
21-letter words containing c, a, o

  • european space agency — an organization dedicated to space exploration with 18 European countries as members
  • every nook and cranny — If you talk about every nook and cranny of a place or situation, you mean every part or every aspect of it.
  • exposure compensation — the act of overriding a camera's automatic exposure in order to achieve a particular effect or due to difficult lighting conditions
  • faculty board meeting — a meeting of the governing body of a faculty
  • ferric sodium oxalate — an emerald-green, crystalline, extremely water-soluble salt, used in photography and blueprinting.
  • file allocation table — (file system)   (FAT) The component of an MS-DOS or Windows 95 file system which describes the files, directories, and free space on a hard disk or floppy disk. A disk is divided into partitions. Under the FAT file system each partition is divided into clusters, each of which can be one or more sectors, depending on the size of the partition. Each cluster is either allocated to a file or directory or it is free (unused). A directory lists the name, size, modification time and starting cluster of each file or subdirectory it contains. At the start of the partition is a table (the FAT) with one entry for each cluster. Each entry gives the number of the next cluster in the same file or a special value for "not allocated" or a special value for "this is the last cluster in the chain". The first few clusters after the FAT contain the root directory. The FAT file system was originally created for the CP/M[?] operating system where files were catalogued using 8-bit addressing. MS DOS's FAT allows only 8.3 filenames. With the introduction of MS-DOS 4 an incompatible 16-bit FAT (FAT16) with 32-kilobyte clusters was introduced that allowed partitions of up to 2 gigabytes. Microsoft later created FAT32 to support partitions larger than two gigabytes and pathnames greater that 256 characters. It also allows more efficient use of disk space since clusters are four kilobytes rather than 32 kilobytes. FAT32 was first available in OEM Service Release 2 of Windows 95 in 1996. It is not fully backward compatible with the 16-bit and 8-bit FATs. Compare: NTFS.
  • first consonant shift — the consonant shift described by Grimm's law, which distinguishes Germanic languages from other Indo-European languages.
  • first-dollar coverage — insurance that provides payment for the full loss up to the insured amount with no deductibles.
  • first-round financing — First round financing is the first time a new company raises money from investors.
  • flat-coated retriever — one of an English breed of large sporting dogs having a flat, dense, shiny black or liver-colored coat, small ears, and long jaws, used for retrieving game from both water and land.
  • flotation compartment — in a boat, an enclosed section filled with air or gas to give buoyancy
  • fluorophosphoric acid — any of three acids containing fluorine and phosphorus, HPF 6 , HPO 2 F 2 , or H 2 PO 3 F.
  • food conversion ratio — a ratio expressing the weight of food required to produce a unit gain in the live weight of an animal
  • food standards agency — the full form of FDA
  • foreign exchange rate — the rate that specifies how much the currency of a nation is worth in terms of the currency of another nation
  • forensic anthropology — the branch of physical anthropology in which anthropological data, criteria, and techniques are used to determine the sex, age, genetic population, or parentage of skeletal or biological materials in questions of civil or criminal law.
  • fort lesley j. mcnair — a military reservation in SW Washington, D.C., on the Potomac River, SW of the Capitol.
  • forward compatibility — (jargon)   The ability to accept input from later versions of itself. Forward compatibility is harder to achieve than backward compatibility, since, in the backward case, the input format is know whereas a forward compatible system needs to cope gracefully with unknown future features. An example of future compatibility is the stipulation that a web browser should ignore HTML tags it does not recognise. See also extensible.
  • forward exchange rate — the exchange rate of a currency to be delivered at a later date
  • fractional extraction — Fractional extraction is a process of extracting a liquid from a liquid, in which two solutes are separated, with one leaving in the extract and one in the raffinate.
  • framing specification — A specification of the "protocol bits" that surround the "data bits" on a communications channel to allow the data to be "framed" into chunks, like start and stop bits in EIA-232. It allows a receiver to synchronize at points along the data stream.
  • franco-belgian system — French system.
  • fraudulent conversion — conversion committed with the intent to defraud
  • french fried potatoes — a more formal name for chips
  • functional dependency — (database)   Given a relation R (in a relational database), attribute Y of R is functionally dependent on attribute X of R and X of R functionally determines Y of R (in symbols R.X -> R.Y) if and only if each X in R has associated with it precisely one Y in R (at any one time). Attributes X and Y may be composite. This is very close to a function in the mathematical sense.
  • functional illiterate — a person with some basic education who still falls short of a minimum standard of literacy or whose reading and writing skills are inadequate to everyday needs.
  • functional imperative — a requirement for the survival of any social system, as communication, control of conflict, or socialization.
  • game of cat and mouse — In a fight or contest, if one person plays cat and mouse, or a game of cat and mouse, with the other, the first person tries to confuse or deceive the second in order to defeat them.
  • garbageabetical order — (humour)   1. The result of using an insertion sort to merge data into an unsorted list. 2. The state of any file or list that is supposed to be sorted, but is not.
  • garden of remembrance — an area of land containing cultivated plants, trees, etc, to commemorate the dead
  • gas analysis recorder — A gas analysis recorder is a device which samples, records, and analyses gas.
  • gastrohepatic omentum — lesser omentum.
  • general court-martial — a court-martial having the authority to try any offense against military law and to impose a sentence of dishonorable discharge or of death when provided by law.
  • genetic amplification — an increase in the frequency of replication of a DNA segment.
  • gestalt psychotherapy — a therapy devised in the US in the 1960s in which patients are encouraged to concentrate on the immediate present and to express their true feelings
  • get on someone's case — an instance of the occurrence, existence, etc., of something: Sailing in such a storm was a case of poor judgment.
  • get one's breath back — When you get your breath back after doing something energetic, you start breathing normally again.
  • give place to someone — to make room for or be superseded by someone
  • glacier national park — a national park in NW Montana: glaciers; lakes; forest reserve. 1534 sq. mi. (3970 sq. km).
  • goldbach's conjecture — the conjecture that every even number greater than two is the sum of two prime numbers
  • gram-molecular weight — gram molecule. Abbreviation: GMW.
  • great victoria desert — a desert in SW central Australia. 125,000 sq. mi. (324,000 sq. km).
  • green river ordinance — a local ordinance banning door-to-door selling.
  • greenwich observatory — the national astronomical observatory of Great Britain, housed in a castle in E Sussex; formerly located at Greenwich.
  • ground-effect machine — ACV (def 2).
  • harriet beecher stowe — Harriet (Elizabeth) Beecher, 1811–96, U.S. abolitionist and novelist.
  • have a strong stomach — not to be prone to nausea
  • have it coming to one — to deserve what one is about to suffer
  • have one's cards read — If you have your cards read, you have your fortune told by someone who uses playing cards or tarot cards to tell you about yourself and predict your future.
  • hawaiian honeycreeper — any small to medium-sized finches of the subfamily Drepanidinae, native to the Hawaiian Islands and including many rare and extinct species.
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