
17-letter words containing c, m, o, n

  • military covenant — the supposed understanding that members of the armed forces and their families will be supported by the state in the event of injury or death in the course of duty
  • mill construction — heavy, fire-resistant timber construction within masonry walls, all vertical communication being within masonry towers provided with fire doors.
  • milton work count — a system of hand valuation in which aces count 4, kings 3, queens 2, and jacks 1
  • mineralocorticoid — Biochemistry. any of a group of corticosteroid hormones, synthesized by the adrenal cortex, that regulate the excretion or reabsorption of sodium and potassium by the kidneys, salivary glands, and sweat glands.
  • miscellaneousness — Quality of being miscellaneous.
  • miscommunications — Plural form of miscommunication.
  • misidentification — to identify incorrectly.
  • missing in action — If a member of the armed forces is missing in action, they have not returned from a battle, their body has not been found, and they are not thought to have been captured.
  • mitochondrial dna — DNA found in mitochondria, which contains some structural genes and is generally inherited only through the female line
  • mitre corporation — (body)   A US federally funded R&D center, spun off in 1958 from the MIT Lincoln Laboratory (also an FFRDC). MITRE is a non-profit corporation chartered to do R&D in the public interest. MITRE were responsible for system engineering and implementation oversight of SAGE. MITRE does not stand for MIT Research and Engineering, though it could have.
  • monarch butterfly — a large, deep-orange butterfly, Danaus plexippus, having black and white markings, the larvae of which feed on the leaves of milkweed.
  • monkeygland sauce — a piquant sauce, made from tomatoes, ketchup, fruit chutney, garlic, spices, etc
  • monochromatically — of or having one color.
  • monolith catalyst — A monolith catalyst is a type of catalyst whose surface is flat.
  • mont-saint-michel — a rocky islet near the coast of NW France, in an inlet of the Gulf of St. Malo: famous abbey and fortress.
  • monte carlo rally — an annual car rally the destination of which is Monte Carlo
  • moon and sixpence — a novel (1919) by W. Somerset Maugham.
  • morphic resonance — the idea that, through a telepathic effect or sympathetic vibration, an event or act can lead to similar events or acts in the future or an idea conceived in one mind can then arise in another
  • motion of censure — a motion by opposition parties criticizing the government
  • motorcycle engine — the engine of a motorcycle
  • motorcycle racing — sport: competing on motorcycles
  • mount kirkpatrick — a mountain in Antarctica, in S Victoria Land in the Queen Alexandra Range. Height: 4528 m (14 856 ft)
  • mountain sickness — illness caused by being at high altitude
  • mountain viscacha — the mountain chinchilla
  • mounted policeman — policemen who patrol on horseback
  • multi-directional — extending or operating in several directions at the same time; functioning or going in more than one direction: a multidirectional stereo speaker system.
  • multicollinearity — (statistics) A phenomenon in which two or more predictor variables in a multiple regression model are highly correlated, so that the coefficient estimates may change erratically in response to small changes in the model or data.
  • multiple cropping — the use of the same field for two or more crops, whether of the same or of different kinds, successively during a single year.
  • munitions factory — a factory where munitions are made
  • muscae volitantes — floater (def 6).
  • nakhon ratchasima — a city in central Thailand.
  • naming convention — 1.   (programming)   variable naming convention. 2.   (networking)   Universal Naming Convention.
  • nasolacrimal duct — a membranous canal extending from the lacrimal sac to the nasal cavity, through which tears are discharged into the nose.
  • national cemetery — a cemetery, maintained by the U.S. government, for persons who have served honorably in the armed forces.
  • natural harmonics — harmonics of a note produced on a stringed instrument by lightly touching an open or unstopped sounded string.
  • neo-scholasticism — a contemporary application of Scholasticism to modern problems and life.
  • nephelometrically — By means of nephelometry.
  • neuropharmacology — the branch of pharmacology concerned with the effects of drugs on the nervous system.
  • ninth commandment — “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”: ninth of the Ten Commandments.
  • non compos mentis — not of sound mind; mentally incapable of managing one's affairs.
  • non-accommodation — the act of accommodating; state or process of being accommodated; adaptation.
  • non-communication — the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.
  • non-communicative — inclined to communicate or impart; talkative: He isn't feeling very communicative today.
  • non-comprehension — the act or process of comprehending.
  • non-contamination — the act of contaminating, or of making something impure or unsuitable by contact with something unclean, bad, etc.
  • non-incriminating — to accuse of or present proof of a crime or fault: He incriminated both men to the grand jury.
  • non-materialistic — excessively concerned with physical comforts or the acquisition of wealth and material possessions, rather than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.
  • non-reinforcement — the act of reinforcing.
  • non-thermoplastic — soft and pliable when heated, as some plastics, without any change of the inherent properties.
  • nonaccomplishment — Something that does not achieve the intended goal.
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