
14-letter words containing a, r

  • approach light — one of a series of lights installed along the projected centerline of an airport runway to assist a pilot in aligning the aircraft during the approach to landing at night.
  • approach march — a route followed when approaching a mountain
  • approach stage — the stage of landing when a plane is approaching the runway
  • appropriations — Plural form of appropriation.
  • approximations — Plural form of approximation.
  • approximeeting — the practice of a group of people making indefinite plans to meet and then altering those plans regularly via mobile phones according to changing circumstances
  • aquaculturally — In an aquacultural manner; with regard to, or by means of, aquaculture.
  • aquatic centre — a complex with facilities for water sports, including swimming pools
  • aqueous humour — the watery fluid within the eyeball between the cornea and the lens
  • arabia deserta — an ancient division of Arabia, in the N part between Syria and Mesopotamia.
  • arabia petraea — an ancient division of Arabia, in the NW part.
  • arabian coffee — a tall, widely cultivated shrub (Coffea arabica) of the madder family, yielding coffee beans that are the world's chief source of commercially produced coffee: native to Africa but now present throughout the tropics, esp. in Brazil
  • arabian desert — a desert in E Egypt, between the Nile, the Gulf of Suez, and the Red Sea: mountainous parts rise over 1800 m (6000 ft). Area: about 220 000 sq km (85 000 sq miles)
  • arabian nights — Thea collection of ancient tales from Arabia, India, Persia, etc.
  • arabic numeral — one of the symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (opposed to Roman numerals)
  • arable farming — the growing of arable crops
  • arachidic acid — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble solid, C 20 H 40 O 2 , obtained from peanut oil: used chiefly in the manufacture of lubricants, plastics, and waxes.
  • arachnodactyly — A condition in which the fingers and hands are abnormally long and slender.
  • arachnological — relating to arachnology
  • araguaya-river — a river flowing N from central Brazil to the Tocantins River. about 1100 miles (1770 km) long.
  • arboricultural — Of or pertaining to the care, planting and maintenance of trees.
  • arborsculpture — The art and craft technique of growing and shaping tree trunks.
  • arc-jet engine — a type of rocket engine using propellant gas heated by an electric arc.
  • arcado-cyprian — an ancient language group of eastern Greece.
  • archaebacteria — (formerly) a group of microorganisms now regarded as members of the Archaea
  • archaeocyathid — one of the marine invertebrates of the extinct phylum Archaeocyatha, widely distributed during the Cambrian Period, having a limy, typically conical or cylindrical skeleton composed of sievelike inner and outer walls.
  • archaeological — of or relating to archaeology.
  • archaeologists — Plural form of archaeologist.
  • archaeometrist — a person who uses archaeometry
  • archaeozoology — the analysis and interpretation of animal remains found at archaeological sites
  • archbishoprics — Plural form of archbishopric.
  • archebacterium — (biology) alternative spelling of archaebacterium.
  • archencephalon — the primitive forebrain region of the embryo, anterior to the notochord, that gives rise to the midbrain and forebrain.
  • archetypically — the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.
  • archgenethliac — the person most proficient at casting horoscopes
  • archidiaconate — the office, term of office, or area of jurisdiction of an archdeacon
  • archiepiscopal — of or associated with an archbishop
  • archimandrites — Plural form of archimandrite.
  • archipterygium — (anatomy) A primitive fin, like that of Ceratodus.
  • architectonics — the science of architecture
  • arctic current — a cold ocean current flowing S along the Labrador coast through Davis Strait to the Grand Banks where it divides, the E branch joining the North Atlantic Current and the W branch flowing into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
  • arctic monkeys — British rock group (formed 2002): comprising Alex Turner (born 1986; vocals, guitar), Jamie Cook (born 1985, guitar), Matt Helders (born 1986, drums, vocals) and Nick O'Malley (born 1985, bass guitar); their albums include Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006), Favourite Worst Nightmare (2007), and AM (2013)
  • arctic redpoll — a finch, Carduelis hornemanni, of the family Fringillidae, which breeds in tundra birch forest
  • ardent spirits — spirits, such as rum, whisky, etc
  • area pellucida — the translucent central area of the blastoderm of birds and reptiles within which the embryo develops.
  • area vasculosa — that part of the area opaca in which the blood cells and vessels are formed.
  • area vitellina — the nonvascular part of the area opaca surrounding the area vasculosa.
  • areal velocity — a measure of the velocity of one celestial body in orbit about another, equal to the area swept out per unit time by the vector joining the two bodies.
  • argand diagram — a diagram in which complex numbers are represented by the points in the plane the coordinates of which are respectively the real and imaginary parts of the number, so that the number x + iy is represented by the point (x, y), or by the corresponding vector <x, y>. If the polar coordinates of (x, y) are (r, θ), r is the modulus and θ the argument of x + iy
  • argonne forest — a wooded region in NE France: battles, World War I, 1918; World War II, 1944.
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