
11-letter words containing b, a, y, p

  • hyperborean — Classical Mythology. one of a people supposed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and abundance beyond the north wind.
  • hypercarbia — (medicine) the condition of having an abnormally high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • hypnophobia — An abnormal fear of falling asleep.
  • hypoblastic — Of, or relating to the hypoblast.
  • hypsophobia — an extreme or abnormal fear of heights
  • impermeably — In an impermeable manner.
  • impitoyable — a type of large wine glass with a bowl shaped like a wide funnel to enhance the aromas.
  • implausibly — In an implausible or dubious manner.
  • impregnably — In an impregnable manner; in a manner to defy attack.
  • inescapably — incapable of being escaped, ignored, or avoided; ineluctable: inescapable responsibilities.
  • inseparably — In an inseparable manner.
  • insuperably — In an insuperable manner.
  • irreparably — not reparable; incapable of being rectified, remedied, or made good: an irreparable mistake.
  • khyber pass — the chief mountain pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan, W of Peshawar. 33 miles (53 km) long; 6825 feet (2080 meters) high.
  • labiaplasty — (surgery) The moulding or shaping of the labia minora and/or labia majora.
  • labor party — one of the chief political parties of Australia, generally supporting the interests of organized labour
  • lay baptism — baptism administered by a lay-person.
  • liberty cap — a soft, conical cap given to a freed slave in ancient Rome at manumission of his servitude, used as a symbol of liberty, especially since the 18th century.
  • lymphoblast — a large, metabolically active lymphocyte shortly before it enters into mitosis.
  • lyssophobia — a pathological fear of going insane.
  • manipulably — In a manipulable way.
  • namby-pamby — without firm methods or policy; weak or indecisive: namby-pamby handling of juvenile offenders.
  • nonplayable — Not playable.
  • nyctophobia — an abnormal fear of night or darkness.
  • openability — The quality of being openable.
  • operability — that can be treated by a surgical operation. Compare inoperable (def 2).
  • packability — The quality or state of being packable.
  • paleobotany — the branch of paleontology dealing with fossil plants.
  • palpability — readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc.; obvious; evident: a palpable lie; palpable absurdity.
  • parent body — an organization's parent body is the organization that created it and usually still controls it
  • parking bay — a space in a car park designed to be large enough to park a vehicle in
  • partibility — the quality of being partible
  • passer-byes — a person passing by.
  • pastry tube — a conical tube with a patterned hole at one end, fitted over the opening of a cloth funnel (pastry bag) for shaping icings, food pastes, etc., as they are forced through by squeezing the bag.
  • paul bunyanJohn, 1628–88, English preacher: author of The Pilgrim's Progress.
  • payload bay — cargo bay.
  • peace lobby — a lobby for peace or the end of conflict
  • penalty box — an enclosed space adjacent to the rink for penalized players, the penalty timekeeper, the game timekeeper, and the official scorer.
  • penny black — the first adhesive postage stamp, issued in Britain in 1840; an imperforate stamp bearing the profile of Queen Victoria on a dark background
  • perceivably — capable of being perceived; perceptible.
  • perth amboy — a seaport in E New Jersey.
  • pineal body — (formerly) the pineal gland.
  • play by ear — a dramatic composition or piece; drama.
  • playability — the quality or state of being playable: The sound and playability of vintage instruments depends on how well they are maintained. Poor graphics and counterintuitive controls negatively affected the playability of the video game.
  • polysorbate — any of a class of emulsifying and dispersing agents used in various foods and pharmaceutical preparations.
  • portability — the state or quality of being portable.
  • pourability — to send (a liquid, fluid, or anything in loose particles) flowing or falling, as from one container to another, or into, over, or on something: to pour a glass of milk; to pour water on a plant.
  • prayer book — a book containing formal prayers to be used in public or private religious devotions.
  • preambulary — of, pertaining to or of the nature of a preamble; preliminary, introductory
  • preassembly — an assembling or coming together of a number of persons, usually for a particular purpose: The principal will speak to all the students at Friday's assembly.
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