
15-letter words containing a, t, f

  • self-management — the act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control.
  • self-medication — the use of medicine without medical supervision to treat one's own ailment.
  • self-motivation — initiative to undertake or continue a task or activity without another's prodding or supervision.
  • self-mutilation — to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts: Vandals mutilated the painting.
  • self-regulating — adjusting, ruling, or governing itself without outside interference; operating or functioning without externally imposed controls or regulations: a self-regulating economy; the self-regulating market.
  • self-regulation — control by oneself or itself, as in an economy, business organization, etc., especially such control as exercised independently of governmental supervision, laws, or the like.
  • self-regulative — used for or capable of controlling or adjusting oneself or itself: a self-regulative device.
  • self-regulatory — Self-regulatory systems, organizations, or activities are controlled by the people involved in them, rather than by outside organizations or rules.
  • self-revelation — disclosure of one's private feelings, thoughts, etc., especially when unintentional.
  • self-revelatory — displaying, exhibiting, or disclosing one's most private feelings, thoughts, etc.: an embarrassingly self-revealing autobiography.
  • self-satisfying — effecting satisfaction to oneself.
  • self-sustaining — self-supporting.
  • self-sustenance — means of sustaining life; nourishment.
  • self-validating — requiring no external confirmation, sanction, or validation.
  • selfabandonment — absence or lack of personal restraint.
  • semi-figurative — of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal: The word “head” has several figurative senses, as in “She's the head of the company.”. Synonyms: metaphorical, not literal, symbolic.
  • semi-functional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • semimanufacture — a product which forms an intermediate stage in the manufacture of another, often more complex product
  • sheffield plate — sheet copper with a cladding of silver.
  • shelikof strait — a strait between the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak Island, in S Alaska. 130 miles (209 km) long and 30 miles (48 km) wide.
  • ship's manifest — a list of the shipments or cargo that a vessel is carrying
  • short of breath — If you are short of breath, you find it difficult to breathe properly, for example because you are ill. You can also say that someone suffers from shortness of breath.
  • shut one's face — to be silent
  • significatively — serving to signify.
  • simple fraction — a ratio of two integers.
  • simple fracture — a fracture in which the bone does not pierce the skin.
  • slashdot effect — a temporary surge in the numbers visiting a website and consequent service slowdown or even server crash that sometimes arises as a result of a new link being set up from a more popular website
  • sleight of hand — skill in feats requiring quick and clever movements of the hands, especially for entertainment or deception, as jugglery, card or coin magic, etc.; legerdemain.
  • slumpflationary — of or relating to slumpflation
  • snowball effect — a process of continuously accelerating change in size, importance, etc
  • social benefits — the social welfare provision made available to those in need
  • soft-shell clam — an edible clam, Mya arenaria, inhabiting waters along both coasts of North America, having an oval, relatively thin, whitish shell.
  • soft-shell crab — a crab, especially the blue crab, that has recently molted and therefore has a soft, edible shell.
  • software method — Software Methodology
  • spanish trefoil — alfalfa.
  • spare no effort — do all you can
  • speaking of sth — You can say speaking of something that has just been mentioned as a way of introducing a new topic which has some connection with that thing.
  • special effects — Usually, special effects. a video or audio illusion in film or other media, created with computer-generated images, prosthetic makeup, pyrotechnics, etc.
  • special feature — an article differing from the normal format and focusing on a particular topic
  • spirits of salt — a solution of hydrochloric acid in water
  • stamford bridge — a village in N England, east of York: site of a battle (1066) in which King Harold of England defeated his brother Tostig and King Harald Hardrada of Norway, three weeks before the Battle of Hastings
  • stand in awe of — to respect and fear
  • stannic sulfide — a yellowish or brownish, water-insoluble powder, SnS 2 , usually used suspended in lacquer or varnish for gilding and bronzing metals, wood, paper, etc.; mosaic gold.
  • star of courage — a Canadian award for bravery
  • starfish flower — carrion flower (def 2).
  • start of header — (character)   (SOH) mnemonic for ASCII 1.
  • station officer — a person who is in charge of a fire station
  • steam reforming — a process in which methane from natural gas is heated, with steam, usually with a catalyst, to produce a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen used in organic synthesis and as a fuel
  • straightforward — going or directed straight ahead: a straightforward gaze.
  • strait of canso — a channel in Canada, between the Nova Scotia mainland and S Cape Breton Island
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