
15-letter words containing c, d, p, l, a

  • dermatoglyphics — the lines forming a skin pattern, esp on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
  • diastrophically — in a diastrophic fashion
  • disciplinarians — Plural form of disciplinarian.
  • display cabinet — a cabinet in a shop, museum, etc, that displays items
  • dolichocephalic — long-headed; having a cephalic index of 75 and under.
  • double saucepan — a cooking utensil consisting of two saucepans, one fitting inside the other. The bottom saucepan contains water that, while boiling, gently heats food in the upper pan
  • electra paradox — the supposed paradox that one may know something to be true of an object under one description but not another, as when Electra knew that Orestes was her brother but not that the man before her was her brother although he was Orestes. This shows the predicate "knows" to be intensional, that Electra's knowledge here is de dicto, and that the statement of it yields an opaque context
  • encyclopaedical — Of or pertaining to encyclopaediae.
  • epidemiological — Of or pertaining to epidemiology.
  • extended pascal — A superset of ANSI and ISO Pascal with many enhancements, including modules, separate compilation, type schemata, variable-length strings, direct-access files, complex numbers, initial values, constant expressions. ANSI/IEEE770X3.160-1989 and ISO 10206.
  • gila woodpecker — a dull-colored woodpecker, Melanerpes uropygialis, of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico.
  • graphic display — the way in which line drawings and text are displayed
  • hardship clause — a clause in a contract which covers unforeseen events that would make it more difficult for one party to complete the contract, and in which case offers alternative terms
  • hewlett-packard — (HP) Hewlett-Packard designs, manufactures and services electronic products and systems for measurement, computation and communications. The company's products and services are used in industry, business, engineering, science, medicine and education in approximately 110 countries. HP was founded in 1939 and employs 96600 people, 58900 in the USA. They have manufacturing and R&D establishments in 54 cities in 16 countries and approximately 600 sales and service offices in 110 countries. Their revenue (in 1992/1993?) was $20.3 billion. The Chief Executive Officer is Lewis E. Platt. HP's stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Pacific, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt, Zurich and Paris exchanges. Quarterly sales $6053M, profits $347M (Aug 1994).
  • holding company — a company that controls other companies through stock ownership but that usually does not engage directly in their productive operations (distinguished from parent company).
  • holding paddock — a paddock in which cattle or sheep are kept temporarily, as before shearing, etc
  • hospital doctor — a hospital doctor works in a hospital, rather than as a general practitioner, in the army, etc
  • hundred's place — hundred (def 8).
  • hurdle champion — a hurdler who has defeated all others in a competition
  • hydraulic press — a machine permitting a small force applied to a small piston to produce, through fluid pressure, a large force on a large piston.
  • hydropathically — in a hydropathic manner; in a manner relating to hydropathy
  • hypochlorhydria — (pathology) The presence of an insufficient amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • hypochondriacal — Also, hypochondriacal, H05/H0509000 hahy-poh-kuh n-drahy-uh-kuh l, ˌhaɪ poʊ kənˈdraɪ ə kəl. Psychiatry. pertaining to or suffering from hypochondria, an excessive preoccupation with and worry about one's health: The comedy is aimed at the hypochondriac demographic. produced by hypochondria: Hypochondriac feelings overwhelmed her.
  • ideographically — an ideogram.
  • in pari delicto — in equal fault; equally culpable or blameworthy.
  • indisciplinable — unable to be disciplined or corrected by discipline
  • iridocapsulitis — inflammation of the iris and the capsule of the lens.
  • kaleidoscopical — Alternative form of kaleidoscopic.
  • lambda particle — any of a family of neutral baryons with strangeness −1 or charm +1, and isotopic spin 0. The least massive member of the lambda family was the first strange particle to be discovered. Symbol: Λ.
  • lead-pipe cinch — an absolute certainty: It's a lead-pipe cinch they'll be there.
  • lean production — Lean production is the same as lean manufacturing.
  • leyland cypress — a fast-growing cypress, Cupressocyparis leylandii, that is a hybrid produced by crossing the macrocarpa with the Nootka cypress (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis): widely grown for hedging
  • limited company — a company in which the shareholders cannot be assessed for debts of the company beyond the sum they still have invested in the company.
  • livery cupboard — a cupboard with pierced doors, formerly used as a storage place for food.
  • lymphadenectomy — the excision of one or more lymph nodes, usually as a procedure in the surgical removal or destruction of a cancer.
  • macroprudential — Of or pertaining to systemic prudence, especially to the strengths and vulnerabilities of financial systems.
  • mass-producible — to produce or manufacture (goods) in large quantities, especially by machinery.
  • mental handicap — learning disability
  • minidisc player — a device for playing minidiscs
  • municipal bonds — a bond issued by a state, county, city, or town, or by a state authority or agency to finance projects.
  • myelodysplastic — (medicine) Of, pertaining to, or showing evidence of myelodysplasia.
  • napoleonic code — Code Napoléon
  • non-capitalized — to write or print in capital letters letters or with an initial capital letter.
  • non-depreciable — capable of depreciating or being depreciated in value.
  • non-duplicative — a copy exactly like an original.
  • nondisciplinary — of, for, or constituting discipline; enforcing or administering discipline: disciplinary action.
  • nonencapsulated — not encapsulated
  • nonprecedential — Not precedential.
  • nuclear-powered — powered by nuclear energy
  • orthopaedically — in an orthopaedic manner
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