
11-letter words containing c, a, l, i, t, r

  • latchstring — a string passed through a hole in a door, for raising the latch from the outside.
  • latin cross — an upright or vertical bar crossed near the top by a shorter horizontal bar.
  • latrocinium — highway robbery
  • latticework — work consisting of crossed strips usually arranged in a diagonal pattern of open spaces.
  • lethargical — of, relating to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish; apathetic.
  • leucocratic — (of a rock) composed mainly of light-colored minerals.
  • lex scripta — written law; statute law.
  • liberty cap — a soft, conical cap given to a freed slave in ancient Rome at manumission of his servitude, used as a symbol of liberty, especially since the 18th century.
  • light cream — sweet cream with less butterfat than heavy cream.
  • locutionary — pertaining to the act of conveying semantic content in an utterance, considered as independent of the interaction between the speaker and the listener.
  • logarithmic — pertaining to a logarithm or logarithms.
  • lubavitcher — a member of a missionary Hasidic movement founded in the 1700s by Rabbi Shneour Zalman of Lyady.
  • lubricating — to apply some oily or greasy substance to (a machine, parts of a mechanism, etc.) in order to diminish friction; oil or grease (something).
  • lubrication — to apply some oily or greasy substance to (a machine, parts of a mechanism, etc.) in order to diminish friction; oil or grease (something).
  • lucratively — In a lucrative manner, profitably.
  • lucubration — laborious work, study, thought, etc., especially at night.
  • maeterlinck — Comte Maurice [French moh-rees] /French moʊˈris/ (Show IPA), 1862–1947, Belgian poet, dramatist, and essayist: Nobel prize 1911.
  • mailcatcher — a device on a mail car that, while the train is moving, picks up mailbags suspended beside the track.
  • maledictory — a curse; imprecation.
  • malpractice — Law. failure of a professional person, as a physician or lawyer, to render proper services through reprehensible ignorance or negligence or through criminal intent, especially when injury or loss follows.
  • mariculture — marine aquaculture.
  • mariticidal — Of, or pertaining to, mariticide. Often used to describe a person.
  • matriarchal — the female head of a family or tribal line.
  • matriculant — a person who matriculates; a candidate for matriculation.
  • matriculate — to enroll in a college or university as a candidate for a degree.
  • meroblastic — (of certain eggs) undergoing partial cleavage, resulting in unequal blastomeres.
  • metallurgic — the technique or science of working or heating metals so as to give them certain desired shapes or properties.
  • methacrylic — denoting a type of acid
  • morrill act — an act of Congress (1862) granting each state 30,000 acres (12,000 hectares) of land for each member it had in Congress, 90 percent of the gross proceeds of which were to be used for the endowment and maintenance of colleges and universities teaching agricultural and mechanical arts and other subjects.
  • motorically — motor (def 11).
  • multi-track — a structure consisting of a pair of parallel lines of rails with their crossties, on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs.
  • multicarbon — having several carbon atoms
  • multifactor — Of or pertaining to more than one factor.
  • multiracial — consisting of, representing, or combining members of more than one racial group: multiracial communities.
  • muscularity — of or relating to muscle or the muscles: muscular strain.
  • narcoleptic — a condition characterized by frequent and uncontrollable periods of deep sleep.
  • neocortical — the largest and evolutionarily most recent portion of the cerebral cortex, composed of complex, layered tissue, the site of most of the higher brain functions.
  • neotropical — belonging or pertaining to a geographical division comprising that part of the New World extending from the tropic of Cancer southward.
  • nephritical — Alternative form of nephritic.
  • nitro-chalk — a chemical fertilizer containing calcium carbonate and ammonium nitrate
  • noncortical — Anatomy. of, pertaining to, resembling, or consisting of cortex.
  • noncritical — inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, often too readily.
  • nonmetrical — (music) Without the constraints of a metronome; not played or sung with a strict underlying rhythmic method.
  • nontropical — not located in or originating from the tropics, not having the characteristics of the tropics
  • nonvertical — being in a position or direction perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; upright; plumb.
  • obstetrical — of or relating to the care and treatment of women in childbirth and during the period before and after delivery.
  • ochlocratic — Pertaining to ochlocracy.
  • olfactories — of or relating to the sense of smell: olfactory organs.
  • olfactorily — of or relating to the sense of smell: olfactory organs.
  • optical art — op art.
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