
20-letter words containing c, a, o

  • synchronous rotation — rotation of a satellite in which the period of rotation is equal to the period of orbit around its primary, leaving the same face always pointing toward the primary: The moon is in synchronous rotation about the earth.
  • systemic circulation — the circulatory system in general.
  • tactical air command — a U.S. Air Force command supplying direct air support to U.S. Army ground combat units.
  • take to the cleaners — a person who cleans, especially one whose regular occupation is cleaning offices, buildings, equipment, etc.
  • take up a collection — to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  • tchebycheff equation — a differential equation of the form (1 − x 2) d 2 y/dx 2 − x dy/dx + n 2 y = 0, where n is any nonnegative integer.
  • technology agreement — a framework designed by trade unions for negotiating changes in employment caused by the introduction of new technology
  • teletype corporation — (company)   The company which made Teletype teletypewriters. Address: Skokie, Illinois, USA.
  • television broadcast — sth shown on tv
  • tenants' association — an organization of tenants, usually with a written constitution and charitable status, whose aim is to improve the housing conditions, amenities, community life, and contractual positions of its members
  • terms and conditions — commerce: rules, restrictions
  • tetrahydrocannabinol — a compound, C 21 H 30 O 2 , that is the physiologically active component in cannabis preparations (marijuana, hashish, etc.) derived from the Indian hemp plant or produced synthetically. Abbreviation: THC.
  • the course of nature — the ordinary course of events
  • the grove of academe — the academic world
  • the internet account — An Internet provider in Sydney, Australia who provides SLIP, PPP and CLI accounts for the same rates. <[email protected]> handles Acorn software. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Telephone: +61 (2) 968 4333. Fax: +61 (2) 968 4334. Address: PO BOX 473, Crows Nest, NSE 2065, Australia.
  • the luck of the draw — If you say that something is the luck of the draw, you mean that it is the result of chance and you cannot do anything about it.
  • the metadata company — (company)   A company founded by Jack E. Myers, originally known as Metadata Information Partners. Myers trademarked the word "Metadata" (unhyphenated with initial capital, as opposed to the general term metadata) to represent implementations of his MetaModel and to designate his company. Myers claims that a data and publication search in the summer of 1969 failed to discover any use either of the word "metadata" or "meta data". E-mail: <[email protected]>. Address: 444 West Ocean Blvd, Suite 1600, Long Beach CA 90802, USA.
  • the ten commandments — the commandments summarizing the basic obligations of man towards God and his fellow men, delivered to Moses on Mount Sinai engraved on two tables of stone (Exodus 20:1–17)
  • the way of the cross — a series of images in a church or along a road to a church etc depicting the last hours of Christ
  • theosophical society — a society founded by Madame Blavatsky and others, in New York in 1875, advocating a worldwide eclectic religion based largely on Brahmanic and Buddhistic teachings.
  • therapeutic abortion — abortion performed when a woman's pregnancy endangers her health.
  • there is no call for — If you say that there is no call for someone to behave in a particular way, you are criticizing their behaviour, usually because you think it is rude.
  • thermal conductivity — the amount of heat per unit time per unit area that can be conducted through a plate of unit thickness of a given material, the faces of the plate differing by one unit of temperature.
  • thermodynamic system — a system whose states of equilibrium can be specified by a few macroscopic properties.
  • thioantimonious acid — any of a group of hypothetical acids, H3SbS3, HSbS2, and H4Sb2S5, known only in the forms of their salts in solution
  • thomas of erceldouneThomas of, Thomas of Erceldoune.
  • thought transference — transference of thought by extrasensory means from the mind of one individual to another; telepathy.
  • three-thorned acacia — honey locust.
  • to blow hot and cold — If someone blows hot and cold, they keep changing their attitude towards something, sometimes being very enthusiastic and at other times expressing no interest at all.
  • to catch your breath — If something makes you catch your breath, it makes you take a short breath of air, usually because it shocks you.
  • to clean up your act — If someone who has been behaving badly cleans up their act, they start to behave in a more acceptable or responsible way.
  • to clear your throat — If you clear your throat, you cough once in order to make it easier to speak or to attract people's attention.
  • to cost someone dear — If something that someone does costs them dear, they suffer a lot as a result of it.
  • to disturb the peace — If someone is accused of disturbing the peace, they are accused of behaving in a noisy and offensive way in public.
  • to get off sb's back — If you tell someone to get off your back, you are telling them angrily to stop criticizing you or putting pressure on you.
  • to get your own back — If you get your own back on someone, you have your revenge on them because of something bad that they have done to you.
  • to keep your balance — If you keep your balance, for example, when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over.
  • to reach new heights — to become higher than ever before
  • to scrape the barrel — If you say that someone is scraping the barrel, or scraping the bottom of the barrel, you disapprove of the fact that they are using or doing something of extremely poor quality.
  • to stick in the craw — to be unacceptable or displeasing to someone
  • to use shock tactics — to attempt to influence people by shocking them
  • tobacco mosaic virus — a retrovirus causing mosaic disease in members of the nightshade family. Abbreviation: TMV.
  • tom, dick, and harry — the ordinary person; people generally; everyone: They invited every Tom, Dick, and Harry to the party.
  • tom, dick, and jerry — a hot mixed drink containing rum, brandy, egg, nutmeg, and sometimes milk
  • too much information — I don't want to hear any more
  • toothbrush moustache — a short narrow moustache, resembling the filaments of a toothbrush
  • toxemia of pregnancy — an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension, fluid retention, edema, and the presence of protein in the urine.
  • traditional medicine — systems of medicine developed before the era of modern medicine, based on cultural beliefs and practices handed down from generation to generation
  • transcendental logic — (in Kantian epistemology) the study of the mind with reference to its perceptions of external objects and to the objective truth of such perceptions.
  • transposed conjugate — adjoint (def 2).
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