
19-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • a creature of habit — If you say that someone is a creature of habit, you mean that they usually do the same thing at the same time each day, rather than doing new and different things.
  • abnormal psychology — the study of behaviour patterns that diverge widely from generally accepted norms, esp those of a pathological nature
  • absolutory sentence — a sentence that acquits the accused
  • absorption spectrum — the characteristic pattern of dark lines or bands that occurs when electromagnetic radiation is passed through an absorbing medium into a spectroscope. An equivalent pattern occurs as coloured lines or bands in the emission spectrum of that medium
  • abstinence syndrome — the withdrawal symptoms that occur after abstinence from a drug, especially a narcotic, to which one is addicted.
  • abstracting journal — a periodical consisting mainly or entirely of abstracts of current works.
  • abstracting service — a service that provides abstracts of publications on a subject or group of related subjects, usually on a subscription basis.
  • accounts receivable — A company's accounts receivable are all the money that it is owed by other companies for goods or services that it has supplied, or a list of these companies and the amounts that they owe.
  • aerodynamic braking — the use of aerodynamic drag to slow spacecraft re-entering the atmosphere
  • affordable care act — a federal law providing for a fundamental reform of the U.S. healthcare and health insurance system, signed by President Barack Obama in 2010: formally called Affordable Care Act or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
  • algebraic data type — (programming)   (Or "sum of products type") In functional programming, new types can be defined, each of which has one or more constructors. Such a type is known as an algebraic data type. E.g. in Haskell we can define a new type, "Tree": data Tree = Empty | Leaf Int | Node Tree Tree with constructors "Empty", "Leaf" and "Node". The constructors can be used much like functions in that they can be (partially) applied to arguments of the appropriate type. For example, the Leaf constructor has the functional type Int -> Tree. A constructor application cannot be reduced (evaluated) like a function application though since it is already in normal form. Functions which operate on algebraic data types can be defined using pattern matching: depth :: Tree -> Int depth Empty = 0 depth (Leaf n) = 1 depth (Node l r) = 1 + max (depth l) (depth r) The most common algebraic data type is the list which has constructors Nil and Cons, written in Haskell using the special syntax "[]" for Nil and infix ":" for Cons. Special cases of algebraic types are product types (only one constructor) and enumeration types (many constructors with no arguments). Algebraic types are one kind of constructed type (i.e. a type formed by combining other types). An algebraic data type may also be an abstract data type (ADT) if it is exported from a module without its constructors. Objects of such a type can only be manipulated using functions defined in the same module as the type itself. In set theory the equivalent of an algebraic data type is a discriminated union - a set whose elements consist of a tag (equivalent to a constructor) and an object of a type corresponding to the tag (equivalent to the constructor arguments).
  • algebraic extension — a field containing a given field such that every element in the first field is algebraic over the given field.
  • algebraic operation — any of the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power, or extraction of a root.
  • algebraic structure — (mathematics)   Any formal mathematical system consisting of a set of objects and operations on those objects. Examples are Boolean algebra, numerical algebra, set algebra and matrix algebra.
  • ambulance insurance — Ambulance insurance is insurance cover that covers the cost of an emergency ambulance if one is needed.
  • american black bear — a bear, Euarctos (or Ursus) americanus, inhabiting forests of North America. It is smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear
  • american book award — any of several awards given annually since 1980 to an author whose book is judged the best in its category: administered by the Association of American Publishers. Abbreviation: ABA, A.B.A.
  • american crab apple — a twiggy, stiff-branched tree, Malus coronaria, of southern central North America, having small fruit and rose-colored flowers that change to white.
  • anaerobic digestion — the conversion of biodegradable waste matter into compost in the absence of oxygen
  • angels-on-horseback — a savoury of oysters wrapped in bacon slices and served on toast
  • anno urbis conditae — in a (specified) year from the founding of the city: the ancient Romans reckoned dates from Rome's founding, c. 753 b.c.
  • anticipatory breach — a declaration by one party to a contract that it does not intend to fulfil its obligations to the second party, who can then accept this declaration and choose not to be bound by the contract
  • arbitration service — a service which provides an impartial referee to settle disputes
  • arecibo observatory — an observatory in Puerto Rico at which the world's largest dish radio telescope (diameter 305 m) is situated. It is operated by the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
  • artificial climbing — the sport of climbing an artificially constructed, rocklike wall by means of footholds and handholds and, typically, a belaying device.
  • asbestos cork award — (humour)   Once, long ago at MIT, there was a flamer so consistently obnoxious that another hacker designed, had made, and distributed posters announcing that said flamer had been nominated for the "asbestos cork award". (Any reader in doubt as to the intended application of the cork should consult the etymology under flame.) Since then, it is agreed that only a select few have risen to the heights of bombast required to earn this dubious dignity - but there is no agreement on *which* few.
  • at bus architecture — Industry Standard Architecture
  • atmospheric braking — a technique of reentry in which the vehicle is maneuvered in the upper atmosphere so as to lose velocity by utilizing drag without overheating.
  • augsburg confession — the statement of beliefs and doctrines of the Lutherans, formulated by Melanchthon and endorsed by the Lutheran princes, which was presented at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530 and which became the chief creed of the Lutheran Church.
  • bachelor of science — A Bachelor of Science is a first degree in a science subject. In British English, it can also mean a person with that degree. The abbreviation BSc or , BSc is also used.
  • bacillary dysentery — shigellosis.
  • backward compatible — backward compatibility
  • backward somersault — a somersault performed in a backward direction with the legs leading the rest of the body
  • bacteriochlorophyll — a pale blue-gray form of chlorophyll that is unique to the photosynthetic but anaerobic purple bacteria.
  • baja california sur — a state of NW Mexico, in the S part of the Lower California peninsula. Capital: La Paz. Pop: 423 516 (2000). Area: 73 475 sq km (28 363 sq miles)
  • balfour declaration — the statement made by Arthur Balfour in 1917 of British support for the setting up of a national home for the Jews in Palestine, provided that the rights of "existing non-Jewish communities" in Palestine could be safeguarded
  • ballistocardiograph — an instrument that records the slight recoil of the body, while on a special bed, caused by the contractions of the heart: used to measure cardiac pumping power and the elasticity of the aorta
  • bang for one's buck — value for money
  • bank reconciliation — A bank reconciliation is the process of adjusting a bank statement to show transactions that have occurred since the date of issue, or a document showing this.
  • banker's acceptance — a draft or bill of exchange drawn on a bank and accepted by it
  • bankruptcy petition — an official request for protection under bankruptcy laws, which initiates bankruptcy proceedings
  • barometric gradient — pressure gradient
  • barometric pressure — atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer
  • barrack-room lawyer — a person who freely offers opinions, esp in legal matters, that he or she is unqualified to give
  • batterie de cuisine — cooking utensils collectively; pots and pans, etc
  • baudotbetical order — (algorithm)   /baw do bet' i k*l/ Sorted into an order where numerics and special characters are intermixed by sorting a 5-bit Baudot code file ignoring the numeric shift and unshift codes.
  • be burnt to a crisp — If something is burnt to a crisp, it is completely burnt.
  • behavioral genetics — an interdisciplinary field studying the effects of genetics and hereditary factors on animal and human behavior.
  • behavioral medicine — an interdisciplinary field that uses the concepts and techniques of the behavioral sciences to improve physical and emotional health.
  • behavioural science — the application of scientific methods to the study of the behaviour of organisms

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