
8-letter words containing b, c, i

  • copiable — Alternative spelling of copyable.
  • corbeils — Plural form of corbeil.
  • corbinas — Plural form of corbina.
  • corncrib — a ventilated building for the storage of unhusked maize
  • cowbirds — Plural form of cowbird.
  • crabbily — in a crabby manner
  • crabbing — Informal. an ill-tempered or grouchy person.
  • crabbish — Somewhat sour or cross; crabby.
  • crablike — resembling a crab, esp in movement
  • crabwise — (of motion) sideways; like a crab
  • credible — Credible means able to be trusted or believed.
  • credibly — capable of being believed; believable: a credible statement.
  • cribbage — a game of cards for two to four, in which players try to win a set number of points before their opponents
  • cribbers — Plural form of cribber.
  • cribbing — the action of one that cribs
  • cribella — Plural form of cribellum.
  • cribnote — crib (def 5a).
  • cribwork — a supporting framework of beams, logs, etc. built in layers, each layer having its unit at right angles to those of the layer below
  • crowbait — an emaciated, worn-out horse or cow.
  • crucible — A crucible is a pot in which metals or other substances can be melted or heated up to very high temperatures.
  • crumbing — Present participle of crumb.
  • cubicity — the state or quality of being cubic
  • cubicles — A small partitioned-off area of a room, for example one containing a bed in a dwelling or one containing a desk in an office.
  • cubicula — a burial chamber, as in catacombs.
  • cubiform — having the shape of a cube
  • cubistic — a style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 20th century, characterized chiefly by an emphasis on formal structure, the reduction of natural forms to their geometrical equivalents, and the organization of the planes of a represented object independently of representational requirements.
  • cuboidal — Also, cuboidal. resembling a cube in form.
  • cucurbit — any creeping flowering plant of the mainly tropical and subtropical family Cucurbitaceae, which includes the pumpkin, cucumber, squashes, and gourds
  • cui bono — for whose benefit? for what purpose?
  • cumbrian — of or relating to Cumbria or its inhabitants
  • cumbungi — any of various tall Australian marsh plants of the genus Typha
  • curbside — at the curb or on the sidewalk adjacent to the street
  • curitiba — a city in SE Brazil, capital of Paraná state: seat of the University of Paraná (1946). Pop: 2 871 000 (2005 est)
  • cybering — Present participle of cyber.
  • dabchick — any of several small grebes of the genera Podiceps and Podilymbus, such as Podiceps ruficollis of the Old World
  • decibels — a unit used to express the intensity of a sound wave, equal to 20 times the common logarithm of the ratio of the pressure produced by the sound wave to a reference pressure, usually 0.0002 microbar.
  • describe — If you describe a person, object, event, or situation, you say what they are like or what happened.
  • diabasic — Pertaining to, or containing, diabase.
  • diabatic — occurring with an exchange of heat (opposed to adiabatic): a diabatic process.
  • diabetic — Diabetic is also an adjective.
  • diabolic — Diabolic is used to describe things that people think are caused by or belong to the Devil.
  • die back — If a plant dies back, its leaves die but its roots remain alive.
  • disbench — to remove (a barrister or judge) from the membership of the governing body of one of the Inns of Court
  • dobchick — Alternative form of dabchick.
  • duckbill — platypus.
  • educible — Able to be elicited or evoked.
  • failback — failover
  • febrific — producing or marked by fever.
  • fencible — Capable of being defended.
  • fibrotic — the development in an organ of excess fibrous connective tissue.
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