mammal's scapula that has been heated by a fire or hot instrument.
  • scolopaceous — (of birds or other animals) like a snipe, a shore bird with a straight beak
  • scout leader — the leader of a troop of Scouts
  • scrobiculate — furrowed or pitted.
  • scrophularia — a member of a genus of flowering plants which have a square stem and are known as figworts
  • scutellation — a scutellate state or formation; a scaly covering, as on a bird's foot.
  • smilacaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Smilacaceae, a temperate and tropical family of monocotyledonous flowering plants, most of which are climbing shrubs with prickly stems: includes smilax
  • src modula-3 — Version 2.11 compiler(->C), run-time, library, documentation The goal of Modula-3 is to be as simple and safe as it can be while meeting the needs of modern systems programmers. Instead of exploring new features, we studied the features of the Modula family of languages that have proven themselves in practice and tried to simplify them into a harmonious language. We found that most of the successful features were aimed at one of two main goals: greater robustness, and a simpler, more systematic type system. Modula-3 retains one of Modula-2's most successful features, the provision for explicit interfaces between modules. It adds objects and classes, exception handling, garbage collection, lightweight processes (or threads), and the isolation of unsafe features. conformance: implements the language defined in SPwM3. ports: i386/AIX 68020/DomainOS Acorn/RISCiX MIPS/Ultrix 68020/HP-UX RS/6000/AIX IBMRT/4.3 68000/NEXTSTEP i860/SVR4 SPARC/SunOS 68020/SunOS sun386/SunOS Multimax/4.3 VAX/Ultrix Mailing list: comp.lang.modula3 E-mail: Bill Kalsow <[email protected]> From DEC/SRC, Palo Alto, CA. "Modula-3 Report (revised)" Luca Cardelli et al.
  • stipulaceous — of, relating to, having, resembling, or living on stipules
  • sub-tropical — Sub-tropical places have a climate that is warm and wet, and are often near tropical regions.
  • subapostolic — of or relating to the era after that of the Apostles
  • subfactorial — the number of ways a group of objects can be arranged so that none of the objects are in their original or correct place
  • subjectional — the act of subjecting.
  • submolecular — of or relating to or caused by molecules: molecular structure.
  • suboccipital — situated below the occipital bone or the occipital lobe of the brain.
  • subopercular — of or relating to the suboperculum
  • suborbicular — nearly circular or orblike
  • subsonically — at a velocity below that of sound
  • successional — the coming of one person or thing after another in order, sequence, or in the course of events: many troubles in succession.
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