
16-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • abscission layer — a layer of parenchyma cells that is formed at the bases of fruits, flowers, and leaves before abscission. As the parenchyma disintegrates, the organ becomes separated from the plant
  • absolute monarch — a monarchy that is not limited or restrained by laws or a constitution.
  • absorbent cotton — raw cotton made absorbent by the removal of its wax: used for surgical dressings, etc.
  • abstract algebra — the branch of mathematics that deals with the extension of algebraic concepts usually associated with the real number system to other, more general systems.
  • abstract machine — 1.   (language)   A processor design which is not intended to be implemented as hardware, but which is the notional executor of a particular intermediate language (abstract machine language) used in a compiler or interpreter. An abstract machine has an instruction set, a register set and a model of memory. It may provide instructions which are closer to the language being compiled than any physical computer or it may be used to make the language implementation easier to port to other platforms. A virtual machine is an abstract machine for which an interpreter exists. Examples: ABC, Abstract Machine Notation, ALF, CAML, F-code, FP/M, Hermes, LOWL, Christmas, SDL, S-K reduction machine, SECD, Tbl, Tcode, TL0, WAM. 2.   (theory)   A procedure for executing a set of instructions in some formal language, possibly also taking in input data and producing output. Such abstract machines are not intended to be constructed as hardware but are used in thought experiments about computability. Examples: Finite State Machine, Turing Machine.
  • accession number — the number given to record a new addition to a collection
  • across the board — If a policy or a situation applies across the board, it affects everything or everyone in a particular group.
  • across-the-board — applying to all employees, members, groups, or categories; general: The across-the-board pay increase means a raise for all employees.
  • activated carbon — a porous highly adsorptive form of carbon used to remove colour or impurities from liquids and gases, in the separation and extraction of chemical compounds, and in the recovery of solvents
  • aesthetic labour — workers employed by a company for their appearance or accent, with the aim of promoting the company's image
  • african honeybee — killer bee.
  • alexander dubcekAlexander, 1921–92, Czechoslovakian political leader: first secretary of the Communist Party 1968–69.
  • algebraic number — any number that is a root of a polynomial equation having rational coefficients such as √2 but not π
  • altitude chamber — a chamber for simulating the conditions of air pressure and temperature for a given altitude in order to test the behavior of people and equipment in such an environment.
  • aluminum carbide — a yellow, crystalline solid, Al 4 C 3 , that reacts with water to form methane.
  • ambulance chaser — a lawyer who seeks to encourage and profit from the lawsuits of accident victims
  • ambulance driver — a person whose job is to drive an ambulance
  • ambulance worker — any person who works in the ambulance service
  • amebic dysentery — a form of dysentery caused by an amoeba (Entamoeba histolytica)
  • american bittern — any of several tawny brown herons that inhabit reedy marshes, as Botaurus lentiginosus (American bittern) of North America, and B. stellaris, of Europe.
  • american buffalo — bison (def 1).
  • anabolic steroid — Anabolic steroids are drugs which people, especially athletes, take to make their muscles bigger and to give them more strength.
  • answer-back code — a unique code that identifies the telex machine to which a message is sent
  • antibureaucratic — Lb politics Opposed to bureaucracy.
  • approachableness — capable of being approached; accessible.
  • armchair banking — the management of one's bank account or accounts using a computer, telephone, or television in the home or via the postal system
  • artificial blood — a chemical emulsion, capable of carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide, for temporary use as a blood substitute in medical emergencies or when a patient objects to blood transfusions on religious grounds.
  • ask for feedback — If you ask for feedback, you ask someone, such as a guest in a hotel, to tell you if they enjoyed their stay and what could be improved.
  • associate member — a person who is a member of a club, organization etc. but has only partial rights and privileges or subordinate status
  • atherothrombotic — (medicine) Pertaining to or caused by atherothrombosis, the sudden disruption of an atherosclerotic plaque.
