
15-letter words containing c, o, e, l, a

  • emotional wreck — a person who is feeling very sad, confused, or desperate because of something bad that has happened to them
  • encephalization — (biology) the amount of brain mass exceeding that related to an animal's total body mass.
  • encephalography — Any of various techniques for recording the structure or electrical activity of the brain.
  • encephalopathic — Relating to encephalopathy.
  • encyclopaedical — Of or pertaining to encyclopaediae.
  • endocannibalism — A form of cannibalism, the eating of dead members of one's own social group, often associated with spiritual beliefs.
  • endocrine gland — anatomy: hormone-secreting gland
  • endomycorrhizal — Of or pertaining to endomycorrhiza.
  • enterobacterial — relating to enterobacteria
  • entomologically — In terms of entomology.
  • epeirogenically — in the manner of epeirogeny
  • epidemiological — Of or pertaining to epidemiology.
  • epistemological — Of or pertaining to epistemology or theory of knowledge, as a field of study.
  • escape velocity — great enough speed to escape gravity
  • eudiometrically — By means of or in terms of eudiometry.
  • eviction clause — a clause by which a contract or other agreement may be terminated, especially between theatrical producers and theater owners in whose agreements it is often stipulated that when weekly receipts fall below a certain minimum usually for two consecutive weeks, the production must vacate the theater.
  • exceptionalness — The quality of being exceptional.
  • exemplification — The act of exemplifying; a showing or illustrating by example.
  • extension cable — an extra length of cable with a plug and a connector that can be added to an electric lead
  • fahnestock clip — a type of terminal using a spring that clamps readily onto a connecting wire.
  • fall cankerworm — the striped, green caterpillar of any of several geometrid moths: a foliage pest of various fruit and shade trees, as Paleacrita vernata (spring cankerworm) and Alsophila pometaria (fall cankerworm)
  • fall from grace — elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action: We watched her skate with effortless grace across the ice. Synonyms: attractiveness, charm, gracefulness, comeliness, ease, lissomeness, fluidity. Antonyms: stiffness, ugliness, awkwardness, clumsiness; klutziness.
  • false buckthorn — a spiny shrub or small tree, Bumelia lanuginosa, of the sapodilla family, native to the southern U.S., having gummy, milky sap and white, bell-shaped flowers and yielding a hard, light-brown wood.
  • fatal exception — (programming, operating system)   A program execution error which is trapped by the operating system and which results in abrupt termination of the program. It may be possible for the program to catch some such errors, e.g. a floating point underflow; others, such as an invalid memory access (an attempt to write to read-only memory or an attempt to read memory outside of the program's address space), may always cause control to pass to the operating system without allowing the program an opportunity to handle the error. The details depend on the language's run-time system and the operating system. See also: fatal error.
  • fault tolerance — (architecture)   1. The ability of a system or component to continue normal operation despite the presence of hardware or software faults. This often involves some degree of redundancy. 2. The number of faults a system or component can withstand before normal operation is impaired.
  • feelgood factor — When journalists refer to the feelgood factor, they mean that people are feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future.
  • fellow creature — a kindred creature, especially a fellow human being.
  • ferroelasticity — (physics) A phenomenon, analogous to ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity, in which spontaneous strain arises within a material.
  • fibrocartilages — Plural form of fibrocartilage.
  • flange coupling — a driving coupling between rotating shafts that consists of flanges (or half couplings) one of which is fixed at the end of each shaft, the two flanges being bolted together with a ring of bolts to complete the drive
  • flavor enhancer — a substance added to food in order to enhance or intensify its flavor: Salt is a common flavor enhancer.
  • floating charge — an unsecured charge on the assets of an enterprise that allows such assets to be used commercially until the enterprise ceases to operate or the creditor intervenes to demand collateral
  • floating screed — Building Trades. screed (def 3).
  • flock wallpaper — a type of wallpaper with a raised pattern
  • flood insurance — insurance covering loss or damage to property arising from a flood, flood tide, or the like.
  • florida current — the part of the Gulf Stream which extends from the Florida Strait to Cape Hatteras.
  • fluorochemicals — Plural form of fluorochemical.
  • focal infection — an infection in which bacteria are localized in some region, as the tonsils or the tissue around a tooth, from which they may spread to some other organ or structure of the body.
  • forecastle deck — a partial weather deck on top of a forecastle superstructure; topgallant forecastle.
  • forecastle head — the extreme fore part of a forecastle superstructure.
  • forward echelon — (in a military operation) the troops and officers in a combat zone or in a position to engage the enemy.
  • fovea centralis — a small pit or depression at the back of the retina forming the point of sharpest vision.
  • fractional note — a banknote in a denomination smaller than the standard unit of currency
  • french marigold — a composite plant, Tagetes patula, of Mexico, having yellow flowers with red markings.
  • french togoland — a former United Nations Trust Territory in W Africa, administered by France (1946–60), now the independent republic of Togo
  • frontal cyclone — any extratropical cyclone associated with a front: the most common cyclonic storm.
  • functionalities — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • fusospirochetal — Relating to fusospirochetes.
  • gaelic football — an Irish game played with 15 players on each side and goals resembling rugby posts with a net on the bottom part. Players are allowed to kick, punch, and bounce the ball and attempt to get it over the bar or in the net
  • gale-force wind — a wind of force seven to ten on the Beaufort scale or from 45 to 90 kilometres per hour
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