
15-letter words containing b, r, e, t

  • bergamot orange — a small Asian spiny rutaceous tree, Citrus bergamia, having sour pear-shaped fruit
  • berkeley castle — a castle in Gloucestershire: scene of the murder of Edward II in 1327
  • bernoulli trial — one of a sequence of independent experiments each of which has the same probability of success, such as successive throws of a die, the outcome of which is described by a binomial distribution
  • beside the mark — not striking the point aimed at
  • beta conversion — (theory)   A term from lambda-calculus for beta reduction or beta abstraction.
  • beta-adrenergic — pertaining to or involving beta receptors
  • beurre noisette — a sauce of butter cooked until golden or nut brown, sometimes flavored with capers, vinegar, herbs, etc.
  • bias (ply) tire — a motor vehicle tire having a foundation of plies of rubberized cords in a crisscross pattern of lines diagonal to the center line of the tread
  • bicycle touring — the activity of touring on a bicycle
  • bidirectionally — in a bidirectional manner
  • big bang theory — In astronomy the big bang theory is a theory that suggests that the universe was created as a result of an extremely large explosion.
  • bilateral trade — a system of trading between two countries in which each country attempts to balance its trade with that of the other
  • biodestructible — biodegradable
  • biogeochemistry — the science of biological, chemical, and geological aspects of the environment
  • bipartite graph — complete graph
  • birch partridge — ruffed grouse
  • birthing center — a medical facility for the labor and childbirth experience in a family-friendly, homelike environment.
  • birthing centre — a private maternity hospital
  • bits per second — (communications, unit)   (bps, b/s) The unit in which data rate is measured. For example, a modem's data rate is usually measured in kilobits per second. In 1996, the maximum modem speed for use on the PSTN was 33.6 kbps, rising to 56 kbps in 1997. Note that kilo- (k), mega- (M), etc. in data rates denote powers of 1000, not 1024.
  • bittersweetness — the quality of being bittersweet
  • black marketeer — A black marketeer is someone who sells goods on the black market.
  • black operation — a covert and undocumented military operation
  • black september — a Palestinian Terrorist group, responsible for the assassinations of Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games at Munich in 1972
  • black snakeroot — a tall bugbane, Cimicifuga racemosa, of the buttercup family, of eastern North America, having thin, tapering, toothed or deeply cut leaflets and branched clusters of small, white flowers.
  • black-marketeer — to sell articles in the black market.
  • blank cartridge — a cartridge containing powder but no bullet: used in battle practice or as a signal
  • blasting powder — a form of gunpowder made with sodium nitrate instead of saltpeter, used chiefly for blasting rock, ore, etc.
  • blending center — A blending center is a place for mixing fluids, gases, and powders.
  • blessed trinity — Trinity (def 1).
  • bloody butchers — a hardy plant, Trillium sessile, common from New York to Georgia and westward, having stalkless, purple or green flowers.
  • blossom-end rot — a disease of tomato and pepper caused by a deficiency of calcium, characterized by decay at the blossom end of the fruit.
  • blue wood aster — a composite plant, Aster cordifolius, of North America, having heart-shaped leaves and pale-blue flowers.
  • bluegrass state — Kentucky (used as a nickname).
  • board of health — an agency with responsibility for health in state, country, etc
  • board-certified — A doctor who is board-certified has passed tests and meets the standards of a board of specialists in their area of medicine.
  • bohemian forest — a mountain range between the SW Czech Republic and SE Germany. Highest peak: Arber, 1457 m (4780 ft)
  • booster cushion — an extra seat or cushion placed on an existing seat for a child to sit on in a car
  • border incident — an incident, usually fighting, on a border between countries
  • boston marriage — (especially in 19th-century New England) an intimate friendship between two women often maintaining a household together.
  • boston massacre — an outbreak (1770) in Boston against British troops, in which a few citizens were killed
  • boustrophedonic — of or relating to lines written in opposite directions
  • box chronometer — a ship's chronometer, supported on gimbals in a wooden box
  • brachistochrone — the curve between two points through which a body moves under the force of gravity in a shorter time than for any other curve; the path of quickest descent
  • brackett series — a series of lines in the infrared spectrum of hydrogen.
  • braille printer — (printer)   (Or "(Braille) embosser") A printer, necessarily an impact printer, that renders text as Braille. Blind users call other printers ink printers.
  • brake parachute — a parachute attached to the rear of a vehicle and opened to assist braking
  • branchial cleft — Zoology. one of a series of slitlike openings in the walls of the pharynx between the branchial arches of fishes and aquatic amphibians through which water passes from the pharynx to the exterior.
  • branchiostegous — branchiostegal.
  • brand extension — the practice of using a well-known brand name to promote new products or services in unrelated fields
  • bravais lattice — any of 14 possible space lattices found in crystals
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