
12-letter words containing a, s, i, c

  • systematical — having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan: a systematic course of reading; systematic efforts.
  • systemically — of or relating to a system.
  • tachyphrasia — a communication disorder involving rapid, unintelligible speech
  • tail section — the back or rear section of an aeroplane
  • tapioca snow — snow pellets.
  • tax increase — an increase in the amount of tax that people and companies are obliged to pay
  • testiculated — like a testicle, esp in shape
  • testificator — a person who witnesses
  • thalassaemic — a person who has the blood disorder thalassaemia
  • the ancients — the people who lived in ancient times
  • the classics — a body of literature regarded as great or lasting, esp that of ancient Greece or Rome
  • the distance — the most distant or a faraway part of the visible scene or landscape
  • the jurassic — the Jurassic period or rock system
  • the triassic — the Triassic period or rock system
  • therapeutics — a therapeutic substance.
  • thermostatic — a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
  • thessalonica — official name of Salonika.
  • thiobacillus — any of several rod-shaped bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus, inhabiting soil, sewage, etc., that derive energy from oxidation of sulfur or sulfur compounds.
  • time capsule — a receptacle containing documents or objects typical of the current period, placed in the earth or in a cornerstone for discovery in the future.
  • tinea cruris — jock itch.
  • tomato aspic — aspic1 (def 2).
  • tonic sol-fa — a system of singing characterized by emphasis upon tonality or key relationship, in which tones are indicated by the initial letters of the syllables of the sol-fa system rather than by conventional staff notation.
  • toxocariasis — the infection of humans with the larvae of a genus of roundworms, Toxocara, of dogs and cats. It can cause swelling of the liver and, sometimes, damage to the eyes
  • trace fossil — a fossilized track, trail, burrow, boring, or other structure in sedimentary rock that records the presence or behavior of the organism that made it.
  • tradescantia — any plant of the American genus Tradescantia, widely cultivated for their striped variegated leaves: family Commelinaceae
  • traducianism — the doctrine that the human soul is propagated along with the body. Compare creationism (def 3).
  • traffic sign — notice to vehicles
  • tragicalness — the quality or state of being tragic
  • trainer sock — a sock designed to be worn with a training shoe, often cut low at the ankle so that very little shows above the shoe
  • tralaticious — transferred or passed down
  • transactions — the published records of the proceedings of a society, conference, etc
  • transcending — to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed: to transcend the limits of thought; kindness transcends courtesy.
  • transcension — transcendence.
  • transcranial — across or through the skull
  • transdialect — to translate (speech, writing, etc.) into a different dialect.
  • transduction — the transfer of genetic material from one cell to another by means of a virus.
  • transfection — the insertion into a cell of a bacterial plasmid that contains a foreign virus or genetic material.
  • transilience — leaping or passing from one thing or state to another.
  • transit camp — a camp in which refugees, soldiers, etc, live temporarily before moving to another destination
  • translucidus — (of a cloud) sufficiently transparent as not to obscure the sun, moon, or higher clouds.
  • transoceanic — extending across or traversing the ocean: a transoceanic cable.
  • transpacific — passing or extending across the Pacific.
  • transpicuous — transparent.
  • triatic stay — a backstay for the head of a fore-and-aft-rigged topmast, running down to the head of the lower mast next aft.
  • tricephalous — with three heads
  • trichuriasis — intestinal infestation with the roundworm Trichuris trichiura, producing nausea, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea, common in tropical areas with poor sanitation.
  • tricuspidate — having three cusps or flaps.
  • triple-space — to type (copy) so as to leave two full spaces between lines
  • triticalness — a trite quality or character
  • tropicalised — to make tropical, as in character or appearance.
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