
14-letter words containing a, r

  • principal axis — Optics. a line passing through the center of the surface of a lens or spherical mirror and through the centers of curvature of all segments of the lens or mirror.
  • principal type — The most general type of an expression. For example, the following are all valid types for the lambda abstraction (\ x . x): Int -> Int Bool -> Bool (a->b) -> (a->b) but any valid type will be an instance of the principal type: a -> a. An instance is derived by substituting the same type expression for all occurences of some type variable. The principal type of an expression can be computed from those of its subexpressions by Robinson's unification algorithm.
  • principalities — a state ruled by a prince, usually a relatively small state or a state that falls within a larger state such as an empire.
  • printed matter — any of various kinds of printed material that qualifies for a special postal rate.
  • printer's mark — a stamp or device, usually found on the copyright page, that identifies a book as the work of a particular printer.
  • printer's ream — a standard quantity of paper, consisting of 20 quires or 500 sheets (formerly 480 sheets), or 516 sheets (printer's ream or perfect ream)
  • printing frame — a shallow, boxlike device with a glass plate on one side and an opaque, removable back, for holding a negative firmly against printing paper in contact printing.
  • printing paper — sensitized paper for printing positives.
  • printout paper — sensitized paper for prints that darkens under light and requires treatment to fix an image: largely supplanted at the turn of the century by developing-out paper. Abbreviation: P.O.P.
  • prioritization — to arrange or do in order of priority: learning to prioritize our assignments.
  • pripet marshes — the largest swamp in Europe, occupying S Belarus and N Ukraine
  • private equity — equity in a business that is raised from private sources, as opposed to shares that can be traded publicly
  • private income — econ: from outside employment
  • private member — (sometimes lowercase) British. a member of a legislative body, especially of the House of Commons, who has no special duties and is not a member of the ministry.
  • private school — a school founded, conducted, and maintained by a private group rather than by the government, usually charging tuition and often following a particular philosophy, viewpoint, etc.
  • private sector — the area of the nation's economy under private rather than governmental control.
  • private treaty — a property sale based on terms resulting from a conference between buyer and seller.
  • pro-capitalist — a person who has capital, especially extensive capital, invested in business enterprises.
  • pro-euthanasia — Also called mercy killing. the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition.
  • pro-management — the act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control.
  • proactiveness' — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • probabiliorism — the theory that in the case of doubt one should choose the action most likely to be right
  • probabiliorist — someone who advocates probabiliorism
  • probable cause — reasonable ground for a belief, as, in a criminal case, that the accused was guilty of the crime, or, in a civil case, that grounds for the action existed: used especially as a defense to an action for malicious prosecution.
  • probable error — a quantity formerly used as a measure of variability: equal to 0.6745 times the standard deviation. A normally distributed population has half of its elements within one probable error of the mean.
  • procaine amide — a white, crystalline compound, C 1 3 H 2 1 ON 3 , used in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
  • proceleusmatic — inciting, animating, or inspiring.
  • process camera — a large camera used in the photographic processes involved in the printing industry
  • processability — capable of being processed.
  • processed peas — peas that have been treated or prepared by a special method, esp in order to preserve them
  • processing tax — a tax levied by the government at an intermediate stage in the production of goods.
  • processor farm — (computer, parallel)   A parallel processor where tasks are distributed, or "farmed out", by one "farmer" processor to several "worker" processors, and results are sent back to the farmer. This arrangement is suitable for applications which can be partitioned into many separate, independent tasks, the canonical examples being ray tracing and the Mandelbrot set. In order to be efficient, the extra time spent on communications must be small compared to the time spent processing each task.
  • procrastinated — to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
  • procrastinator — to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
  • professionally — following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder.
  • profit sharing — the sharing of profits, as between employer and employee, especially in such a way that the employee receives, in addition to wages, a share in the profits of the business.
  • profit warning — a public announcement made by a company to shareholders and others warning that profits for a stated period will be much lower than had been expected
  • profit-sharing — the sharing of profits, as between employer and employee, especially in such a way that the employee receives, in addition to wages, a share in the profits of the business.
  • progametangium — Mycology. the hyphal tip of certain fungi that produces the gametangium and subsequent gamete.
  • progestational — prepared for pregnancy, as the lining of the uterus prior to menstruation or in the early stages of gestation itself; progravid.
  • prognostically — of or relating to prognosis.
  • prognosticator — to forecast or predict (something future) from present indications or signs; prophesy.
  • programme note — A programme note is an article written in a programme for a play or concert, which gives information about the performance or production.
  • progress board — a department of an organization, company, etc, that oversees and ensures progress, advance or development
  • progressionary — relating to progression
  • project athena — (project)   A distributed system project for support of educational and research computing at MIT. Much of the software developed is now in wider use, especially the X Window System.
  • project leader — leader of a task or programme
  • projectisation — the direction of aid to developing countries towards a specific project, without regard to wider issues or needs
  • projectization — the direction of aid to developing countries towards a specific project, without regard to wider issues or needs
  • proletarianism — the practices, attitudes, or social status of a proletarian.
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