
21-letter words containing b, i, t, e, s

  • salam-weinberg theory — the electroweak theory.
  • san gabriel mountains — a mountain range in S California, N of Los Angeles. Highest peak, San Antonio Peak, 10,080 feet (3072 meters).
  • saponification number — the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify one gram of a given ester, especially a glyceride.
  • satisficing behaviour — the form of behaviour demonstrated by firms who seek satisfactory profits and satisfactory growth rather than maximum profits
  • sb/sth reigns supreme — Someone or something that reigns supreme is the most important or powerful element in a situation or period of time.
  • sealed-beam headlight — a headlight in which the reflector and lens are hermetically sealed together with the filament in a single unit.
  • sense and sensibility — a novel (1811) by Jane Austen.
  • serbia and montenegro — a former country in SE Europe, consisting of the republics of Serbia and Montenegro; replaced the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 2003, and dissolved in 2006 following Montenegro’s decision to secede
  • single parent benefit — a form of government funded financial assistance paid to single parents
  • single spanish burton — a tackle having a runner as well as the fall supporting the load, giving a mechanical advantage of three, neglecting friction.
  • sodium metabisulphite — an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Na2S2O5 that is used as a preservative, antioxidant and disinfectant
  • space shuttle orbiter — orbiter (def 1).
  • spicebush swallowtail — a swallowtail butterfly, Papilio troilus, having a dark body with yellow spots on the forewings and greenish hind wings.
  • splice the main brace — to join together or unite (two ropes or parts of a rope) by the interweaving of strands.
  • split-finger fastball — a type of fastball that sinks abruptly as it nears home plate, thrown with the grip used for a forkball
  • stabilization-process — the act or process of stabilizing or the state of being stabilized.
  • subjective complement — subject complement.
  • subliminal perception — perception of or reaction to a stimulus that occurs without awareness or consciousness
  • subsistence allowance — money given in advance to a new soldier, employee, etc., to buy food, clothing, and pay for other necessities while awaiting a first pay.
  • substitution instance — an expression so derived from another
  • substitution reaction — the replacement of an atom or group of atoms in a compound by another atom or group.
  • supplementary benefit — (formerly) an extra amount of money that is paid to someone by the government, in addition to their normal income. Replaced by income support in 1988
  • sympathetic vibration — a vibration induced by resonance.
  • take sb at their word — If you take someone at their word, you believe what they say, when they did not really mean it or when they meant something slightly different.
  • take sb/sth seriously — If you take someone or something seriously, you believe that they are important and deserve attention.
  • tetrabromofluorescein — eosin (def 1).
  • the barber of seville — Italian Il barbiere di Siviglia. a comic opera (1816) by Gioacchino Rossini based on a comedy (1775) by Beaumarchais.
  • the probation service — a criminal justice service that is mainly responsible for dealing with offenders by placing them under the supervision of a probation officer
  • think outside the box — to think in a different, innovative, or original manner, esp with regard to business practices, products, systems, etc
  • to be a hospital case — if you say that someone or something is a hospital case, you mean that they need urgent help because they are doing very badly
  • to be arrayed against — to be opposed to
  • to be in dire straits — to be in a position of acute difficulty
  • to be mixed up in sth — if you are mixed up in something, usually something bad, you are involved in it
  • to blow sth wide open — to expose something
  • to get back to basics — to revert to a simpler method, eg of living or doing business
  • to hit the bookstands — (of a book) to be published
  • to lay something bare — If you lay something bare, you uncover it completely so that it can then be seen.
  • to put the wind up sb — If something or someone puts the wind up you, they frighten or worry you.
  • to risk life and limb — If someone risks life and limb, they do something very dangerous that may cause them to die or be seriously injured.
  • to rub shoulders with — If you rub shoulders with famous people, you meet them and talk to them. You can also say that you rub elbows with someone, especially in American English.
  • trustee in bankruptcy — a person appointed by a court to administer the property of a bankrupt.
  • tubercular meningitis — an infection of the membranes of the central nervous system caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis; features can include fever, headache, and coma
  • uniform business rate — a local tax in the UK paid by businesses, based on a local valuation of their premises and a rate fixed by central government that applies throughout the country
  • up to the elbows with — busily occupied with; deeply immersed in
  • vacation bible school — a religious school conducted by some churches during the summer for students on vacation.
  • weinberg-salam theory — electroweak theory.
  • with one's bare hands — If someone does something with their bare hands, they do it without using any weapons or tools.
  • with sb's compliments — If you say that you are giving someone something with your compliments, you are saying in a polite and fairly formal way that you are giving it to them, especially as a gift or a favour.
  • writ of habeas corpus — law: petition for hearing
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