
14-letter words containing a, s, c, e, i

  • cambridgeshire — a county of E England, in East Anglia: includes the former counties of the Isle of Ely and Huntingdon and lies largely in the Fens: Peterborough became an independent unitary authority in 1998. Administrative centre: Cambridge. Pop (excluding Peterborough): 571 000 (2003 est). Area (excluding Peterborough): 3068 sq km (184 sq miles)
  • camelopardalis — a N constellation between Ursa Major and Cassiopeia; the Giraffe
  • campaign chest — money collected and set aside for use in a campaign, especially a political one; a campaign fund.
  • canada thistle — a prickly European weed (Cirsium arvense) of the composite family, with heads of purplish flowers and wavy leaves: now common as a fast-spreading, injurious weed throughout the N U.S.
  • cancer-causing — having the ability to induce the growth of a malignant tumour
  • canes venatici — a small faint constellation in the N hemisphere near Ursa Major that contains the globular cluster M3 and the spiral whirlpool galaxy M51
  • cape peninsula — (in South Africa) the peninsula and the part of the mainland on which Cape Town and most of its suburbs are located
  • capital assets — any assets, tangible or intangible, that are held for long-term investment
  • capparidaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Capparidaceae (or (Capparaceae), a family of plants, mostly shrubs including the caper, of warm tropical regions
  • capriciousness — subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic: He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.
  • caramelisation — (chiefly British) alternative spelling of caramelization.
  • carcinogenesis — the development of cancerous cells from normal ones
  • cardiac arrest — A cardiac arrest is a heart attack.
  • cardiac muscle — a specialized form of striated muscle occurring in the hearts of vertebrates.
  • cardiocentesis — surgical puncture of the heart
  • care assistant — a person who is paid to look after one or more severely handicapped people staying in residential accommodation
  • careers office — a room or building in which vocational advice can be obtained from a Careers Officer and which often also has books, leaflets, etc on careers
  • carnarvonshire — Caernarvon.
  • carpet slipper — Carpet slippers are soft, comfortable slippers.
  • carriage horse — a horse trained and groomed to draw carriages.
  • carriage house — coach house.
  • carrier signal — (communications)   A continuous signal of a single frequency capable of being modulated by a second, data-carrying signal. In radio communication, the two common kinds of modulation are amplitude modulation and frequency modulation.
  • cartoonishness — The state or condition of being cartoonish.
  • cartridge case — a cylindrical, usually metal casing capable of being loaded with an explosive charge and often also a bullet
  • case sensitive — case sensitivity
  • case-sensitive — In computing, if a written word such as a password is case-sensitive, it must be written in a particular form, for example using all capital letters or all small letters, in order for the computer to recognize it.
  • cash dispenser — A cash dispenser is a machine built into the wall of a bank or other building, which allows people to take out money from their bank account using a special card.
  • cashier's desk — A cashier's desk is the same as a cash desk.
  • casinghead gas — natural gas obtained from an oil well.
  • casserole dish — cooking pot for oven or hob
  • castrametation — the art of designing and laying out an encampment
  • cat's whiskers — Radio. a stiff wire forming one contact in a crystal detector and used for probing the crystal.
  • catachrestical — Catachrestic.
  • catastrophized — Simple past tense and past participle of catastrophize.
  • catcher's mitt — the glove worn by the catcher to protect the hands
  • catechumenship — the office or position of a catechumen
  • categorisation — (British spelling) Alternative form of categorization.
  • cavalier poets — a group of mid-17th-century English lyric poets, mostly courtiers of Charles I. Chief among them were Robert Herrick, Thomas Carew, Sir John Suckling, and Richard Lovelace
  • celestial body — an object visible in the sky, such as a planet
  • celestial city — the goal of Christian's journey in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress; the heavenly Jerusalem.
  • celestial pole — either of the two points at which the earth's axis, extended to infinity, would intersect the celestial sphere
  • celiac disease — a chronic nutritional disorder, usually of young children, caused by faulty absorption of gluten in the intestines and characterized by diarrhea and malnutrition
  • cellini's halo — Heiligenschein.
  • centenarianism — the situation or condition of being a centenarian
  • centralisation — Alternative spelling of centralization.
  • centripetalism — the movement of things towards a centre
  • cephalometrics — The measurement and analysis of the craniofacial area, especially as an aid to dental or orthodontic procedures.
  • cephalosporins — Plural form of cephalosporin.
  • certifications — Plural form of certification.
  • cervical smear — a smear of cellular material taken from the neck (cervix) of the uterus for detection of cancer
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