
18-letter words containing a, s, l, p, i, n

  • moccasin telegraph — the transmission of rumour or secret information; the grapevine
  • natural philosophy — natural science.
  • nebular hypothesis — the theory that the solar system evolved from a mass of nebular matter: prominent in the 19th century following its precise formulation by Laplace.
  • neuroleptanalgesia — a semiconscious nonreactive state induced by certain drug combinations, as fentanyl with droperidol.
  • neurophysiological — the branch of physiology dealing with the functions of the nervous system.
  • neuropsychological — Of or pertaining to neuropsychology, the relation or combination of brain and mind.
  • nonpartisan league — a political organization of farmers, founded in North Dakota in 1915, and extending to many states west of the Mississippi, with the aim of influencing agricultural legislation in state legislatures.
  • nonpreferentialism — of, relating to, or of the nature of preference: preferential policies.
  • nord-pas-de-calais — a region of N France, on the Straits of Dover (the Pas de Calais): coal-mining, textile, and metallurgical industries
  • normally aspirated — A normally aspirated or naturally aspirated engine breathes air at atmospheric pressure.
  • oedipus at colonus — a tragedy by Sophocles, written toward the end of his life and produced posthumously in 401? b.c.
  • operationalisation — Alternative spelling of operationalization.
  • optical soundtrack — the final soundtrack on a motion picture, which appears as a band of black and white serrations along a strip of film to the left of the composite print. Light is shined through the serrations and is converted to audible sound.
  • oriental scops owl — any of a group of small owls having ear tufts and a whistling call, especially Otus scops (Old World scops owl) and O. sunia (Oriental scops owl)
  • overspecialization — excessive specialization, as in a field of study.
  • pacinian corpuscle — (sometimes lowercase) a microscopic, onionlike body consisting of layers of connective tissue wrapped around a nerve ending, located in the deep layers of skin, tendons, etc., and functioning as a sensory receptor of pressure and vibration.
  • parathyroid glands — any of several small oval glands usually lying near or embedded in the thyroid gland.
  • parliamentarianism — advocacy of a parliamentary system of government.
  • passing modulation — a modulation of a temporary nature.
  • pectoral sandpiper — an American sandpiper, Calidris melanotos, the male of which, when courting, inflates its chest conspicuously.
  • pellitory of spain — a small Mediterranean plant, Anacyclus pyrethrum, the root of which contains an oil formerly used to relieve toothache: family Asteraceae (composites)
  • pennsylvania dutch — the descendants of 17th- and 18th-century settlers in Pennsylvania from southwest Germany and Switzerland.
  • percussion flaking — a method of forming a flint tool by striking flakes from a stone core with another stone or a piece of bone or wood.
  • perennial ryegrass — any of several European grasses of the genus Lolium, as L. perenne (perennial ryegrass) grown for forage in the U.S.
  • personal assistant — aide
  • personal exemption — Your personal exemption is the amount of money that is deducted from your gross income before you have to start paying income tax.
  • personal insurance — insurance on personal risk, such as car insurance, health insurance or loss of earnings insurance
  • personal organizer — a small notebook with sections for personal information, as dates and addresses.
  • pescadores-islands — (used with a plural verb) Penghu.
  • phanerocrystalline — (of a rock) having the principal constituents in the form of crystals visible to the naked eye.
  • phantasmagorically — having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination.
  • phosphatidylserine — any of a class of phospholipids occurring in biological membranes and fats
  • physical education — systematic instruction in sports, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program.
  • physical inventory — To carry out a physical inventory is to count all the stock on hand.
  • plains grasshopper — a large, destructive short-horned grasshopper, Brachystola magna, of the western U.S., marked by pinkish hind wings.
  • plate-glass window — a window that has glass which has been formed by rolling
  • play second fiddle — be considered less important
  • pleasure principle — an automatic mental drive or instinct seeking to avoid pain and to obtain pleasure.
  • policeman's helmet — a Himalayan balsaminaceous plant, Impatiens glandulifera, with large purplish-pink flowers, introduced into Britain
  • political prisoner — sb imprisoned for political dissidence
  • political question — a question regarded by the courts as being a matter to be determined by another department of government rather than of law and therefore one with which they will not deal, as the recognition of a foreign state.
  • polynesian tattler — a sandpiper, H. incanus, native to the Pacific coastal regions
  • population density — ratio: inhabitants to area
  • population figures — population totals; statistics relating to the size of populations
  • post-revolutionary — of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: a revolutionary junta.
  • postmillenarianism — postmillennialism.
  • postviral syndrome — debilitating condition occurring as a sequel to viral illness
  • prepositional verb — a combination of verb and preposition, often with idiomatic meaning, differing from other phrasal verbs in that an object must always follow the preposition, as take after in The children take after their mother.
  • prerelease showing — a showing of a film before it goes on general release
  • presenile dementia — a form of dementia, of unknown cause, starting before a person is old
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