
15-letter words containing c, a, m, o, i, l

  • microanalytical — Of, pertaining to, or employing microanalysis.
  • microanatomical — relating to microanatomy
  • microbiological — Of or pertaining to microbiology.
  • microcosmically — in a microcosmic manner
  • microfiltration — Filtration through a microporous membrane.
  • microphysically — in a microphysical manner
  • microscopically — so small as to be invisible or indistinct without the use of the microscope: microscopic organisms. Compare macroscopic.
  • microstructural — Of or pertaining to a microstructure.
  • military police — soldiers who perform police duties
  • military school — military academy.
  • mineralogically — With regard to mineralogy.
  • misarticulation — an act or the process of articulating: the articulation of a form; the articulation of a new thought.
  • miscalculations — Plural form of miscalculation.
  • miscegenational — of or relating to miscegenation
  • miscellaneously — In a miscellaneous manner.
  • misvocalization — an incorrect or bad vocalization
  • moccasin flower — the lady's-slipper.
  • molecular knife — a segment of genetic material that inhibits the reproduction of the AIDS virus by breaking up specific areas of the virus's genes.
  • molecular sieve — a compound with molecule-size pores, as some sodium aluminum silicates, that chemically locks molecules in them: used in purification and separation processes.
  • monoculturalism — The practice of actively preserving a culture to the exclusion of external influences.
  • monosyllabicity — The state or characteristic of being monosyllabic.
  • morphologically — the branch of biology dealing with the form and structure of organisms.
  • multifunctional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • multilocational — found or operating in several locations
  • multinucleolate — having two or more nucleoli
  • multiple factor — polygene.
  • municipal bonds — a bond issued by a state, county, city, or town, or by a state authority or agency to finance projects.
  • municipal court — a court whose jurisdiction is confined to a city or municipality, with criminal jurisdiction usually corresponding to that of a police court and civil jurisdiction over small causes.
  • myelodysplastic — (medicine) Of, pertaining to, or showing evidence of myelodysplasia.
  • myofibroblastic — Relating to myofibroblasts.
  • national income — the total net earnings from the production of goods and services in a country over a period of time, usually one year, and consisting essentially of wages, salaries, rent, profits, and interest.
  • native compiler — (programming, tool)   A compiler which runs on the computer for which it is producing machine code, in contrast to a cross-compiler, which produces code for a different computer.
  • neomercantilism — an economic doctrine or policy during the early 20th century that set high tariffs and other import restrictions in order to protect domestic industries.
  • neuroanatomical — the branch of anatomy dealing with the nervous system.
  • neurochemically — In a neurochemical manner or context.
  • no-claims bonus — law: insurance premium reduction
  • non-grammatical — (of a sentence or expression) not conforming to the grammatical rules of a given language.
  • nonastronomical — not astronomical
  • noncommunicable — not communicable, especially with reference to a disease that is not transmitted through contact with an infected or afflicted person.
  • nonmathematical — of, relating to, or of the nature of mathematics: mathematical truth.
  • nonmatriculated — not matriculated, not enrolled in an institution, esp a college or university
  • nonmelodramatic — Not melodramatic.
  • nonmetaphorical — not metaphorical; literal
  • nonmucilaginous — Not mucilaginous.
  • obituary column — the division of a publication reserved for obituaries
  • official family — the executives or officials chiefly responsible for the operation of an organization or government.
  • omega-algebraic — In domain theory, a complete partial order is algebraic if every element is the lub of some chain of compact elements. If the set of compact elements is countable it is omega-algebraic. Usually written with a Greek letter omega (LaTeX \omega).
  • omnidirectional — sending or receiving signals in all directions: an omnidirectional microphone.
  • onomasiological — the study of the means of expressing a given concept.
  • ophthalmoscopic — Of, pertaining to or using an ophthalmoscope.
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