
8-letter words containing b, l, e, u

  • troubles — your troubles are the things that you are worried about
  • tube fly — an artificial fly with the body tied on a hollow tube that can slide up the leader when a fish takes
  • tubercle — a small rounded projection or excrescence, as on a bone or on the surface of the body.
  • tubicole — an invertebrate animal that lives in a self-constructed tube
  • tubulate — Also, tubulated. shaped like or having a tube.
  • tubulose — belonging or relating to a group of corals (Tubulosa) with tubular outer coverings
  • tubulure — a short tubular opening, as in a glass jar or at the top of a retort.
  • tullibee — a commercially important deep-bodied Canadian whitefish, Coregonus artedi tullibee.
  • tunbelly — a large round belly
  • turnable — to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel.
  • umbelled — having or arranged in umbels
  • umbellet — an umbellule.
  • umbrella — a light, small, portable, usually circular cover for protection from rain or sun, consisting of a fabric held on a collapsible frame of thin ribs radiating from the top of a carrying stick or handle.
  • unbelief — the state or quality of not believing; incredulity or skepticism, especially in matters of doctrine or religious faith.
  • unbelted — to remove the belt from.
  • unbilled — having a bill or beak, especially one of a specified kind, shape, color, etc. (usually used in combination): a yellow-billed magpie.
  • unblamed — not blamed or censured; free from being blamed
  • unboiled — not boiled
  • unbolted — not sifted, as grain.
  • unbottle — to remove from or allow out of a bottle; let loose; release
  • unbridle — to remove the bridle from (a horse, mule, etc.).
  • unbuckle — to unfasten the buckle or buckles of.
  • unbundle — to separate the charges for (related products or services usually offered as a package): to unbundle computer hardware and software.
  • undoable — to reverse the doing of; cause to be as if never done: Murder once done can never be undone.
  • undouble — to unfold; render single.
  • unedible — fit to be eaten as food; eatable; esculent.
  • unfabled — not fictitious
  • unilobed — having or consisting of a single lobe, especially of the maxilla of an insect.
  • unliable — legally responsible: You are liable for the damage caused by your action.
  • unlimber — not limber; inflexible; stiff.
  • unmobile — capable of moving or being moved readily.
  • unstable — not stable; not firm or firmly fixed; unsteady.
  • unsubtle — thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor.
  • unusable — available or convenient for use: 2000 square feet of usable office space.
  • unviable — capable of living.
  • urbanely — having the polish and suavity regarded as characteristic of sophisticated social life in major cities: an urbane manner.
  • valuable — having considerable monetary worth; costing or bringing a high price: a valuable painting; a valuable crop.
  • wellcurb — a stone surround at the top of a well
  • would-be — wishing or pretending to be: a would-be wit.
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