
11-letter words containing a, t, r, o

  • multifactor — Of or pertaining to more than one factor.
  • multifloral — Of or relating to more than one (variety of) flower.
  • multiformat — Accessible in more than one format.
  • multiparous — of or relating to a multipara.
  • murmuration — an act or instance of murmuring.
  • muscatorium — a flabellum or fan, esp the ceremonial fan carried before the pope
  • mustard oil — oil expressed from the seed of mustard, used chiefly in making soap.
  • mustard pot — a small pot, of glass, silver, etc, placed on the table to serve mustard
  • mutteration — the act of muttering
  • myocarditis — inflammation of the myocardium.
  • myographist — a person who has expert knowledge of muscles
  • mythography — a written collection of myths.
  • nanocrystal — A crystalline entity whose size is measured in nanometers; an individual nanometer-sized crystal of such a material.
  • narco-state — a country in which the illegal trade in narcotic drugs forms a substantial part of the economy
  • narcoleptic — a condition characterized by frequent and uncontrollable periods of deep sleep.
  • narcotizing — Present participle of narcotize.
  • narrational — something narrated; an account, story, or narrative.
  • narratology — The study of narrative structure.
  • narrow boat — A narrow boat is a long, low boat used on canals.
  • narrowboats — Plural form of narrowboat.
  • nasofrontal — of or relating to the nasal and frontal bones
  • nasogastric — of, relating to, or involving the nose and stomach.
  • native-born — born in the place or country indicated: a native-born Australian.
  • naturopaths — Plural form of naturopath.
  • naturopathy — a system or method of treating disease that employs no surgery or synthetic drugs but uses special diets, herbs, vitamins, massage, etc., to assist the natural healing processes.
  • navratilovaMartina, born 1956, U.S. tennis player, born in the former Czechoslovakia.
  • neanthropic — of or relating to modern forms of humans as compared with extinct species of the genus Homo.
  • necromantic — a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead; black art.
  • negotiators — Plural form of negotiator.
  • negotiatory — Of or pertaining to negotiation.
  • negotiatrix — (obsolete) A female negotiator.
  • nematodirus — any parasitic nematode worm of the genus Nematodirus
  • nematomorph — any member of the phylum Nematomorpha, having a threadlike body, comprising the horsehair worms.
  • nematophore — (within the coenosarc of certain colonial hydrozoans) a small specialized tentacle-like polyp having nematocysts
  • neocortical — the largest and evolutionarily most recent portion of the cerebral cortex, composed of complex, layered tissue, the site of most of the higher brain functions.
  • neotropical — belonging or pertaining to a geographical division comprising that part of the New World extending from the tropic of Cancer southward.
  • neoytterbia — A former name of ytterbium.
  • nephropathy — any disease of the kidney.
  • nervuration — the arrangement of the veins in the wing of an insect.
  • neuroactive — affecting or interacting directly with the nervous system
  • neuroblasts — Plural form of neuroblast.
  • neurocytoma — A nervous system tumor primarily derived from nervous tissue, in contrast to the gliomas.
  • neuropathic — any diseased condition of the nervous system.
  • neuroplasty — Any surgery to repair nerve tissue.
  • neuropteral — (zoology) Of or pertaining to the Neuroptera.
  • neuropteran — neuropterous.
  • neurulation — the formation of a neurula.
  • neutropenia — a decrease in the number of neutrophils in the blood: mild, moderate, or severe neutropenia.
  • nicostratus — a son of Menelaus and Helen who, with his illegitimate brother Megapenthes, expelled Helen from Sparta when Menelaus died.
  • nitro-chalk — a chemical fertilizer containing calcium carbonate and ammonium nitrate
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