
10-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • brace root — prop root.
  • brachiator — any primate which swings by its arms from one hold to the next
  • brachiopod — any marine invertebrate animal of the phylum Brachiopoda, having a ciliated feeding organ (lophophore) and a shell consisting of dorsal and ventral valves
  • brachyaxis — the shorter lateral axis of a monoclinic, orthorhombic, or triclinic crystal
  • brachydome — a dome whose face is parallel to the brachydiagonal axis in a crystal
  • brachylogy — a concise style in speech or writing
  • brachyuran — any decapod crustacean of the group (formerly suborder) Brachyura, which includes the crabs
  • bracketing — a set of brackets
  • bradytelic — of or relating to evolution at a rate slower than the standard for a given group of plants or animals.
  • brain cell — a nerve cell that is situated in the brain
  • brain scan — an examination of the brain, using radiological scanning techniques, used in medical diagnosis and scientific research
  • brainchild — Someone's brainchild is an idea or invention that they have thought up or created.
  • brake disc — a metal disc that revolves with the wheel in a disc brake
  • branch cut — a method for selecting a single-valued function on a subset of the domain of a multiple-valued function of a complex variable.
  • branch off — A road or path that branches off from another one starts from it and goes in a slightly different direction. If you branch off somewhere, you change the direction in which you are going.
  • branch out — If a person or an organization branches out, they do something that is different from their normal activities or work.
  • branchiate — having gills.
  • brass neck — effrontery; nerve
  • bratticing — a partition or lining, as of planks or cloth, forming an air passage in a mine.
  • breadcrumb — Breadcrumbs are tiny pieces of dry bread. They are used in cooking.
  • breadstick — bread baked in a long thin crisp stick
  • break camp — to pack up equipment and leave a camp
  • breakdance — to perform break dancing.
  • brecciated — Petrology. to form as breccia.
  • brick wall — a wall made out of brick
  • brickearth — a clayey alluvium suitable for the making of bricks: specifically, such a deposit in southern England, yielding a fertile soil
  • bricklayer — A bricklayer is a person whose job is to build walls using bricks.
  • brickmaker — a person who makes bricks
  • brilliance — great brightness; radiance
  • brilliancy — an instance of brilliance: the brilliancies of Congreve's wit.
  • bring back — Something that brings back a memory makes you think about it.
  • brix scale — a scale for calibrating hydrometers used for measuring the concentration and density of sugar solutions at a given temperature
  • brno chair — an armchair designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1930, having a cantilevered frame of chromium-plated or stainless steel composed of two interlocking parts, one forming the legs and arms and the other the seat and back frame, with the back and seat lightly upholstered and usually covered with leather.
  • broadcloth — fabric woven on a wide loom
  • broadfaced — having a broad, wide face.
  • broadpiece — an English coin replaced by the guinea in 1663
  • broadscale — on a broad scale; extensive; spread over a wide area
  • brocatelle — a heavy brocade with the design in deep relief, used chiefly in upholstery
  • brown coal — a low-quality coal intermediate in grade between peat and lignite
  • brown coat — arriccio.
  • bruschetta — Bruschetta is a slice of toasted bread which is brushed with olive oil and usually covered with chopped tomatoes.
  • bubble car — (in Britain, formerly) a small car, often having three wheels, with a transparent bubble-shaped top
  • buccinator — a thin muscle that compresses the cheeks and holds them against the teeth during chewing, etc
  • buckpasser — a person who avoids responsibility by shifting it to another, especially unjustly or improperly.
  • buckraking — the practice of accepting large sums of money for speaking to special interest groups.
  • buffet car — a railway coach where light refreshments are served
  • bulk cargo — unpackaged cargoes, such as grain or coal
  • bumper car — A bumper car is a small electric car with a wide rubber bumper all round. People drive bumper cars around a special enclosure at a fairground.
  • bunchgrass — grass that grows in tufts
  • burckhardt — Jacob Christoph. 1818–97, Swiss art and cultural historian; author of The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy (1860)
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