
18-letter words containing a, t, i

  • christian reformed — of or relating to a Protestant denomination (Christian Reformed Church) organized in the U.S. in 1857 by groups that had seceded from the Dutch Reformed Church.
  • christine de pisan — ?1364–?1430, French poet and prose writer, born in Venice. Her works include ballads, rondeaux, lays, and a biography of Charles V of France
  • christmas shopping — shopping especially for Christmas presents, but also for Christmas food and drink, and all the other things required over the Christmas period.
  • christmas stocking — A Christmas stocking is a long sock which children hang up on Christmas Eve. During the night, parents fill the stocking with small presents.
  • chromatic printing — printing from blocks or types inked with various colours
  • chromatic semitone — the pitch difference between one note and its sharpened or flattened equivalent
  • chromolithographer — One engaged in chromolithography.
  • chromolithographic — Pertaining to, or made by, chromolithography.
  • chronostratigraphy — The branch of geology concerned with establishing the absolute ages of strata.
  • chukchi-kamchatkan — Chukotian.
  • cicatricial tissue — scar tissue.
  • cigar-store indian — a wooden statue of an American Indian, traditionally displayed at the entrance of cigar stores.
  • circular breathing — a technique for sustaining a phrase on a wind instrument, using the cheeks to force air out of the mouth while breathing in through the nose
  • circulating medium — currency serving as a medium of exchange
  • circulatory system — the system concerned with the transport of blood and lymph, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, lymph vessels, etc
  • circumnavigational — Relating to circumnavigation.
  • citizen journalism — the involvement of non-professionals in reporting news, esp in blogs and other websites
  • citizenship papers — the document stating that a naturalized person has been formally declared a citizen
  • citta del vaticano — Vatican City
  • classical sanskrit — Sanskrit of an ancient period earlier than that of the Prakrits and later than Vedic.
  • classified section — the part of a publication that contains classified advertising
  • claustrophobically — In a claustrophobic way.
  • clean as a whistle — If you describe something as clean as a whistle, you mean that it is completely clean.
  • clinical pathology — the branch of pathology dealing with the study of disease and disease processes by means of chemical, microscopic, and serologic examinations.
  • closed corporation — a corporation the stock of which is owned by a small number of persons and is rarely traded on the open market
  • clothing allowance — an amount of money to compensate for the purchase of clothes for work, school, etc
  • coastguard station — the headquarters or local offices of a coastguard
  • cobalt violet deep — a medium to strong purple color.
  • coffee-table music — unadventurous music
  • collagen injection — an injection of collagen into the lip in order to give it a fuller appearance
  • collection charges — the charges levied to cover expenses for the collection of debt
  • collision diameter — the distance between the centers of two colliding molecules when at their closest point of approach.
  • colloidal solution — a mixture having particles of one component, with diameters between 10 −7 and 10 −9 metres, suspended in a continuous phase of another component. The mixture has properties between those of a solution and a fine suspension
  • colonic irrigation — Colonic irrigation is a medical procedure in which a person's colon is washed by injecting water or other fluids into it.
  • combination square — an adjustable device for carpenters, used as a try square, miter square, level, etc.
  • combined operation — a military operation carried out jointly by allied forces
  • combustion chamber — an enclosed space in which combustion takes place, such as the space above the piston in the cylinder head of an internal-combustion engine or the chambers in a gas turbine or rocket engine in which fuel and oxidant burn
  • combustion furnace — a furnace used in the laboratory to carry out elemental analysis of organic compounds
  • commando operation — a major operation for treatment of cancer of the head and neck, involving removal of many facial structures and subsequent surgical reconstruction
  • commedia dell'arte — a form of popular comedy developed in Italy during the 16th to 18th centuries, with stock characters such as Punchinello, Harlequin, and Columbine, in situations improvised from a plot outline
  • commendation medal — a U.S. military decoration awarded for meritorious achievement or service
  • commercial attache — an attaché in an embassy or legation representing the commercial interests of his or her country.
  • committed facility — an agreement by a bank to provide a customer with funds up to a specified limit at a specified rate of interest
  • commodity exchange — an exchange where commodities are traded
  • common denominator — In mathematics, a common denominator is a number which can be divided exactly by all the denominators in a group of fractions.
  • communication cord — a cord or chain in a train which may be pulled by a passenger to stop the train in an emergency
  • communication line — a line carrying communications
  • community hospital — (in the US) a local hospital
  • community language — a language spoken by members of a minority group or community within a majority language context
  • commutation ticket — a ticket entitling the holder to travel over the same route, as on a railroad, a specified number of times at a reduced rate
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