
11-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • recruitable — a newly enlisted or drafted member of the armed forces.
  • rectifiable — able to be rectified.
  • recuperable — capable of recuperation
  • recyclables — objects that are able to be processed and used again
  • red cabbage — a variety of the edible cabbage, Brassica oleracea, having deep reddish-purple leaves.
  • red chamber — the Canadian Senate chamber.
  • relocatable — constructed so as to be movable; portable, prefabricated, or modular: relocatable classroom units.
  • relubricate — to lubricate again or with new lubricant
  • remembrance — a retained mental impression; memory.
  • replaceable — to assume the former role, position, or function of; substitute for (a person or thing): Electricity has replaced gas in lighting.
  • report back — If you report back to someone, you tell them about something that they asked you to find out about.
  • res publica — the state, republic, or commonwealth
  • resemblance — the state or fact of resembling; similarity.
  • respectable — worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy: a respectable citizen.
  • respectably — worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy: a respectable citizen.
  • retraceable — to trace backward; go back over: to retrace one's steps.
  • retractable — to withdraw (a statement, opinion, etc.) as inaccurate or unjustified, especially formally or explicitly; take back.
  • retractible — to withdraw (a statement, opinion, etc.) as inaccurate or unjustified, especially formally or explicitly; take back.
  • rhabdocoele — any member of the turbellarian flatworm order Neorhabdocoela, comprising both freshwater and marine species, having a simple saclike digestive system.
  • rhabdomancy — divination by means of a rod or wand, especially in discovering ores, springs of water, etc.
  • ride cymbal — a medium-sized cymbal suspended over a set of drums, used for maintaining rhythm patterns since the advent of bop
  • right brace — (character)   "}". ASCII character 125. Common names: close brace; right brace; right squiggly; right squiggly bracket/brace; right curly bracket/brace; ITU-T: closing brace. Rare: unbrace; uncurly; rytit ("" = leftit); right squirrelly; {INTERCAL: bracelet ("" = embrace).

    Paired with {left brace

  • robber crab — a terrestrial crab, Birgus latro, of the Indo-Pacific region, known for its habit of climbing coconut palms to feed on the nuts
  • robotically — in a robotic manner
  • rock beauty — a gold and black butterflyfish, Holocanthus tricolor, ranging from the West Indies to Brazil.
  • rock rabbit — rock hyrax.
  • roman brick — a long, thin face brick, usually yellow-brown and having a length about eight times its thickness.
  • rotary club — a local club of business and professional men that is a member of a world-wide organization of similar clubs (Rotary International) devoted to serving the community and promoting world peace.
  • rubefacient — causing redness of the skin, as a medicinal application.
  • rubefaction — the act or process of making red, especially with a rubefacient.
  • rumbustical — rumbustious
  • saarbrucken — a state in W Germany, in the Saar River valley. 991 sq. mi. (2569 sq. km). Capital: Saarbrücken.
  • sabrmetrics — (used with a singular verb) the computerized measurement of baseball statistics.
  • sacred ibis — an African ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica, having a black, naked head and neck and white and black plumage, venerated by the ancient Egyptians.
  • sacrolumbar — of, relating to, or involving the lumbar and sacral regions or parts of the body.
  • saprobiotic — saprobic
  • sauce bercy — Bercy.
  • scaberulous — tending to be scabrous or slightly rough to the touch
  • scarabaeist — a person who studies the beetle family Scarabaeidae
  • scarabaeoid — resembling a scarab.
  • scarborough — a seaport in North Yorkshire, in NE England.
  • scratchback — an implement for scratching the back
  • scribacious — having the tendency to write a lot or too much
  • scrobicular — of or relating to the smooth areas on a sea urchin surrounding its nodules
  • scuba diver — sb who dives underwater
  • sennacherib — died 681 b.c, king of Assyria 705–681.
  • serbo-croat — Serbo-Croat is one of the languages spoken in the former Yugoslavia.
  • serviceable — capable of or being of service; useful.
  • shcherbakov — a former name (1946–57) of Andropov.
  • snapperback — the center on the offensive team.
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