
14-letter words containing c, l, i, t, o

  • historicalness — The quality of being historical.
  • histrionically — of or relating to actors or acting.
  • hollerith code — a system for coding data into punched cards, in which each horizontal row is assigned a different value, and letters, numbers, or special characters are encoded as combinations of these values in a vertical column.
  • holoplanktonic — plankton that spend their entire life cycle as free-swimming organisms (opposed to hemiplankton).
  • holy scripture — Scripture (def 1).
  • homomultimeric — (biochemistry) Describing a protein containing two or more identical polypeptide chains.
  • horticulturist — the cultivation of a garden, orchard, or nursery; the cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants.
  • humoristically — In a humoristic way.
  • hydrolytically — By means of hydrolysis.
  • hydrophilicity — (uncountable) The condition of being hydrophilic.
  • hyperlactation — the secretion or formation of milk.
  • hypermetabolic — of, relating to, or affected by metabolism.
  • hypertrophical — relating to hypertrophy
  • hypocoristical — (rare) synonym of hypocoristic.
  • hypocritically — of the nature of hypocrisy, or pretense of having virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess: The parent who has a “do what I say and not what I do” attitude can appear hypocritical to a child.
  • hypostatically — In a hypostatic manner.
  • hypothetically — assumed by hypothesis; supposed: a hypothetical case.
  • hypotrachelium — (on a classical column) any member, as a necking, between the capital and the shaft.
  • iatrogenically — In an iatrogenic manner.
  • ibm compatible — (computer)   A computer which can use hardware and software designed for the IBM PC (or, less often, IBM mainframes). This was once a key phrase in marketing a new PC clone but now in 1998 is rarely used, the non-IBM wintel personal computer manufacturers such as Compaq, Dell and Gateway 2000 and OS vendor Microsoft having taken control of the market, marginalising IBM.
  • ichthyolatrous — relating to the worship of fish or divination by means of fish parts
  • ichthyological — Of or pertaining to ichthyology. Adjective form of ichthyology.
  • idiopathically — In an idiopathic sense or manner.
  • immethodically — Unmethodically.
  • import licence — a government-issued document that authorizes the importation of goods into its country
  • in circulation — an act or instance of circulating, moving in a circle or circuit, or flowing.
  • inarticulation — (uncountable) The state of being inarticulate; inarticulateness.
  • incompleteness — not complete; lacking some part.
  • inconsequently — In an inconsequential way, or a way that suggests a lack of consequence.
  • inconsistently — lacking in harmony between the different parts or elements; self-contradictory: an inconsistent story.
  • incontiguously — in an incontiguous or unconnected fashion; discretely
  • incontrollable — uncontrollable.
  • inconveniently — not easily accessible or at hand: The phone is in an inconvenient place.
  • incorporeality — not corporeal or material; insubstantial.
  • indirect labor — labor performed, as by maintenance and clerical workers, that is not considered in computing costs per unit of production.
  • induction coil — a transformer for producing high-voltage alternating current from a low-voltage direct current, consisting essentially of two concentric coils with a common soft-iron core, a primary coil with relatively few windings of heavy wire, and a secondary coil with many turns of fine wire. Excitation of the primary coil by rapidly interrupted or variable current induces high voltage in the secondary coil.
  • inertial force — an imaginary force which an accelerated observer postulates so that he can use the equations appropriate to an inertial observer
  • infelicitously — In a way that is infelicitous or unfortunate.
  • inflectionless — Without inflection.
  • injection well — a deep well into which pressurized fluids are injected for waste disposal, to improve the recovery of petroleum, or in solution mining.
  • insulinotropic — That stimulates or affects the production of insulin.
  • insurrectional — Pertaining to insurrection.
  • interblock gap — the area or space separating consecutive blocks of data or consecutive physical records on an external storage medium.
  • intercessional — an act or instance of interceding.
  • intercorrelate — to place in or bring into mutual or reciprocal relation; establish in orderly connection: to correlate expenses and income.
  • interelectrode — existing between multiple electrodes
  • interjectional — Being or pertaining to an interjection.
  • interlocutions — Plural form of interlocution.
  • interlocutress — A female interlocutor.Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989.
  • intermolecular — existing or occurring between molecules.
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