
14-letter words containing a, r

  • magnetic strip — a strip of magnetic material on which information may be stored, as by an electromagnetic process, for automatic reading, decoding, or recognition by a device that detects magnetic variations on the strip: a credit card with a magnetic strip to prevent counterfeiting.
  • magnetospheres — Plural form of magnetosphere.
  • magnetospheric — Of, pertaining to, or happening within the magnetosphere.
  • magnox reactor — a nuclear reactor using carbon dioxide as the coolant, graphite as the moderator, and uranium cased in magnox as the fuel
  • maid of honour — A maid of honour is the chief bridesmaid at a wedding.
  • maiden's-tears — bladder campion.
  • mail exchanger — (messaging)   A server running SMTP Message Transfer Agent software that accepts incoming electronic mail and either delivers it locally or forwards it to another server. The mail exchanger to use for a given domain can be discovered by querying DNS for Mail Exchange Records.
  • main door flat — a flat in a tenement that can be accessed directly from outside rather than one which can only be accessed via a communal stairwell
  • maine-et-loire — a department in W France. 2787 sq. mi. (7220 sq. km). Capital: Angers.
  • maitre d'hotel — a headwaiter.
  • major delivery — (programming)   A (chiefly British) synonym for major release. E.g, the ninth major release of a piece of software might be called MD9. The release notation would be "v9.0".
  • major mitchell — an Australian cockatoo, Kakatoe leadbeateri, with a white-and-pink plumage
  • major prophets — theology
  • major seminary — a Roman Catholic theological college devoted to training for the priesthood and usually offering a six-year program emphasizing philosophy and theology.
  • make a bargain — to agree on terms
  • make a fortune — win, earn a vast amount of money
  • make free with — enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery: a land of free people.
  • make no secret — If you make no secret of something, you tell others about it openly and clearly.
  • make the grade — a degree or step in a scale, as of rank, advancement, quality, value, or intensity: the best grade of paper.
  • make-and-break — noting or pertaining to a device, operated by an electric current, for automatically opening or closing a circuit once it has been closed or opened by a mechanical springlike device, as in a doorbell.
  • make-up artist — sb: applies performers' cosmetics
  • malacostracans — Plural form of malacostracan.
  • malapportioned — (of a state or other political unit) poorly apportioned, especially divided, organized, or structured in a manner that prevents large sections of a population from having equitable representation in a legislative body.
  • malappropriate — inappropriate
  • malefactresses — a woman who violates the law or does evil.
  • malleable iron — malleable cast iron.
  • malnourishment — Malnutrition, undernourishment.
  • malodorousness — The state or condition of being malodorous.
  • mammary artery — any of several arteries that distribute blood to the muscles and organs of the thorax: used as a replacement artery in coronary bypass surgery.
  • man of letters — highly educated man
  • man of sorrows — a person alluded to by Isaiah (Isa. 53:3) and interpreted as being the Messiah
  • man-made fibre — a type of fibre that is made artificially, such as polyester or rayon, rather than occurring naturally, like cotton or wool
  • managed forest — a sustainable forest in which usually at least one tree is planted for every tree felled
  • mandelbrot set — (mathematics, graphics)   (After its discoverer, Benoit Mandelbrot) The set of all complex numbers c such that | z[N] | < 2 for arbitrarily large values of N, where z[0] = 0 z[n+1] = z[n]^2 + c The Mandelbrot set is usually displayed as an Argand diagram, giving each point a colour which depends on the largest N for which | z[N] | < 2, up to some maximum N which is used for the points in the set (for which N is infinite). These points are traditionally coloured black. The Mandelbrot set is the best known example of a fractal - it includes smaller versions of itself which can be explored to arbitrary levels of detail.
  • manganese spar — Mineralogy. rhodonite or rhodochrosite.
  • mangold-wurzel — mangel-wurzel.
  • mangrove swamp — a coastal marine swamp of tropical or subtropical regions that is dominated by mangrove trees.
  • manic disorder — a type of affective disorder characterized by euphoric mood, excessive activity and talkativeness, impaired judgment, and sometimes psychotic symptoms, as grandiose delusions.
  • mannerlessness — The state or condition of being mannerless.
  • manometrically — Using a manometer.
  • mansard (roof) — a roof with two slopes on each of the four sides, the lower steeper than the upper
  • manslaughterer — (legal) Someone who commits manslaughter.
  • manuel noriegaManuel Antonio, born 1934, military leader of Panama 1983–89: captured by U.S. forces and sentenced to prison for drug trafficking 1992.
  • manufacturable — the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale: the manufacture of television sets.
  • map projection — a projecting or protruding part. Synonyms: overhang, protrusion, jut.
  • maraging steel — a low-carbon steel that has been heated and quenched to form martensite: contains up to 25 percent nickel.
  • marasca cherry — the red acid-tasting fruit of the marasca tree, from which maraschino is made
  • marathon group — an encounter group that meets for an extended period of time, as eight hours to a week, in the belief that the resultant intensity and intimacy will lead to a more open expression of feelings.
  • marble orchard — cemetery.
  • march fracture — a hairline crack in a bone, especially of a foot or leg, caused by repeated or prolonged stress and often occurring in runners, dancers, and soldiers (march fracture)
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