
13-letter words containing a, s, e, t, u, r

  • multistranded — having several strands
  • music theatre — a modern musical-dramatic work that is performed on a smaller scale than, and without the conventions of, traditional opera
  • musicotherapy — the treatment of mental disorders with music
  • nanostructure — A structure, especially a semiconductor device, that has dimensions of only a few nanometers.
  • natural slope — the maximum angle at which soil will lie in a bank without slipping
  • nature's call — call of nature.
  • ne plus ultra — the highest point; acme.
  • nectariferous — producing nectar.
  • nectarivorous — feeding on nectar
  • neuroblastoma — a malignant tumor of immature nerve cells that usually starts in the autonomic nervous system or adrenal gland and spreads quickly, most often affecting young children.
  • new australia — the colony on socialist principles founded by William Lane in Paraguay in 1893
  • nomenclatures — Plural form of nomenclature.
  • nubian desert — an arid region in the NE Sudan.
  • nuclear waste — the radioactive by-products from the operation of a nuclear reactor or from the reprocessing of depleted nuclear fuel.
  • nudiustertian — (rare, obsolete) Of the day before yesterday.
  • nusa tenggara — an island chain east of Java, mostly in Indonesia: the main islands are Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Sumba, Flores, Alor, and Timor. Pop: 11 112 702 (2000). Area: 73 144 sq km (28 241 sq miles)
  • oceanic crust — the brown, hard outer portion or surface of a loaf or slice of bread (distinguished from crumb).
  • on the square — a rectangle having all four sides of equal length.
  • osmoregulator — Any organism that practices osmoregulation.
  • ostreophagous — oyster-eating
  • out of square — a rectangle having all four sides of equal length.
  • out-of-stater — a visitor from another state of the U.S.: Many out-of-staters come to our summer music festival.
  • outlaw strike — wildcat strike.
  • over-cautious — excessively or unnecessarily cautious: Sometimes it doesn't pay to be overcautious in business.
  • overacuteness — sharp or severe in effect; intense: acute sorrow; an acute pain.
  • overambitious — having ambition; eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, power, wealth, a specific goal, etc.: ambitious students.
  • oversaturated — to cause (a substance) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance, through solution, chemical combination, or the like.
  • overspeculate — to engage in thought or reflection; meditate (often followed by on, upon, or a clause).
  • overstimulate — to stimulate too much
  • pantagruelism — (in Rabelais' Pantagruel) the huge son of Gargantua, represented as dealing with serious matters in a spirit of broad and somewhat cynical good humor.
  • paramenstruum — the four days before and first four days of menstruation
  • parasexuality — parasexual behaviour
  • parnell shout — a social occasion where each person in a group pays for his or her own entertainment or meal
  • parthenopaeus — a son of Hippomenes and Atalanta, and one of the Seven against Thebes.
  • passe-partout — something that passes everywhere or provides a universal means of passage.
  • pastry cutter — a cutter that is used to cut pastry into shapes
  • pay structure — a collection of pay grades or bands, which set out the different levels of pay for workers in a certain profession, etc
  • peninsularity — the state or fact of being a peninsula
  • perlustration — the act of perlustrating; a thorough inspection or survey, esp of letters for purposes of surveillance
  • perscrutation — a very careful exploration or inspection
  • pet insurance — health insurance for a pet
  • pharmaceutics — a pharmaceutical preparation or product.
  • pitch surface — (in a gear or rack) an imaginary surface forming a plane (pitch plane) a cylinder (pitch cylinder) or a cone or frustrum (pitch cone) that moves tangentially to a similar surface in a meshing gear so that both surfaces travel at the same speed.
  • planet-struck — affected adversely by the supposed influence of a planet.
  • platiniferous — platinum-bearing
  • pleasure boat — recreational vessel
  • pleasure trip — holiday, vacation
  • pneumogastric — of or relating to the lungs and stomach.
  • pocket-square — a handkerchief, often colored or figured, worn in the breast pocket of a suit or blazer as a fashion accessory.
  • post-freudian — of or relating to Sigmund Freud or his doctrines, especially with respect to the causes and treatment of neurotic and psychopathic states, the interpretation of dreams, etc.
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