
13-letter words containing a, s, c, n

  • sustentaculum — an organ or part that gives support
  • swashbuckling — characteristic of or behaving in the manner of a swashbuckler.
  • sweep account — Finance. a checking account from which money in excess of a specified amount is automatically transferred to another account or to an investment that earns a higher rate of return.
  • swimming crab — any of numerous, chiefly marine crabs, especially of the family Portunidae, having the legs adapted for swimming.
  • syllabication — to syllabify.
  • synallagmatic — relating to a reciprocally binding contract
  • synaposematic — relating to synaposematism
  • synecdochical — a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special, as in ten sail for ten ships or a Croesus for a rich man.
  • syntactically — of or relating to syntax: syntactic errors in English; the syntactic rules for computer source code.
  • synthetically — of, pertaining to, proceeding by, or involving synthesis (opposed to analytic).
  • systematician — a person who adheres to, or creates, a system
  • take occasion — to avail oneself of an opportunity (to do something)
  • take stock in — a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by a merchant, distributor, manufacturer, etc.; inventory.
  • tautochronism — the fact or quality of being a tautochrone
  • tautochronous — having the character of a tautochrone
  • tax inspector — a government official whose job is to make sure that people and companies are paying the right amount of tax
  • teachableness — the quality or condition of being teachable
  • telemechanics — the science or practice of operating mechanisms by remote control.
  • tenaciousness — holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
  • tennis racket — long-handled bat used in tennis
  • terpsichorean — pertaining to dancing.
  • testification — the act of testifying or giving testimony.
  • the ascension — the bodily ascent of Jesus into heaven on the fortieth day after the Resurrection: Acts 1:9
  • the carolinas — North Carolina and South Carolina
  • the consulate — the consular government of France from 1799 to 1804
  • the franchise — the right to vote, esp for representatives in a legislative body; suffrage
  • the necessary — the money required for a particular purpose
  • the secondary — cornerbacks and safeties collectively
  • thieves' cant — slang used by thieves
  • thoracenteses — insertion of a hollow needle or similar instrument into the pleural cavity of the chest in order to drain pleural fluid.
  • thoracentesis — insertion of a hollow needle or similar instrument into the pleural cavity of the chest in order to drain pleural fluid.
  • time constant — the time required for a changing quantity in a circuit, as voltage or current, to rise or fall approximately 0.632 of the difference between its old and new value after an impulse has been applied that induces such a change: equal in seconds to the inductance of the circuit in henries divided by its resistance in ohms.
  • to one's face — the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
  • tracking shot — dolly shot.
  • tractarianism — the religious opinions and principles of the Oxford movement, especially in its early phase, given in a series of 90 papers called Tracts for the Times, published at Oxford, England, 1833–41.
  • train service — provision of railway transport
  • trans-oceanic — extending across or traversing the ocean: a transoceanic cable.
  • transactinide — any element having an atomic number higher than 103, the last of the actinide series. These superheavy, radioactive elements are extremely short-lived, and can only be created in the laboratory.
  • transactional — the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted.
  • transactivate — to activate the replication of (a viral gene) through the presence of a gene at another locus, especially following a viral infection.
  • transatlantic — crossing or reaching across the Atlantic: a transatlantic liner.
  • transcaucasia — a region in SE Europe, S of the Caucasus Mountains, between the Black and Caspian seas: constituted a republic 1922–36 (Transcauca·sian So·cialist Fed·erated So·viet Repub·lic) area now includes the republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
  • transcendence — the quality or state of being transcendent.
  • transcendency — the quality or state of being transcendent.
  • transcendents — going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding.
  • transcriptase — RNA polymerase.
  • transcription — the act or process of transcribing.
  • transcriptome — a collection of all the messenger RNA in a particular cell
  • transcultural — across all cultures of the world
  • translocation — a change of location.
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