
12-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • incumbrancer — (legal) One who holds incumbrance, or some legal claim, lien, or charge on an estate.
  • incumbrances — Plural form of incumbrance.
  • incurability — The quality or state of being incurable—not being able to be cured.
  • indian cobra — a highly venomous cobra, Naja naja, common in India, having markings resembling a pair of spectacles on the back of the hood.
  • ineradicable — not eradicable; not capable of being eradicated, rooted out, or completely removed.
  • ineradicably — not eradicable; not capable of being eradicated, rooted out, or completely removed.
  • inextricable — from which one cannot extricate oneself: an inextricable maze.
  • inextricably — from which one cannot extricate oneself: an inextricable maze.
  • inobservance — lack of attention; inattention; heedlessness: drowsy inobservance.
  • inscrutables — Plural form of inscrutable.
  • inter-branch — a division or subdivision of the stem or axis of a tree, shrub, or other plant.
  • interactable — (of an object) able to be interacted with.
  • irascibility — easily provoked to anger; very irritable: an irascible old man.
  • irreplacable — Misspelling of irreplaceable.
  • irreplicable — Incapable of being replicated.
  • jackass bark — a barkentine square-rigged on the mainmast above a gaff mainsail.
  • jackass brig — a two-masted sailing vessel square-rigged on the foremast with a fore-and-aft mainsail; brigantine.
  • job creation — the process by which the number of jobs in an area, organization, etc is increased
  • kerb-crawler — a man who drives slowly looking to entice a prostitute into his car for sexual purposes
  • labour costs — the charges incurred when employing labour; the wages, etc, paid to workers, esp those employed to do physical work
  • labour force — The labour force consists of all the people who are able to work in a country or area, or all the people who work for a particular company.
  • lamp bracket — a bracket for holding a lamp
  • lawrenceburg — a town in S Tennessee.
  • leader block — Nautical. lead block.
  • leader cable — a submarine cable laid along a channel and emitting signals that a vessel can follow when visibility is poor.
  • leaf-climber — a plant that climbs by using leaves specialized as tendrils
  • leatherbacks — Plural form of leatherback.
  • left bracket — (character)   "[". ASCII character 91. Common: left square bracket; ITU-T: opening bracket; bracket. Rare: square; INTERCAL: U turn. Paired with right bracket ("]").
  • liberalistic — the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
  • library card — a card issued by a library to individuals or organizations entitling them or their representatives to borrow materials.
  • lubrications — Plural form of lubrication.
  • lucubrations — Plural form of lucubration.
  • lumberjacket — a short, straight, wool plaid jacket or coat, for informal wear, usually belted and having patch pockets.
  • macaberesque — resembling or suggestive of the danse macabre; macabre
  • macrobiotics — a philosophically oriented program incorporating elements from several ancient cultures and emphasizing harmony with nature, especially through adherence to a diet consisting primarily of whole grains, beans, vegetables, and moderate amounts of seafood and fruit.
  • magic number — the atomic number or neutron number of an exceptionally stable nuclide.
  • marcus bakerMount, a mountain in SE Alaska, near Anchorage: highest peak in the Chugach Mountains. 13,176 feet (4016 meters).
  • may-december — of or designating a marriage or romantic relationship between a young person and a person who is considerably older
  • merchantable — marketable: merchantable war-surplus goods.
  • metabotropic — Describing a neurotransmitter or cell receptor whose action is mediated by metabolic functions (e.g. enzyme activation).
  • metacinnabar — a polymorph of cinnabar, black mercuric sulfide, HgS.
  • michel baron — Michel [mee-shel] /miˈʃɛl/ (Show IPA), (Michel Boyron) 1653–1729, French actor.
  • microbalance — a balance for weighing minute quantities of material.
  • microbicidal — a substance or preparation for killing microbes.
  • microhabitat — an extremely localized, small-scale environment, as a tree stump or a dead animal.
  • microtubular — Of or pertaining to microtubules.
  • microwavable — Of food, that is suitable for cooking in a microwave oven.
  • miscalibrate — To calibrate poorly or wrongly.
  • mixobarbaric — relating to a people who have both Greek and non-Greek ancestry
  • mockingboard — (hardware)   A sound and speech board for the Apple II computer, on sale in 1978. See also zxnrbl.
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