
15-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • radio broadcast — sth transmitted via radio signal
  • ratafia biscuit — a macaroon.
  • rechargeability — (of a storage battery) capable of being charged repeatedly. Compare cordless (def 2).
  • recognizability — to identify as something or someone previously seen, known, etc.: He had changed so much that one could scarcely recognize him.
  • recombinant dna — DNA in which one or more segments or genes have been inserted, either naturally or by laboratory manipulation, from a different molecule or from another part of the same molecule, resulting in a new genetic combination.
  • recombinational — belonging or relating to recombination
  • reconcilability — capable of being reconciled.
  • reconstitutable — to constitute again; reconstruct; recompose.
  • record-breaking — top, most successful
  • recoverableness — the ability to be recovered or chance of being able to recover
  • red-back spider — a venomous spider, Latrodectus hasselti, of Australia and New Zealand, related to the black widow spider and having a bright red stripe on the back.
  • refectory table — a long, narrow table having a single stretcher between trestlelike supports at the ends.
  • reggio calabria — a seaport in S Italy, on the Strait of Messina: almost totally destroyed by an earthquake 1908.
  • remembrance day — (in Canada) November 11, observed as a legal holiday in memory of those who died in World Wars I and II, similar to Veterans Day in the U.S.
  • retained object — an object in a passive construction identical with the direct or indirect object in the active construction from which it is derived, as the picture in I was shown the picture, which is also the direct object in the active construction (They) showed me the picture.
  • reuben sandwich — a grilled sandwich of corned beef, Swiss cheese, and sauerkraut on rye bread.
  • rhombencephalon — the hindbrain.
  • richard gabriel — (person)   (Dick, RPG) Dr. Richard P. Gabriel. A noted SAIL LISP hacker and volleyball fanatic. Consulting Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. Richard Gabriel is a leader in the Lisp and OOP community, with years of contributions to standardisation. He founded the successful company, Lucid Technologies, Inc.. In 1996 he was Distinguished Computer Scientist at ParcPlace-Digitalk, Inc. (later renamed ObjectShare, Inc.). See also gabriel, Qlambda, QLISP, saga.
  • right-branching — (of a grammatical construction) characterized by greater structural complexity in the position following the head, as the phrase the house of the friend of my brother; having most of the constituents on the right in a tree diagram (opposed to left-branching).
  • rightabout-face — a turning directly about so as to face in the opposite direction
  • robe-de-chambre — a dressing gown.
  • robert guiscard — Robert [French raw-ber] /French rɔˈbɛr/ (Show IPA), (Robert de Hauteville) c1015–85, Norman conqueror in Italy.
  • root and branch — a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture.
  • root-and-branch — a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture.
  • rubbing alcohol — a poisonous solution of about 70 percent isopropyl or denatured ethyl alcohol, usually containing a perfume oil, used chiefly in massaging.
  • runabout ticket — a rail ticket that allows unlimited travel within a specified area for a limited period of time (for example one day, a weekend, three days, etc)
  • rusty blackbird — a North American blackbird, Euphagus carolinus, the male of which has plumage that is uniformly bluish-black in the spring and rusty-edged in the fall.
  • sabbatical year — Also called sabbatical leave. (in a school, college, university, etc.) a year, usually every seventh, of release from normal teaching duties granted to a professor, as for study or travel.
  • sand-lime brick — a hard brick composed of silica sand and a lime of high calcium content, molded under high pressure and baked.
  • sb's trump card — Your trump card is something powerful that you can use or do, which gives you an advantage over someone.
  • scribaciousness — the quality or state of being scribacious
  • self-abhorrence — a feeling of extreme repugnance or aversion; utter loathing; abomination.
  • semiabstraction — a work of art whose subject matter is semi-abstract
  • sentence adverb — an adverb modifying or commenting upon the content of a sentence as a whole or upon the conditions under which it is uttered, as frankly in Frankly, he can't be trusted.
  • sesquicarbonate — a salt intermediate in composition between a carbonate and a bicarbonate or consisting of the two combined.
  • shock probation — the release on probation of a criminal after brief imprisonment
  • side impact bar — A side impact bar is a long beam in a car door that is designed to protect passengers during a crash.
  • silicon carbide — a very hard, insoluble, crystalline compound, SiC, used as an abrasive and as an electrical resistor in objects exposed to high temperatures.
  • small cranberry — See under cranberry (def 1).
  • social bookmark — the practice of saving bookmarked Web pages to a public website as a way to share the links with other Internet users: Social bookmarking is a tool that allows you to add tags and comments to your bookmarks.
  • soft-shell crab — a crab, especially the blue crab, that has recently molted and therefore has a soft, edible shell.
  • special library — a library maintained by an organization, as a business, association, or government agency, to collect materials and provide information of special relevance to the work of the organization.
  • spermatoblastic — relating to a spermatoblast
  • spinach-rhubarb — an Ethiopian plant, Rumex abyssinicus, of the buckwheat family, having leaves that are sometimes used as spinach and leafstalks sometimes used as rhubarb.
  • starting blocks — the rigid blocks adjustable at an angle and mounted on a track against which a runner's shoes are placed to aid in starting
  • straight-backed — having a straight, usually high, back: a straight-backed chair.
  • streptobacillus — any of various bacilli that form in chains.
  • sub-corporation — an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members. See also municipal corporation, public corporation.
  • subcontraoctave — the octave below the contraoctave, which is three octaves below the middle C octave on a standard keyboard
  • subject-raising — a rule that moves the subject of a complement clause into the clause in which it is embedded, as in the derivation of He is likely to be late from It is likely that he will be late
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