
14-letter words containing a, r

  • garden of eden — Eden1
  • garden produce — cultivated or farm-produced goods, such as fruit and vegetables
  • garden rubbish — organic refuse generated by gardening
  • garden variety — common, usual, or ordinary; unexceptional.
  • garden warbler — any of several small brownish-grey European songbirds of the genus Sylvia (warblers), esp S. borin, common in woods and hedges: in some parts of Europe they are esteemed as a delicacy
  • garden webworm — the larva of any of several moths, as Hyphantria cunea (fall webworm) or Loxostege similalis (garden webworm) which spins a web over the foliage on which it feeds.
  • garden-variety — common, usual, or ordinary; unexceptional.
  • garlic crusher — a kitchen implement used to crush cloves of garlic
  • garlic mustard — a plant, Alliaria petiolata, of N temperate regions, with small white flowers and an odour of garlic: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)
  • garlic sausage — sausage meat flavoured with garlic
  • garrison house — a style of early New England house in which the second floor projects beyond the first.
  • garrison state — a state in which military matters dominate economic and political life.
  • gastric bypass — a surgical procedure by which all or part of the stomach is circumvented by anastomosis to the small intestine, performed to overcome obstruction or in the treatment of morbid obesity.
  • gastric lavage — the washing out of the stomach; lavage.
  • gastroduodenal — of or relating to the stomach and the duodenum
  • gastrovascular — serving for digestion and circulation, as a cavity.
  • gaudi i cornet — Antoni [ahn-taw-nee] /ɑnˈtɔ ni/ (Show IPA), 1852–1926, Spanish architect and designer.
  • gaussian curve — normal curve.
  • gay liberation — a political and social movement to combat legal and social discrimination against homosexuals.
  • gelatiniferous — Yielding gelatine on boiling with water; capable of gelatination.
  • gender-neutral — noting or relating to a word or phrase that does not refer to one gender only: Firefighter and flight attendant are gender-neutral terms.
  • gender-variant — noting or relating to a person whose gender identity or gender expression does not conform to socially defined male or female gender norms: Don't call him a sissy; he's just a teenager with gender-variant behavior. Are metrosexuals part of the gender-variant community?
  • general degree — a degree awarded at some universities, studied at a lower academic standard than an honours degree
  • general ledger — records, accounts
  • general public — people in general
  • general strike — a mass strike in all or many trades and industries in a section or in all parts of a country.
  • generalisation — The formulation of general concepts from specific instances by abstracting common properties.
  • generalissimos — Plural form of generalissimo.
  • generalization — the act or process of generalizing.
  • generating set — a generator
  • generation gap — a lack of communication between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, brought about by differences of tastes, values, outlook, etc.
  • generationally — the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time: the postwar generation.
  • generic markup — (text)   In computerised document preparation, a method of adding information to the text indicating the logical components of a document, such as paragraphs, headers or footnotes. SGML is an example of such a system. Specific instructions for layout of the text on the page do not appear in the markup.
  • genetic marker — any distinct inheritable indicator of identity and ancestry.
  • genital herpes — a sexually transmitted disease caused by herpes simplex virus type 2, characterized primarily by transient blisters on and around the genitals.
  • genre painting — a category of painting in which domestic scenes or incidents from everyday life are depicted
  • gentrification — the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper- or middle-income families or individuals, raising property values but often displacing low-income families and small businesses.
  • geocentrically — In a geocentric manner.
  • geodemographic — Of or pertaining to geography and demography.
  • geographically — of or relating to geography.
  • geometric mean — the mean of n positive numbers obtained by taking the n th root of the product of the numbers: The geometric mean of 6 and 24 is 12.
  • geometric pace — a modern form of a Roman pace, a measure of length taken as 5 feet
  • geometrization — the application of geometrical concepts to a different field
  • george calvertCharles (3rd Baron Baltimore) 1637–1715, English colonial administrator in America: governor (1661–75) and proprietor (1675–89) of Maryland (grandson of George Calvert).
  • george pullman — plural Pullmans. a railroad sleeping car or parlor car.
  • george v coast — a coastal region in Antarctica, along the Indian Ocean coast.
  • gerald sussman — (person)   (Gerald J. Sussman, Jerry) A noted hacker at MIT and one of the developers of SCHEME and 6.001.
  • german measles — rubella.
  • german speaker — a person who speaks German
  • germanomethane — (chemistry) germanium tetrahydride.
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