
11-letter words containing b, s, p, a

  • parkersburg — a city in NW West Virginia, on the Ohio River.
  • parson bird — tui.
  • passed ball — a pitched ball that the catcher can reasonably be expected to catch but misses, resulting in a base runner's or runners' advancing one or more bases or in the batter's reaching first base safely.
  • passer-byes — a person passing by.
  • pastry tube — a conical tube with a patterned hole at one end, fitted over the opening of a cloth funnel (pastry bag) for shaping icings, food pastes, etc., as they are forced through by squeezing the bag.
  • pease-brose — brose made from a meal of dried peas
  • pebble dash — an exterior wall finish composed of mortar against which, while still wet, small pebbles have been thrown and pressed in.
  • pedobaptism — the baptism of infants.
  • pedobaptist — a person who advocates or practices pedobaptism.
  • pensionable — worker: of retirement age
  • perishables — perishable articles, esp food
  • perspirable — having the ability to perspire
  • persuadable — to prevail on (a person) to do something, as by advising or urging: We could not persuade him to wait.
  • persuasible — capable of being persuaded; open to or yielding to persuasion.
  • peru balsam — an aromatic balsam that is obtained from the tropical South American leguminous tree Myroxylon pereirae and is similar to balsam of Tolu
  • phrase book — a small book containing everyday phrases and sentences and their equivalents in a foreign language, written especially for travelers.
  • piebaldness — having patches of black and white or of other colors; parti-colored.
  • plasma ball — a glass globe containing a low density gas and a central electrode that creates lightning-like streams of light.
  • plastic bag — carrier bag, sack made of plastic
  • plattsburgh — a city in NE New York, on Lake Champlain: battle, 1814.
  • pleasurable — such as to give pleasure; enjoyable; agreeable; pleasant: a pleasurable experience.
  • plebeianism — belonging or pertaining to the common people.
  • poison bean — Also called bladderpod. a tall plant, Glottidium vesicaria, of the legume family, native to the southeastern U.S., having clusters of yellow flowers and pods containing highly poisonous seeds.
  • polysorbate — any of a class of emulsifying and dispersing agents used in various foods and pharmaceutical preparations.
  • possessable — capable of being possessed
  • postcubital — Anatomy, Zoology. pertaining to, involving, or situated near the cubitus.
  • postorbital — located behind the orbit or socket of the eye.
  • potableness — the quality of being potable or drinkable
  • preassembly — an assembling or coming together of a number of persons, usually for a particular purpose: The principal will speak to all the students at Friday's assembly.
  • prediabetes — a condition in which carbohydrate metabolism is mildly abnormal but other criteria indicating diabetes mellitus are absent.
  • presbycusia — impaired hearing due to old age.
  • presbyteral — of or relating to a presbyter or presbytery
  • presentable — that may be presented.
  • preservable — to keep alive or in existence; make lasting: to preserve our liberties as free citizens.
  • press baron — an influential newspaper publisher or owner who usually controls more than one widely circulated newspaper.
  • press brake — brake1 (def 6).
  • probabilism — Philosophy. the doctrine, introduced by the Skeptics, that certainty is impossible and that probability suffices to govern faith and practice.
  • processable — capable of being processed.
  • prosobranch — a gastropod mollusc of the subclass Prosobranchia, which includes conches, limpets, abalones, and numerous aquatic and terrestrial snails
  • protestable — an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid: a protest against increased taxation.
  • public sale — auction (def 1).
  • publishable — to issue (printed or otherwise reproduced textual or graphic material, computer software, etc.) for sale or distribution to the public.
  • pukka sahib — (in British India) a term of respectful address used to British colonial authorities.
  • purchasable — capable of being bought.
  • pyrolysable — able to be pyrolysed
  • raspberries — the fruit of any of several shrubs belonging to the genus Rubus, of the rose family, consisting of small and juicy red, black, or pale yellow drupelets forming a detachable cap about a convex receptacle.
  • res publica — the state, republic, or commonwealth
  • respectable — worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy: a respectable citizen.
  • respectably — worthy of respect or esteem; estimable; worthy: a respectable citizen.
  • russophobia — an intense and often irrational hatred for Russia, or esp the former Soviet Union, its political system, etc
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