
12-letter words containing c, e, l, o

  • colliquative — capable of liquefaction or dissolution
  • collodionize — (transitive) To prepare or treat with collodion.
  • collywobbles — an upset stomach
  • colon cancer — a type of cancer that affects the colon
  • colonialised — to make colonial.
  • colonialized — to make colonial.
  • colonialness — the quality of being colonial
  • colonoscopes — Plural form of colonoscope.
  • color circle — a circular diagram displaying the colors of the spectrum as a sequence of segments of the circle and showing complementary colors opposite each other.
  • color filter — colored glass, dyed gelatin, etc., used to produce certain color or light effects, as in photography
  • color scheme — In a room or house, the color scheme is the way in which colors have been used to decorate it.
  • color-bearer — the person assigned to carry the colors, or flag, as in a parade or ceremony
  • color-caster — an announcer, especially in sports, who provides supplementary information or comment.
  • colorfulness — the quality of being colourful
  • colorimeters — Plural form of colorimeter.
  • colorimetric — a device that analyzes color by measuring a given color in terms of a standard color, a scale of colors, or certain primary colors.
  • colour depth — bits per pixel
  • colour index — the difference between the apparent magnitude of a star measured in one standard waveband and in a longer standard waveband, indicating its colour and temperature
  • colour model — (graphics)   Any system for representing colours as ordered sets of numbers. The most common colour models are RGB, CMYK, and HSB. There are several others, e.g. CMY, and the "Lab" system(?). See also: Pantone.
  • colour phase — a seasonal change in the coloration of some animals
  • colour slide — a colour transparency
  • colour-coded — Things that are colour-coded use colours to represent different features or functions.
  • column dress — a very straight, close-fitting dress.
  • columnarized — columnar (def 3).
  • combustibles — Plural form of combustible.
  • come to life — If something or someone comes to life, they become active.
  • come unglued — If something comes unglued, it becomes separated from the thing that it was attached to.
  • come-all-you — a street ballad, especially in England.
  • comfortables — Plural form of comfortable.
  • comic relief — a comic interlude, or comic element, in a tragedy
  • comma splice — comma fault.
  • command line — typed instructions that access a computer system
  • commemorable — worthy of being commemorated
  • commensalism — a close association or union between two kinds of organisms, in which one is benefited by the relationship and the other is neither benefited nor harmed
  • commensality — eating together at the same table.
  • commentarial — a series of comments, explanations, or annotations: a commentary on the Bible; news followed by a commentary.
  • commercially — of, relating to, or characteristic of commerce.
  • commiserable — worthy of commiseration; pitiable
  • common pleas — in some U.S. states, a court having general and original jurisdiction over civil and criminal trials
  • commonalties — Plural form of commonalty.
  • commonplaces — Plural form of commonplace.
  • commonwealth — The Commonwealth is an organization consisting of the United Kingdom and most of the countries that were previously under its rule.
  • communicable — A communicable disease is one that can be passed on to other people.
  • compellation — appellation
  • compellative — an appellation
  • compellingly — in a way that demands attention and interest
  • compile time — (programming)   The period of time during which a program's source code is being translated into machine code, as opposed to run time when the program is being executed. As well as the work done by the compiler, this may include macro preprocessing as done by cpp for example. The final stage of program construction, performed by the linker, would generally also be classed as compile time but might be distinguished as link time. For example, static data in a C program is allocated at compile time whereas non-static data is allocated at run time, typically on the stack.
  • complacently — pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied: The voters are too complacent to change the government.
  • complainable — That may be complained of.
  • complaintive — Tending to complain, characterized by complaining.
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