
27-letter words containing c, a, n, e, l, u

  • address resolution protocol — (networking, protocol)   (ARP) A method for finding a host's Ethernet address from its Internet address. The sender broadcasts an ARP packet containing the Internet address of another host and waits for it (or some other host) to send back its Ethernet address. Each host maintains a cache of address translations to reduce delay and loading. ARP allows the Internet address to be independent of the Ethernet address but it only works if all hosts support it. ARP is defined in RFC 826. The alternative for hosts that do not do ARP is constant mapping. See also proxy ARP, reverse ARP.
  • air-launched cruise missile — a winged, jet-powered missile designed to be launched from an aircraft and to fly toward the target at low altitude on automatic guidance, with a range of almost 2500 miles (4023 km). Abbreviation: ALCM, A.L.C.M.
  • america's multimedia online — (company, web)   (AMO) An Internet technologies company which invented Never Offline in 1995 and was officially started in 1996. E-mail: AMO <[email protected]>. Address: Albuquerque, NM, USA.
  • applicative order reduction — (programming)   An evaluation strategy under which an expression is evaluated by repeatedly evaluating its leftmost innermost redex. This means that a function's arguments are evaluated before the function is applied. This method will not terminate if a function is given a non-terminating expression as an argument even if the function is not strict in that argument. Also known as call-by-value since the values of arguments are passed rather than their names. This is the evaluation strategy used by ML, Scheme, Hope and most procedural languages such as C and Pascal. See also normal order reduction, parallel reduction.
  • audio processing technology — (company)   (APT) A company that produces codecs based on predictive analysis rather than frequency coding.
  • audit bureau of circulation — an organization that collects, audits, and publishes monthly circulation figures for newspapers and magazines
  • australian bluebell creeper — an evergreen twining shrub, Sollya heterophylla, of western Australia, having nodding blue flowers in terminal clusters.
  • automatic frequency control — a system in a radio or television receiver by which the tuning of an incoming signal is accurately maintained
  • back end generator language — Back End Generator
  • bashkir autonomous republic — an autonomous republic in the Russian Federation in Europe. 55,430 sq. mi. (143,600 sq. km). Capital: Ufa.
  • block transfer computations — (algorithm, humour)   (From the UK television series "Dr. Who") Computations so fiendishly subtle and complex that they could not be performed by machines. Used to refer to any task that should be expressible as an algorithm in theory, but isn't.
  • butterflies in your stomach — If you have butterflies in your stomach or have butterflies, you are very nervous or excited about something.
  • certified public accountant — A certified public accountant is someone who has received a certificate stating that he or she is qualified to work as an accountant within a particular state. The abbreviation CPA is also used.
  • chancellor of the exchequer — The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in the British government who makes decisions about finance and taxes.
  • church of the new jerusalem — the church composed of the followers of Swedenborg; the Swedenborgian church.
  • chuvash autonomous republic — an autonomous republic in the Russian Federation in Europe. 7064 sq. mi. (18,300 sq. km). Capital: Cheboksary.
  • common algorithmic language — (language)   (COMAL) A language for beginners developed by Benedict Loefstedt and Borge Christensen in 1973 and popular in Europe and Scandinavia. It has a Pascal-like structure added to BASIC. COMAL-80 has been adopted as an introductory language in Denmark. There is a version for the Amiga and a well-supported version for the PC, running under MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows, called UniCOMAL. Recently, it has been developed as a web-scripting language called WebCOMAL. There is a COMAL User's Group at 5501 Groveland Terr, Madison WI 53716, USA.
  • communicable disease center — former name of Centers for Disease Control.
  • control and status register — (hardware)   (CSR) A register in most CPUs which stores additional information about the results of machine instructions, e.g. comparisons. It usually consists of several independent flags such as carry, overflow and zero. The CSR is chiefly used to determine the outcome of conditional branch instructions or other forms of conditional execution.
  • countably additive function — a set function that upon operating on the union of a countable number of disjoint sets gives the same result as the sum of the functional values of each set.
  • court of domestic relations — a court, usually with a limited jurisdiction, that handles legal cases involving a family, especially controversies between parent and child or between the marriage partners.
  • crude oil preparation plant — A crude oil preparation plant is equipment used for processing crude oil to get a particular product or amount.
  • crude oil refining capacity — The crude oil refining capacity is the amount that is produced in a refinery each day.
  • democratic-republican party — the antifederalist party originally led by Thomas Jefferson, which developed into the modern Democratic Party
  • digital express group, inc. — (Digex) The largest Internet provider in the Washington metropolitan area with POPs in Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, New York and California.
  • distinguished conduct medal — a decoration awarded for distinguished conduct in operations in the field against an enemy. Abbreviation: D.C.M.
