
17-letter words containing b, i, t, e, s

  • binet-simon scale — a test comprising questions and tasks, used to determine the mental age of subjects, usually children
  • bioelectrogenesis — the production of electricity by organisms.
  • bite one's tongue — either of the two fleshy parts or folds forming the margins of the mouth and functioning in speech.
  • bitmapped display — bitmap display
  • black-box testing — functional testing
  • blue-sky thinking — Blue-sky thinking is the activity of trying to find completely new ideas.
  • board of estimate — a special organ of a municipal government, as of New York City, composed of the mayor, the president of the city council, and the controller, and charged with approving the city's budget and fiscal matters.
  • boothia peninsula — a peninsula of N Canada: the northernmost part of the mainland of North America, lying west of the Gulf of Boothia, an arm of the Arctic Ocean
  • bore-stroke ratio — The bore-stroke ratio is the ratio of bore to stroke. A ratio of 1:1 is referred to informally as square.
  • bottom-up testing — (programming)   An integration testing technique that tests the low-level components first using test drivers for those components that have not yet been developed to call the low-level components for test. Compare bottom-up implementation.
  • bowel obstruction — a blockage in the bowel
  • british cameroons — a former British trust territory of West Africa
  • british israelite — a member of a religious movement claiming that the British people are descended from the lost tribes of Israel
  • british-cameroons — German Kamerun. a region in W Africa: a German protectorate 1884–1919; divided in 1919 into British and French mandates.
  • broadview heights — a town in N Ohio.
  • budget resolution — a resolution adopted by both houses of the U.S. Congress setting forth, reaffirming, or revising the budget for the U.S. government for a fiscal year.
  • bursting strength — the capacity of a thing or substance to resist change when under pressure.
  • bushman's singlet — a sleeveless heavy black woollen singlet, used as working clothing by timber fellers
  • butacaine sulfate — a colorless, crystalline substance, (C18H30N2O2)2·H2SO4, used as a local anesthetic, esp. on mucous membranes
  • buttonhole stitch — a reinforcing looped stitch for the edge of material, such as around a buttonhole
  • buyers' inflation — inflation in which rising demand results in a rise in prices.
  • carbon offsetting — a program in which a company, country, etc., reduces or offsets its carbon emissions through the funding of activities and projects that improve the environment: Carbon offsetting does not always have a quantifiable impact on the planet.
  • checkable deposit — a checking account
  • chocolate biscuit — a biscuit covered with chocolate
  • cistern barometer — a mercury barometer in which the lower mercury surface has a greater area than the upper.
  • clear box testing — white box testing
  • collaborativeness — Quality of being collaborative.
  • combine harvester — A combine harvester is a large machine which is used on farms to cut, sort, and clean grain.
  • combustion engine — any of various types of engines driven by energy produced by combustion.
  • comprehensibility — capable of being comprehended or understood; intelligible.
  • contrasuggestible — responding or tending to respond to a suggestion by doing or believing the opposite
  • countersubversive — Also, subversionary [suh b-vur-zhuh-ner-ee, -shuh-] /səbˈvɜr ʒəˌnɛr i, -ʃə-/ (Show IPA). tending or intending to subvert or overthrow, destroy, or undermine an established or existing system, especially a legally constituted government or a set of beliefs.
  • cross the rubicon — If you say that someone has crossed the Rubicon, you mean that they have reached a point where they cannot change a decision or course of action.
  • dagestan republic — a constituent republic of S Russia, on the Caspian Sea: annexed from Persia in 1813; rich mineral resources. Capital: Makhachkala. Pop: 2 584 200 (2002). Area: 50 278 sq km (19 416 sq miles)
  • debt rescheduling — the process of changing the time frame or deadline for the repayment of debt, usually to ease the burden on the debtor
  • deductible clause — a clause in an insurance policy stipulating that the insured will be liable for a specified initial amount of each loss, injury, etc., and that the insurance company will be liable for any additional costs up to the insured amount.
  • desktop publisher — desktop publishing
  • diabetes mellitus — a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by excessive thirst and excretion of abnormally large quantities of urine containing an excess of sugar, caused by a deficiency of insulin
  • digestive biscuit — a round semisweet biscuit made from wholemeal flour
  • disability clause — a clause in a life-insurance policy providing for waiver of premium and sometimes payment of monthly income if the policyholder becomes totally and permanently disabled.
  • discreditableness — Quality of being discreditable.
  • discrete variable — a variable that may assume only a countable, and usually finite, number of values.
  • disrespectability — Lack of respectability.
  • distributed force — A distributed force is a force that acts on a large part of a surface, not just on one place.
  • distributed logic — a computer system in which remote terminals and electronic devices, distributed throughout the system, supplement the main computer by doing some of the computing or decision making
  • distribution line — A distribution line is a line or system for distributing power from a transmission system to a consumer that operates at less than 69,000 volts.
  • dobell's solution — a clear, yellowish, aqueous solution of sodium borate, sodium bicarbonate, phenol, and glycerol, used chiefly as an antiseptic and astringent for the nose and throat.
  • double insulation — Double insulation is insulation that consists of both basic insulation and supplementary insulation.
  • drive-by shooting — an incident in which a person, building, or vehicle is shot at by someone in a moving vehicle
  • east siberian sea — a part of the Arctic Ocean, between Wrangel Island and the New Siberian Islands. 352,520 sq. mi. (913,000 sq. km).
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