
13-letter words containing c, o, r, t, i, p

  • orchestra-pit — a group of performers on various musical instruments, including especially stringed instruments of the viol class, clarinets and flutes, cornets and trombones, drums, and cymbals, for playing music, as symphonies, operas, popular music, or other compositions.
  • orthocephalic — having a medium or intermediate relation between the height of the skull and the breadth or length.
  • orthoepically — In terms of correct pronunciation.
  • orthopaedical — Pertaining to orthopaedics; characteristic of orthopaedia.
  • outprocessing — to end a military tour of duty, accompanied by necessary paperwork: All enlisted soldiers out-process as a class.
  • palaeocrystic — consisting of former glacial formation
  • paleotropical — belonging or pertaining to a geographical division comprising the Ethiopian and Oriental regions.
  • pantisocratic — relating to pantisocracy
  • parti-colored — having different colors in different areas or patches; variegated: a parti-colored dress.
  • participation — an act or instance of participating.
  • participatory — to take or have a part or share, as with others; partake; share (usually followed by in): to participate in profits; to participate in a play.
  • particleboard — a boardlike building material made by compressing sawdust or wood particles with a resin binder
  • past historic — the simple past
  • patrifocality — the system or fact of being patrifocal
  • patriotically — of, like, suitable for, or characteristic of a patriot.
  • pearl tapioca — a food substance prepared from cassava in granular, flake, pellet (pearl tapioca) or flour form, used in puddings, as a thickener, etc.
  • pedantocratic — of or relating to pedantocracy
  • perchlorinate — to combine with the maximum proportion of chlorine.
  • percussionist — a musician who plays percussion instruments.
  • perfectionate — to perfect; to make perfect
  • perfectionism — any of various doctrines holding that religious, moral, social, or political perfection is attainable.
  • perfectionist — a person who adheres to or believes in perfectionism.
  • perfunctorily — performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy.
  • periodic rate — The periodic rate is the interest rate charged for each period, such as monthly or quarterly.
  • periodicalist — a writer of articles for periodicals
  • perissodactyl — having an uneven number of toes or digits on each foot.
  • perscrutation — a very careful exploration or inspection
  • personalistic — Also called personal idealism. a modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine.
  • petrification — the act or process of petrifying; the state of being petrified.
  • petrochemical — a chemical substance obtained from petroleum or natural gas, as gasoline, kerosene, or petrolatum.
  • petrophysical — relating to the analysis of the constitution and characteristics of rocks
  • petty officer — navy: non-commissioned officer
  • phallocentric — a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
  • philanthropic — of, pertaining to, engaged in, or characterized by philanthropy; benevolent: a philanthropic foundation.
  • photoallergic — photosensitive.
  • photochromism — the reversible transformation of something's colour due to exposure to electromagnetic radiation such as sunlight
  • photoelectric — pertaining to the electronic or other electric effects produced by light.
  • photoreaction — a chemical reaction that involves or requires light.
  • phreatophytic — of, possessing the properties of, or relating to a phreatophyte
  • phycoerythrin — a red protein pigment occurring in red algae.
  • piano teacher — tutor of piano-playing
  • pictorialness — the state of being pictorial
  • picture phone — a mobile phone that can take, send, and receive photographs
  • picturization — to represent in a picture, especially in a motion picture; make a picture of.
  • piezoelectric — electricity, or electric polarity, produced by the piezoelectric effect.
  • pilot officer — A pilot officer is an officer of low rank in the British Royal Air Force.
  • platonic year — a period of about 26,000 years, equal to the time required for a complete revolution of the equinoxes.
  • pneumogastric — of or relating to the lungs and stomach.
  • pococurantism — a careless or indifferent person.
  • pococurantist — a person who demonstrates a tendency toward indifference
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