
14-letter words containing b, i, a

  • hyperexcitable — an excessive reaction to stimuli.
  • hyperirritable — extreme irritability.
  • hypermetabolic — of, relating to, or affected by metabolism.
  • hypometabolism — The physiological state of having an decreased rate of metabolic activity.
  • i'll be damned — Some people say 'I'll be damned!' when they are expressing surprise at something.
  • i'll be darned — You can say I'll be darned to show that you are very surprised about something.
  • ibm compatible — (computer)   A computer which can use hardware and software designed for the IBM PC (or, less often, IBM mainframes). This was once a key phrase in marketing a new PC clone but now in 1998 is rarely used, the non-IBM wintel personal computer manufacturers such as Compaq, Dell and Gateway 2000 and OS vendor Microsoft having taken control of the market, marginalising IBM.
  • illimitability — Quality of being illimitable.
  • image-building — improving the brand image or public image of something or someone by good public relations, advertising, etc
  • immobilisation — Alternative spelling of immobilization.
  • immobilization — to make immobile or immovable; fix in place.
  • imparisyllabic — (of a noun) not composed of the same number of syllables in all of its inflected forms, as Latin corpus, corporis.
  • impassableness — The quality of being impassable.
  • impeachability — The state or condition of being impeachable.
  • imperial beach — a city in SW California, near San Diego.
  • impermeability — not permeable; impassable.
  • imperturbation — freedom from perturbation; tranquillity; calmness.
  • imperviability — the quality of being imperviable
  • implacableness — The quality of being implacable.
  • implausibility — not plausible; not having the appearance of truth or credibility: an implausible alibi.
  • imponderabilia — Those things that are imponderable.
  • impregnability — strong enough to resist or withstand attack; not to be taken by force, unconquerable: an impregnable fort.
  • impressionable — easily impressed or influenced; susceptible: an impressionable youngster.
  • impressionably — In an impressionable manner.
  • in a bad light — something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.
  • in sb's favour — If someone makes a judgment in your favour, they say that you are right about something.
  • in the balance — a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc.
  • in the bargain — an advantageous purchase, especially one acquired at less than the usual cost: The sale offered bargains galore.
  • inadvisability — not advisable; inexpedient; unwise.
  • inalienability — not transferable to another or not capable of being taken away or denied; not alienable: inalienable rights, freedoms, and liberties; an inalienable territory; inalienable principles and values.
  • inalterability — Inalterableness.
  • inapproachable — not approachable.
  • inboard brakes — Inboard brakes are brakes located close to the center of the vehicle rather than at the wheel hub.
  • incapabilities — not capable.
  • incense bearer — a person who carries the censer at religious ceremonies
  • inclinableness — a readiness to be inclined or persuaded
  • income bracket — a group or category of people whose income falls within defined upper and lower levels
  • incommunicable — incapable of being communicated, imparted, shared, etc.
  • incommunicably — In an incommunicable manner or fashion.
  • inconscionable — Obsolete form of unconscionable.
  • inconsiderable — small, as in value, amount, or size.
  • inconsiderably — To an inconsiderable degree.
  • incontrollable — uncontrollable.
  • inculpableness — The quality of being inculpable; blamelessness.
  • indecipherable — not decipherable; illegible.
  • indecipherably — not decipherable; illegible.
  • indecomposable — incapable of being decomposed.
  • indefinability — The quality of being indefinable.
  • indeliberately — done without care; special planning or deliberation; unintentional.
  • indemonstrable — not demonstrable; incapable of being demonstrated or proved.
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