
12-letter words containing a, s, u, l, t, r

  • sesquialtera — a mixture stop on an organ
  • shuttlecraft — space shuttle.
  • slate quarry — a quarry where slate is mined
  • slaughterman — a person employed to kill animals in a slaughterhouse
  • slaughterous — murderous; destructive.
  • slide guitar — bottleneck (def 3).
  • smart casual — (of clothing) neat or professional-looking but fairly casual: The dress code for the event will be smart casual.
  • somatopleure — the double layer formed by the association of the upper layer of the lateral plate of mesoderm with the overlying ectoderm, functioning in the formation of the body wall and amnion.
  • speculatrice — a female speculator
  • spiritualism — the belief or doctrine that the spirits of the dead, surviving after the mortal life, can and do communicate with the living, especially through a person (a medium) particularly susceptible to their influence.
  • spiritualist — an adherent of spiritualism.
  • spirituality — the quality or fact of being spiritual.
  • spiritualize — to make spiritual.
  • splatterpunk — a form of fiction featuring extremely graphic violence.
  • square-built — sturdy and strong-looking
  • star cluster — a number of stars of common origin held together as a group by gravitational attraction. Compare globular cluster, open cluster, stellar association.
  • steel guitar — an acoustic, handheld guitar having a metal resonator and producing a wailing, variable sound.
  • straticulate — made up of or arranged in thin layers.
  • street value — monetary worth
  • strike fault — a fault that trends parallel to the strike of the strata that it offsets.
  • structurally — of or relating to structure; pertaining or essential to a structure.
  • sub-tropical — Sub-tropical places have a climate that is warm and wet, and are often near tropical regions.
  • subalternant — a universal in relation to a subaltern
  • subalternate — subordinate.
  • subalternity — lower in rank; subordinate: a subaltern employee.
  • subcentrally — in a subcentral manner
  • subcuticular — the nonliving epidermis that surrounds the edges of the fingernail or toenail.
  • subeditorial — of or relating to a subeditor, the work of a subeditor or a subeditorship
  • subfactorial — the number of ways a group of objects can be arranged so that none of the objects are in their original or correct place
  • subquarterly — as one of the quarterings of a grand quarter: a coat of arms borne subquarterly.
  • subvertebral — located below a vertebra
  • sulphur bath — a curative bath in which the water used has sulphates dissolved in it, especially one in which the water comes from a natural hot spring
  • superathlete — a highly accomplished athlete, an exceptional athlete
  • supercapital — a member situated between a capital and the spring of an arch, as a dosseret.
  • superelastic — capable of returning to its original length, shape, etc., after being stretched, deformed, compressed, or expanded: an elastic waistband; elastic fiber.
  • superelevate — to raise above a normal level
  • superfrontal — a piece of cloth placed over an altar and frontal and hanging down a few inches over the front of the altar
  • supernatural — of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal.
  • superovulate — to produce more than the normal number of ova at one time, as through hormone treatment.
  • superplastic — (of some metals and alloys) having the capacity to undergo extreme deformation at high temperatures.
  • superquality — above-average quality
  • supplicatory — to pray humbly; make humble and earnest entreaty or petition.
  • supracrustal — relating to rocks that overlie the basement rock of the crust
  • supraglottal — situated above the glottis
  • supranatural — beyond what is natural; supernatural.
  • supraorbital — situated above the eye socket.
  • supravitally — in a supravital manner
  • surmountable — to mount upon; get on the top of; mount upon and cross over: to surmount a hill.
  • surrealistic — of, relating to, or characteristic of surrealism; surreal.
  • survival kit — Military. a package containing medical supplies, rations, and other vital equipment for use by a person forced to land in or parachute into the ocean, jungle, or other isolated or hostile territory.
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