
13-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • barnacle code — (programming, humour)   Any piece of code (usually a static method) that has been appended to a class where it doesn't logically belong, due to a lack of anywhere else to put it.
  • baroclinicity — a common state of fluid stratification in which surfaces of constant pressure and others of constant density are not parallel but intersect.
  • baroreceptors — Plural form of baroreceptor.
  • barrel cactus — any of several large, cylindrical, ribbed, spiny cacti of the genera Echinocactus and Ferocactus.
  • barrier beach — a sand ridge that rises slightly above the surface of the sea and runs roughly parallel to the shore, from which it is separated by a lagoon.
  • barrier cream — a cream used to protect the skin, esp the hands, from dirt and from the action of oils or solvents
  • barytocalcite — a mineral, double carbonate of calcium and barium, CaCO 3 ⋅BaCO 3 , usually found in veins of lead minerals.
  • basel accords — the three sets of rules, Basel I, Basel II, and Basel III, for regulating the banking industry, drawn up by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
  • basement-rock — the undifferentiated assemblage of rock (basement rock) underlying the oldest stratified rocks in any region: usually crystalline, metamorphosed, and mostly, but not necessarily, Precambrian in age.
  • basic fortran — (language)   A subset of Fortran.
  • basic process — Military. basic training. a soldier or airman receiving basic training.
  • bass clarinet — a clarinet with the lowest range, in the octave below the B-flat clarinet
  • batch-process — to perform batch processing on (files)
  • bathtub curve — Common term for the curve (resembling an end-to-end section of one of those claw-footed antique bathtubs) that describes the expected failure rate of electronics with time: initially high, dropping to near 0 for most of the system's lifetime, then rising again as it "tires out". See also burn-in period, infant mortality.
  • batrachotoxin — a steroidal alkaloid, C31H42N2O6, found in the skin of certain Neotropical frogs (genus Phyllobates) and used on poison arrows: one of the most powerful natural neurotoxins known
  • battlecruiser — A large warship of a type built in the early 20th century, carrying similar armament to a battleship but faster and more lightly armored.
  • beanbag chair — a chair like a large beanbag covered with vinyl, fabric, etc. and filled with foam pellets, as of polystyrene, that shift about to fit one's body
  • bear's-breech — a widely cultivated S European acanthus plant, Acanthus mollis, having whitish purple-veined flowers
  • bearer cheque — a cheque payable to the person who has it
  • bedroom farce — a light comedy about sexual relationships
  • beggar's-lice — any of several plants, esp the stickseed, having small prickly fruits that adhere to clothing, fur, etc
  • behavioristic — the theory or doctrine that human or animal psychology can be accurately studied only through the examination and analysis of objectively observable and quantifiable behavioral events, in contrast with subjective mental states.
  • bell purchase — a tackle consisting of two standing single blocks, two running single blocks, a fall, and a runner, so arranged that it gives a mechanical advantage of six, neglecting friction.
  • bench warrant — a warrant issued by a judge or court directing that an offender be apprehended
  • beneficiary's — a person or group that receives benefits, profits, or advantages.
  • berber carpet — a type of plain coloured carpeting, usually cream, oatmeal or light brown
  • berbice chair — large armchair with long arms that can be folded inwards to act as leg rests
  • berchtesgaden — a town in Germany, in SE Bavaria: site of the fortified mountain retreat of Adolf Hitler. Pop: 7667 (2003 est)
  • berkeley yacc — (tool)   (byacc, previously Zeus, then Zoo) Probably the best variant of the Yacc parser generator. Written by Robert Corbett <[email protected]>.
  • best practice — Best practice is the way of running a business or providing a service that is recognized as correct or most effective.
  • beta carotene — a yellowish form of carotene: a dietary deficiency of this is associated with a greater risk of certain cancers
  • beta particle — a high-speed electron or positron emitted by a nucleus during radioactive decay or nuclear fission
  • beta receptor — a receptor, found on the surface of some cells of the sympathetic nervous system, that is stimulated by certain adrenergic substances: such stimulation results in certain physiological responses, such as acceleration of the action of the heart and dilatation of the arteries supplying heart and skeletal muscles
  • beta-carotene — the most abundant of various isomers of carotene, C 40 H 56 , that can be converted by the body to vitamin A.
  • beta-receptor — a site on a cell, as of the heart, that, upon interaction with epinephrine or norepinephrine, controls heartbeat and heart contractability, vasodilation, smooth muscle inhibition, and other physiological processes.
  • beyond recall — If something is beyond recall, it is no longer possible to remember how it was or to bring it back to its original condition.
  • bib and brace — a work garment consisting of trousers and an upper front part supported by straps over the shoulders
  • bibliographic — a complete or selective list of works compiled upon some common principle, as authorship, subject, place of publication, or printer.
  • bibliothecary — a librarian
  • biculturalism — the characteristics, or policy, of a two-cultured society
  • bidirectional — (of a printhead) capable of printing from left to right and from right to left
  • bimolecularly — in a bimolecular fashion
  • binary search — (algorithm)   A search algorithm which repeatedly divides an ordered search space in half according to how the required (key) value compares with the middle element. The following pseudo-C routine performs a binary search return the index of the element of vector "thing[first..last]" equal to "target": if (target < thing[first] || target > thing[last]) return NOT_FOUND; while (first < last) { mid = (first+last)/2; /* truncate to integer */ if (target == thing[mid]) return mid; if (target < thing[mid]) last = mid-1; else first = mid+1; } if (target == thing[last]) return last; return NOT_FOUND; (2003-01-14)
  • bioelectrical — relating to electrical current generated by biological activity
  • biotic factor — a living thing, as an animal or plant, that influences or affects an ecosystem: How do humans affect other biotic factors? Weather is not a biotic factor because it is not alive.
  • bird of peace — a dove.
  • bird-watching — Bird-watching is the activity of watching and studying wild birds in their natural surroundings.
  • birectangular — having two right angles.
  • birthday cake — a special cake eaten at a birthday party
  • birthday card — a greeting card sent on someone's birthday
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