
13-letter words containing c, o, r, p

  • preconviction — a conviction or assurance formed beforehand; a preconceived conviction
  • precopulatory — carried out or occurring prior to copulation
  • prediagnostic — of, relating to, or used in diagnosis.
  • prediscussion — an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate.
  • preexcitation — the act of exciting.
  • prefabricator — someone who or an organization that prefabricates
  • prefunctional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • preganglionic — of, relating to, or consisting of ganglia.
  • prejudication — the act of judging beforehand
  • premedication — any drugs administered to sedate and otherwise prepare a patient for general anaesthesia
  • preoccupation — the state of being preoccupied.
  • preponderance — the fact or quality of being preponderant; superiority in weight, power, numbers, etc.: The preponderance of votes is against the proposal.
  • preproduction — Movies. the steps necessary to prepare a film for production, as casting, choosing locations, and designing sets and costumes.
  • press officer — A press officer is a person who is employed by an organization to give information about that organization to the press.
  • press section — a section or part of an area, as at the scene of a public event, reserved for reporters.
  • pressure cone — a small, radially striated rock structure produced by intense shock, such as generated by meteorite impact.
  • pressure-cook — to cook in a pressure cooker.
  • presto chango — change at once (usually used imperatively, as in a magician's command).
  • prevarication — the act of prevaricating, or lying: Seeing the expression on his mother's face, Nathan realized this was no time for prevarication.
  • prevocational — of, relating to, or constituting preliminary vocational training.
  • price control — government regulation of prices by establishing maximum price levels for goods or services, as during a period of inflation.
  • price support — the maintenance of the price of a commodity, product, etc., especially by means of a public subsidy or government purchase of surpluses.
  • prickly poppy — any tropical American poppy of the genus Argemone, especially A. mexicana (Mexican poppy) having prickly pods and leaves and yellow or white, poppylike flowers.
  • primary color — Art. a color, as red, yellow, or blue, that in mixture yields other colors. Compare complementary color (def 1), secondary color, tertiary color.
  • prince george — a city in central British Columbia, in W Canada.
  • princess post — (in a queen truss) one of two vertical suspension members supplementing the queen posts nearer to the ends of the span.
  • principal boy — the leading male role in a pantomime, played by a woman
  • priority case — a matter that takes precedence over others
  • privy council — a board or select body of personal advisers, as of a sovereign.
  • prix goncourt — Goncourt (def 2).
  • pro-celebrity — (of a golf tournament, snooker tournament, etc) involving both professional players and celebrities
  • pro-communist — (initial capital letter) a member of the Communist Party or movement.
  • pro-democracy — government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
  • proactiveness — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • probabilistic — Statistics. of or relating to probability: probabilistic forecasting.
  • probate court — a special court with power over administration of estates of deceased persons, the probate of wills, etc.
  • problematical — of the nature of a problem; doubtful; uncertain; questionable.
  • procapitalist — a person who has capital, especially extensive capital, invested in business enterprises.
  • proces-verbal — a report of proceedings, as of an assembly.
  • process table — (operating system, process)   A table containing all of the information that must be saved when the CPU switches from running one process to another in a multitasking system. The information in the process table allows the suspended process to be restarted at a later time as if it had never been stopped. Every process has an entry in the table. These entries are known as process control blocks and contain the following information: process state - information needed so that the process can be loaded into memory and run, such as the program counter, the stack pointer, and the values of registers. memory state - details of the memory allocation such as pointers to the various memory areas used by the program resource state - information regarding the status of files being used by the process such as user ID. Accounting and scheduling information. An example of a UNIX process table is shown below. SLOT ST PID PGRP UID PRI CPU EVENT NAME FLAGS 0 s 0 0 0 95 0 runout sched load sys 1 s 1 0 0 66 1 u init load 2 s 2 0 0 95 0 10bbdc vhand load sys SLOT is the entry number of the process. ST shows whether the process is paused or sleeping (s), ready to run (r), or running on a CPU (o). PID is the process ID. PGRP is the process Group. UID is the user ID. PRI is the priority of the process from 127 (highest) to 0 (lowest). EVENT is the event on which a process is paused or sleeping. NAME is the name of the process. FLAGS are the process flags. A process that has died but still has an entry in the process table is called a zombie process.
  • processionary — of, relating to, or moving in a procession
  • procrastinate — to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
  • procreational — having the potential to procreate
  • procuratorate — Roman History. any of various imperial officials with fiscal or administrative powers.
  • producibility — to bring into existence; give rise to; cause: to produce steam.
  • product costs — Product costs are costs that can be directly associated with a particular product, such as manufacturing and sales costs.
  • product range — variety of merchandise within a brand
  • profectitious — (of money or property) proceeding from a parent or derived from an ancestor
  • profit center — a segment of a business organization that has a profitable base independent of the business as a whole.
  • profit centre — a unit or department of a company that is responsible for its costs and its profits
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