  • audience chamber — a room where a monarch or head of state conducts formal interviews
  • autobiographical — An autobiographical piece of writing relates to events in the life of the person who has written it.
  • azodicarbonamide — (chemistry) An organic chemical, a yellow to orange red, odorless, crystalline powder, used in food industry as a food additive, a flour bleaching agent and improving agent and in foaming plastics.
  • babbage, charles — Charles Babbage
  • babe-in-a-cradle — a tall orchid, Epiblema grandiflorum, of SW Australia with lilac to mauve flowers
  • bachelor of arts — a degree conferred on a person who has successfully completed his or her undergraduate studies, usually in a branch of the liberal arts or humanities
  • bachelor-at-arms — bachelor (def 4).
  • back-propagation — (Or "backpropagation") A learning algorithm for modifying a feed-forward neural network which minimises a continuous "error function" or "objective function." Back-propagation is a "gradient descent" method of training in that it uses gradient information to modify the network weights to decrease the value of the error function on subsequent tests of the inputs. Other gradient-based methods from numerical analysis can be used to train networks more efficiently. Back-propagation makes use of a mathematical trick when the network is simulated on a digital computer, yielding in just two traversals of the network (once forward, and once back) both the difference between the desired and actual output, and the derivatives of this difference with respect to the connection weights.
  • back-seat driver — If you refer to a passenger in a car as a back-seat driver, they annoy you because they constantly give you advice.
  • background check — an investigation into a person's origins and previous history
  • background music — music of any kind that is played while some other activity is going on, so that people do not actively attend to it
  • background noise — any type of noise that is not the sound that you are specifically listening to or monitoring
  • background paper — a report or other piece of writing that is intended to provide contextual and historical information that will help people understand a particular topic or situation
  • backus-naur form — (language, grammar)   (BNF, originally "Backus Normal Form") A formal metasyntax used to express context-free grammars. Backus Normal Form was renamed Backus-Naur Form at the suggestion of Donald Knuth. BNF is one of the most commonly used metasyntactic notations for specifying the syntax of programming languages, command sets, and the like. It is widely used for language descriptions but seldom documented anywhere (how do you document a metasyntax?), so that it must usually be learned by osmosis (but see RFC 2234). Consider this BNF for a US postal address: ::= ::= | "." ::= [] | ::= [] ::= "," This translates into English as: "A postal-address consists of a name-part, followed by a street-address part, followed by a zip-code part. A personal-part consists of either a first name or an initial followed by a dot. A name-part consists of either: a personal-part followed by a last name followed by an optional "jr-part" (Jr., Sr., or dynastic number) and end-of-line, or a personal part followed by a name part (this rule illustrates the use of recursion in BNFs, covering the case of people who use multiple first and middle names and/or initials). A street address consists of an optional apartment specifier, followed by a street number, followed by a street name. A zip-part consists of a town-name, followed by a comma, followed by a state code, followed by a ZIP-code followed by an end-of-line." Note that many things (such as the format of a personal-part, apartment specifier, or ZIP-code) are left unspecified. These lexical details are presumed to be obvious from context or specified somewhere nearby. There are many variants and extensions of BNF, possibly containing some or all of the regexp wild cards such as "*" or "+". EBNF is a common one. In fact the example above isn't the pure form invented for the ALGOL 60 report. "[]" was introduced a few years later in IBM's PL/I definition but is now universally recognised. ABNF is another extension.
  • backward-looking — If you describe someone or something as backward-looking, you disapprove of their attitudes, ideas, or actions because they are based on old-fashioned opinions or methods.
  • bacterial canker — a disease of plants, characterized by cankers and usually by exudation of gum, caused by bacteria, as of the genera Pseudomonas and Corynebacterium.
  • bacterioplankton — (biology) The bacterial component of marine plankton.
  • badminton racket — the type of racket used in games of badminton
  • balance of power — The balance of power is the way in which power is distributed between rival groups or countries.
  • balance of trade — A country's balance of trade is the difference in value, over a period of time, between the goods it imports and the goods it exports.

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