  • distinguished service medal — U.S. Military. a decoration awarded for exceptionally meritorious performance of a duty of great responsibility.
  • duchenne muscular dystrophy — a common hereditary form of muscular dystrophy, usually affecting young males, characterized by the severe weakening of the skeletal muscles, esp. the respiratory muscles
  • educational welfare officer — (in Britain) a local education authority worker whose job it is to find out whether difficulties outside school are contributing to a child's classroom problems or irregular attendance and who may intervene to help the child to benefit more from schooling
  • federal republic of germany — official name of Germany.
  • floccinaucinihilipilificate — (colloquial) To describe, estimate or regard something as worthless.
  • fly-on-the-wall documentary — a documentary made by filming people as they do the things they normally do, rather than by interviewing them or asking them to talk directly to the camera
  • hand-held personal computer — palmtop
  • haul someone over the coals — to reprimand someone
  • high performance serial bus — (hardware, standard)   (Or "IEEE 1394") A 1995 Macintosh/IBM PC serial bus interface standard offering isochronous real-time data transfer. 1394 can transfer data between a computer and its peripherals at 100, 200, or 400 Mbps, with a planed increase to 2 Gbps. Cable length is limited to 4.5 m but up to 16 cables can be daisy-chained yielding a total length of 72 m. It can daisy-chain together up to 63 peripherals in a tree-like structure (as opposed to SCSI's linear structure). It allows peer-to-peer communication, e.g. between a scanner and a printer, without using system memory or the CPU. It is designed to support plug-and-play and hot swapping. Its six-wire cable is not only more convenient than SCSI cables but can supply up to 60 watts of power, allowing low-consumption devices to operate without a separate power cord. Some expensive camcorders included this bus from 1995. It is expected to be used to carry SCSI, with possible application to home automation using repeaters. See also Universal Serial Bus, FC-AL.
  • high-deductible health plan — In the U.S., a high-deductible health plan is a health insurance plan with lower premiums and higher deductibles than usual.
  • high-occupancy vehicle lane — diamond lane.
  • hotline communications ltd. — (company)   The company that developes and distributes Hotline Connect.
  • insulin resistance syndrome — Pathology. a group of medical conditions present simultaneously in a patient, as high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and an excess of abdominal fat, that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Also called insulin resistance syndrome.
  • internal-combustion engines — an engine of one or more working cylinders in which the process of combustion takes place within the cylinders.
  • internet foundation classes — (language, library, programming, standard)   (IFC) A library of classes used in the creation of Java applets with GUIs. Created by Netscape, the Internet Foundation Classes provide GUI elements, as well as classes for Applications Services, Security, Messaging, and Distributed Objects. The IFC code, which is exclusively Java, is layered on top of the Java Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), thus preserving platform independence. The AWT and IFC collectively form the Java Foundation Classes, which provide a standardised framework for developing powerful Java applications.
  • language acquisition device — a hypothesized innate mental faculty present in infants that enables them to construct and internalize the grammar of their native language on the basis of the limited and fragmentary language input to which they are exposed. Abbreviation: LAD.
  • link state routing protocol — (networking, communications)   A routing protocol such as OSPF which permits routers to exchange information with one another about the reachability of other networks and the cost or metric to reach the other networks. The cost/metric is based on number of hops, link speeds, traffic congestion, and other factors as determined by the network designer. Link state routers use Dijkstra's algorithm to calculate shortest (lowest cost) paths, and normally update other routers with whom they are connected only when their own routing tables change. Link state routing is an improvement over distance-vector routing protocols such as RIP which normally use only a single metric (such as hop count) and which exchange all of their table information with all other routers on a regular schedule. Link state routing normally requires more processing but less transmission overhead.
  • linux documentation project — (project)   (LDP) A team of volunteers developing documentation for the Linux operating system. The LDP aims to handle all of the issues of Linux documentation, ranging from on-line documentation to printed manuals, covering topics such as installing, using, and running Linux. The LDP has no central organisation; anyone can join in.
  • measure of central tendency — a statistic that in some way specifies the central tendency of a sample of measurements, as the mean, median, or mode.
  • military-industrial complex — a network of a nation's military force together with all of the industries that support it.
  • mongolian people's republic — a republic in E central Asia, in N Mongolia. About 600,000 sq. mi. (1,500,000 sq. km). Capital: Ulan Bator.
  • monoalphabetic substitution — a system of substitution that uses only one cipher alphabet in a cryptogram so that each plaintext letter is always represented by the same cipher.
  • multiple document interface — (programming)   (MDI) The ability of an application program to show windows giving views of more than one document at a time. The opposite is Single Document Interface (SDI).
  • national insurance benefits — benefits provided as a result of payments to national insurance, such a state pension, sick pay, etc

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