
12-letter words containing b, r, i, s, e

  • silver belly — a freshwater eel
  • silver birch — tree with silvery-white bark
  • silver bream — a type of ray-finned fish from the family Cyprinidae
  • sir bedivere — (in Arthurian legend) a knight who took the dying King Arthur to the barge in which he was carried to Avalon
  • sliced bread — bread: sold pre-sliced
  • slipper bath — a bath in the shape of a slipper, with a covered end
  • slubberingly — in a slubbering or slovenly manner
  • slumberingly — in a slumbering manner
  • sober-minded — rational; sensible.
  • soboliferous — bearing or producing soboles
  • soldier crab — a small blue Australian estuarine crab of the Mictyris genus usually found in large numbers
  • solitary bee — any of numerous bees, as the leaf-cutting bees, that do not live in a community.
  • sorbefacient — inducing absorption
  • spider's web — a mesh of fine tough scleroprotein threads built by a spider from a liquid secreted from its spinnerets and used to trap insects
  • spring break — a vacation from school or college during the spring term, lasting about a week.
  • square-built — sturdy and strong-looking
  • stabilimeter — stabilograph.
  • steam boiler — a receptacle in which water is boiled to generate steam.
  • steam-boiler — a receptacle in which water is boiled to generate steam.
  • steerability — to guide the course of (something in motion) by a rudder, helm, wheel, etc.: to steer a bicycle.
  • stirrup bone — the stapes, one of the three bones of the middle ear
  • stone bruise — a bruise on the sole of the foot, caused by walking on or striking against a small stone or other hard object.
  • straightbred — (of animals) purebred; having parents of the same breed
  • striped bass — an important American game fish, Morone saxatilis, having blackish stripes along each side.
  • strobe light — a device for studying the motion of a body, especially a body in rapid revolution or vibration, by making the motion appear to slow down or stop, as by periodically illuminating the body or viewing it through widely spaced openings in a revolving disk.
  • strobe-light — a device for studying the motion of a body, especially a body in rapid revolution or vibration, by making the motion appear to slow down or stop, as by periodically illuminating the body or viewing it through widely spaced openings in a revolving disk.
  • sub-mediocre — of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate: The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it's fun to drive. Synonyms: undistinguished, commonplace, pedestrian, everyday; run-of-the-mill. Antonyms: extraordinary, superior, uncommon, incomparable.
  • sub-religion — a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
  • subalternity — lower in rank; subordinate: a subaltern employee.
  • subdelirious — having the symptoms of subdelirium; suffering from subdelirium
  • subeditorial — of or relating to a subeditor, the work of a subeditor or a subeditorship
  • subepidermal — just below the epidermis or skin
  • suberic acid — a crystalline dibasic acid, C 8 H 1 4 O 4 , obtained especially from suberin, castor oil, and cork: used chiefly in the preparation of plastics and plasticizers.
  • suberization — the impregnation of cell walls with suberin, causing the formation of cork.
  • subfertility — below-average fertility
  • subinspector — a secondary or assistant inspector
  • subintroduce — to introduce subtly
  • subminiature — subminiature camera.
  • subordinated — placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank.
  • subscribable — to pledge, as by signing an agreement, to give or pay (a sum of money) as a contribution, gift, or investment: He subscribed $6,000 for the new church.
  • subscriptive — a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc.
  • subservience — serving or acting in a subordinate capacity; subordinate.
  • subserviency — serving or acting in a subordinate capacity; subordinate.
  • subversively — Also, subversionary [suh b-vur-zhuh-ner-ee, -shuh-] /səbˈvɜr ʒəˌnɛr i, -ʃə-/ (Show IPA). tending or intending to subvert or overthrow, destroy, or undermine an established or existing system, especially a legally constituted government or a set of beliefs.
  • summarizable — to make a summary of; state or express in a concise form.
  • supercabinet — a specially-formed cabinet, a select or powerful group of political ministers (cabinet)
  • suppressible — to put an end to the activities of (a person, body of persons, etc.): to suppress the Communist and certain left-leaning parties.
  • swim bladder — air bladder (def 2).
  • swing bridge — a bridge that can open by pivoting on a central pier to let vessels pass.
  • terribleness — distressing; severe: a terrible winter.
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