
15-letter words containing a, s, l, p, i, n

  • hyperadrenalism — a glandular disorder caused by the overactivity of the adrenal glands and often resulting in obesity
  • hypersalivation — the act or process of salivating.
  • hypnotisability — Alternative spelling of hypnotizability.
  • hypocrystalline — (of igneous rocks) having both glass and crystalline components
  • hypoinsulinemia — (medicine) An abnormally low level of insulin in the blood.
  • imperviableness — the state of being imperviable
  • implausibleness — The quality of being implausible.
  • implementations — Plural form of implementation.
  • implicativeness — the state or quality of being implicative
  • impregnableness — The state of being impregnable; impregnability.
  • improvisational — the art or act of improvising, or of composing, uttering, executing, or arranging anything without previous preparation: Musical improvisation involves imagination and creativity.
  • inapprehensible — That cannot be apprehended; not apprehensible to or graspable by either body or mind.
  • incompatibilism — (philosophy) The doctrine that free will and determinism are incompatible, that one necessarily precludes the other.
  • indisciplinable — unable to be disciplined or corrected by discipline
  • indisputability — The property of being indisputable.
  • industrial park — an industrial complex, typically in a suburban or rural area and set in parklike surroundings with such facilities as parking lots, restaurants, and recreation areas.
  • inescapableness — The quality of being inescapable.
  • infeasible path — dead code
  • inseparableness — The quality or state of being inseparable.
  • inspirationally — imparting inspiration.
  • instalment plan — agreed series of repayments
  • insulating tape — adhesive tape, impregnated with a moisture-repelling substance, used to insulate exposed electrical conductors
  • insuperableness — The quality of being insuperable or insurmountable; insuperability.
  • internal spline — any one of a series of grooves in a mating part into which external splines fit to prevent movement between two parts, esp in transmitting torque
  • interparoxysmal — occurring in the period or periods between paroxysms.
  • interpersonally — of or pertaining to the relations between persons: He has strong interpersonal skills.
  • introspectional — Of or relating to introspection.
  • ionospherically — by the ionosphere
  • irreparableness — The quality of being irreparable.
  • italian cypress — a tall Eurasian cypress, cupressus sempervirens, native to the eastern Mediterranean region
  • italian spinone — a strongly-built gun dog with a wiry white coat and pendulous ears
  • jurisprudential — the science or philosophy of law.
  • juxtapositional — an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
  • kenai peninsula — peninsula in S Alas. between Cook Inlet & the main body of the Gulf of Alaska: c. 150 mi (241 km) long: site of one the world's largest ice fields
  • land of promise — Promised Land.
  • least sandpiper — a small, American sandpiper, Calidris minutilla, related to the stints of Europe.
  • leaving present — a present given to a person when they leave a job, place etc
  • leptosporangium — (botany) A sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell.
  • lex non scripta — unwritten law; common law.
  • lexical scoping — lexical scope
  • lick into shape — to pass the tongue over the surface of, as to moisten, taste, or eat (often followed by up, off, from, etc.): to lick a postage stamp; to lick an ice-cream cone.
  • line of apsides — a line joining the lower and higher apsides, forming the major axis of the orbit
  • lissencephalous — having the cephalic disorder of a lack of developed brain folds
  • lleyn peninsula — a peninsula in NW Wales between Cardigan Bay and Caernarfon Bay
  • lung specialist — doctor specializing in lung conditions
  • luster painting — a method of decorating glazed pottery with metallic pigment, originated in Persia, popular from the 9th through the mid-19th centuries.
  • maladaptiveness — The quality of being maladaptive.
  • malay peninsula — a peninsula in SE Asia, consisting of W (mainland) Malaysia and the S part of Thailand.
  • malpresentation — Abnormal positioning of a fetus at the time of delivery.
  • master-planning — to construct a master plan for: to master-plan one's career.
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