
14-letter words containing a, r

  • dacryoadenitis — Inflammation of the lacrimal glands.
  • dactyliography — the art of engraving or writing on gems
  • dactylographer — the study of fingerprints for purposes of identification.
  • daguerreotypes — Plural form of daguerreotype.
  • dairy products — food derived from or containing milk and its derivatives
  • damage control — Damage control is action that is taken to make the bad results of something as small as possible, when it is impossible to avoid bad results completely.
  • daniel websterDaniel, 1782–1852, U.S. statesman and orator.
  • dano-norwegian — Bokmål.
  • darby and joan — an ideal elderly married couple living in domestic harmony
  • dark chocolate — Dark chocolate is dark brown chocolate that has a stronger and less sweet taste than milk chocolate.
  • dark continent — Africa, especially before the late 19th cent. when little was known of it
  • darning needle — a long needle with a large eye used for darning
  • darning stitch — a stitch used in darning that imitates the texture of the fabric that is to be mended
  • data hierarchy — The system of data objects which provide the methods for information storage and retrieval. Broadly, a data hierarchy may be considered to be either natural, which arises from the alphabet or syntax of the language in which the information is expressed, or machine, which reflects the facilities of the computer, both hardware and software. A natural data hierarchy might consist of bits, characters, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. One might use components bound to an application, such as field, record, and file, and these would ordinarily be further specified by having data descriptors such as name field, address field, etc. On the other hand, a machine or software system might use bit, byte, word, block, partition, channel, and port. Programming languages often provide types or objects which can create data hierarchies of arbitrary complexity, thus allowing software system designers to model language structures described by the linguist to greater or lesser degree. The distinction between the natural form of data and the facilities provided by the machine may be obscure, because users force their needs into the molds provided, and programmers change machine designs. As an example, the natural data type "character" and the machine type "byte" are often used interchangeably, because the latter has evolved to meet the need of representing the former.
  • data integrity — (data)   The absence of unintended changes or errors in some data. Integrity implies that the data is an exact copy of some original version, e.g. that it has not been corrupted in the process of being written to, and read back from, a hard disk or during transmission via some communications channel. Integrity may further imply that the information represented by the data has been validated, i.e. verified to conform to certain constraints, e.g. a date's year, month and day parts are within the appropriate ranges and the date actually exists.
  • data processor — a computer that is capable of performing operations on data in order to extract information, reorder files, etc
  • data structure — an organized form, such as an array list or string, in which connected data items are held in a computer
  • data warehouse — Computers. a large, centralized collection of digital data gathered from various units within an organization: The annual report uses information from the data warehouse.
  • dataparallel-c — (language, parallel)   C with parallel extensions by Hatcher and Quinn of the University of New Hampshire. Dataparallel-C was based on an early version of C* and runs on the Intel iPSC-2 and nCube.
  • date of record — the final date a registered stockholder of a corporation has the right to receive a dividend or other benefit.
  • dating service — a service that provides introductions to people seeking a companion with similar interests
  • daughterboards — Plural form of daughterboard.
  • daughterliness — The quality of being daughterly.
  • david d'angers — (born Pierre Jean David) 1788?-1856; Fr. sculptor
  • daycare centre — an establishment offering daycare to preschool children, enabling their parents to work full time or have extended relief if child care is a problem
  • daycare worker — a person who works in a daycare centre
  • daylight hours — the hours when it is daylight
  • dead president — a banknote
  • dead reckoning — a method of establishing one's position using the distance and direction travelled rather than astronomical observations
  • dead sea fruit — something that appears to be beautiful or full of promise but is in reality nothing but illusion and disappointment.
  • dead to rights — in an undeniably incriminating situation; red-handed
  • dead-air space — an unventilated air space in which the air does not circulate.
  • deadly embrace — deadlock
  • debt repayment — the action of repaying debts, or a single payment made to wards paying off a debt
  • decarboxylases — Plural form of decarboxylase.
  • decentralising — Present participle of decentralise.
  • decentralizing — Present participle of decentralize.
  • dechlorination — the removal of chlorine from a substance
  • dechristianize — to make non-Christian
  • decision-maker — a person who makes decisions
  • decolorization — decolor.
  • deconcentrated — to reduce the power or control of (a corporation, industry, etc.); decentralize.
  • deconsecrating — Present participle of deconsecrate.
  • deconsecration — The opposite of consecration, to undo consecration. Desecration or defilement.
  • decontaminator — A device that decontaminates.
  • decorated shed — a contemporary design concept characterized by buildings generally of purely utilitarian design but with fronts intended to give them more grandeur or to announce their functions.
  • decoration day — Memorial Day
  • decoration-day — Also called Decoration Day. a day, May 30, set aside in most states of the U.S. for observances in memory of dead members of the armed forces of all wars: now officially observed on the last Monday in May.
  • decorative art — any of the visual arts applied in order to render something more attractive or ornate
  • decorativeness — The condition of being decorative.
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