
17-letter words containing a, s, l, p, i, n

  • karitane hospital — a hospital for young babies and their mothers
  • kensington palace — a royal residence in Kensington Gardens, in the London borough of Kensington and Chelsea; dating from the 17th century, it was improved and extended by Sir Cristopher Wren
  • kidney transplant — surgery to replace a kidney
  • king philip's war — the war (1675–76) between New England colonists and a confederation of Indians under their leader, King Philip.
  • lake winnipegosis — a lake in S Canada, in W Manitoba. Area: 5400 sq km (2086 sq miles)
  • lambda expression — (mathematics)   A term in the lambda-calculus denoting an unnamed function (a "lambda abstraction"), a variable or a constant. The pure lambda-calculus has only functions and no constants.
  • landscape painter — artist who depicts natural scenery
  • larmor precession — the precession of charged particles, as electrons, placed in a magnetic field, the frequency of the precession (Larmor frequency) being equal to the electronic charge times the strength of the magnetic field divided by 4π times the mass.
  • least fixed point — (mathematics)   A function f may have many fixed points (x such that f x = x). For example, any value is a fixed point of the identity function, (\ x . x). If f is recursive, we can represent it as f = fix F where F is some higher-order function and fix F = F (fix F). The standard denotational semantics of f is then given by the least fixed point of F. This is the least upper bound of the infinite sequence (the ascending Kleene chain) obtained by repeatedly applying F to the totally undefined value, bottom. I.e. fix F = LUB {bottom, F bottom, F (F bottom), ...}. The least fixed point is guaranteed to exist for a continuous function over a cpo.
  • legal proceedings — court case
  • leizhou peninsula — a peninsula of SE China, in SW Guangdong province, separated from Hainan Island by Hainan Strait
  • lincoln's sparrow — a North American sparrow, Melospiza lincolnii, having a buff breast with black streaks.
  • lisp machine lisp — (language)   An extension of Maclisp, now called Zetalisp.
  • load displacement — the weight, in long tons, of a cargo vessel loaded so that the summer load line touches the surface of the water.
  • lymphadenopathies — Plural form of lymphadenopathy.
  • make no apologies — If you say that you make no apologies for what you have done, you are emphasizing that you feel that you have done nothing wrong.
  • malayo-polynesian — a family of languages extending from Madagascar to the central Pacific, including Malagasy, Malay, Indonesian, Tagalog, and Polynesian
  • meissen porcelain — Dresden china.
  • melissopalynology — The study of honey and its composition.
  • metalloproteinase — (enzyme) Any of several proteinases that have a metal atom (often zinc) at their active centre.
  • microencapsulated — Encapsulated using microencapsulation.
  • micromanipulators — Plural form of micromanipulator.
  • midsagittal plane — a plane passing through the nasion when the skull is oriented in the Frankfurt horizontal.
  • multidisciplinary — composed of or combining several usually separate branches of learning or fields of expertise: a multidisciplinary study of the 18th century.
  • non-stereotypical — a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
  • non-thermoplastic — soft and pliable when heated, as some plastics, without any change of the inherent properties.
  • nonaccomplishment — Something that does not achieve the intended goal.
  • old age pensioner — An old age pensioner is a person who is old enough to receive an pension from their employer or the government.
  • old spanish trail — an overland route from Santa Fe, N. Mex., to Los Angeles, Calif., first marked out in 1776 by Spanish explorers and missionaries.
  • olympic mountains — a mountain range in NW Washington: part of the Coast Range. Highest peak: Mount Olympus, 2427 m (7965 ft)
  • olympic peninsula — a large peninsula of W Washington
  • omphalomesenteric — (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the umbilicus and mesentery.
  • operation sealion — the codename for Hitler's proposed invasion (1940) of Great Britain
  • opportunistically — adhering to a policy of opportunism; practicing opportunism.
  • optical astronomy — the branch of observational astronomy using telescopes to observe or photograph celestial objects in visible light.
  • paleoconservative — a person advocating an older, traditional type of conservatism, especially in politics.
  • papanicolaou test — Pap test.
  • parallel universe — Physics. any of a hypothetical collection of undetectable universes that are like our known universe but have branched off from our universe due to a quantum-level event. See also multiverse.
  • paralysis agitans — Parkinson's disease
  • particle kinetics — Particle kinetics is the study of the movement of particles and the forces that cause this movement.
  • parts per million — the number of units (of a substance) present in a million units of another substance
  • pascal's triangle — a triangular arrangement of the binomial coefficients of the expansion (x + y) n for positive integral values of n.
  • pashmina politics — the adoption of political policies immediately after they have gone out of fashion
  • paternalistically — the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children: The employees objected to the paternalism of the old president.
  • peloponnesian war — a war between Athens and Sparta, 431–404 b.c., that resulted in the transfer of hegemony in Greece from Athens to Sparta.
  • penitential psalm — any of the Psalms (the 6th, 32nd, 38th, 51st, 102nd, 130th, and 143rd) that give expression to feelings of penitence and that are used in various Christian liturgical services.
  • peripheral vision — all that is visible to the eye outside the central area of focus; side vision.
  • perpetual spinach — a variety of spinach that keeps producing edible leaves
  • personal distance — personal space.
  • personal equation — the tendency to personal bias that accounts for variation in interpretation or approach and for which allowance must be made.
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