
14-letter words containing a, r

  • circus maximus — an amphitheatre in Rome, used in ancient times for chariot races, public games, etc
  • cis-trans test — a test to define the unit of genetic function, based on whether two mutations of the same character occur in a single chromosome (the cis position) or in different cistrons in each chromosome of a homologous pair (the trans position)
  • cislunar space — the region beyond the earth's atmosphere occurring between the earth and moon
  • cisnormativity — (LGBT, neologism) The assumption that all human beings are cisgender, i.e. have a gender identity which matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • citronella oil — the yellow aromatic oil obtained from citronella grass, used in insect repellents, soaps, perfumes, etc
  • ciudad bolivar — a port in E Venezuela, on the Orinoco River: accessible to ocean-going vessels. Pop: 344 000 (2005 est)
  • ciudad obregon — a city in W Mexico.
  • civil marriage — a marriage performed by some official other than a clergyman
  • clabber cheese — cottage cheese.
  • clairaudiently — in a clairaudient manner
  • clairsentience — The ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge by means of feeling.
  • clamshell door — Often, clamshell doors. a door consisting of two panels that spread open vertically, as those located on the underside of some cargo planes.
  • clapper bridge — a primitive type of bridge in which planks or slabs of stone rest on piles of stones
  • clapperclawing — Present participle of clapperclaw.
  • clarendon code — four acts passed by the Cavalier Parliament between 1661 and 1665 to deal with the religious problems of the Restoration
  • clarifications — Plural form of clarification.
  • class interval — one of the intervals into which the range of a variable of a distribution is divided, esp one of the divisions of the base line of a bar chart or histogram
  • class struggle — in Marxism, the constant economic and political struggle held to exist between social classes regarded as exploiting and those regarded as exploited; specif., in capitalist countries, the struggle between capitalists (bourgeoisie) and workers (proletariat)
  • classificatory — the act of classifying.
  • claude lorrain — real name Claude Gelée. 1600–82, French painter, esp of idealized landscapes, noted for his subtle depiction of light
  • claustrophilia — abnormal pleasure derived from being in a confined space
  • claustrophobes — Plural form of claustrophobe.
  • claustrophobia — Someone who suffers from claustrophobia feels very uncomfortable or anxious when they are in small or enclosed places.
  • claustrophobic — You describe a place or situation as claustrophobic when it makes you feel uncomfortable and unhappy because you are enclosed or restricted.
  • clavicytherium — a kind of harpsichord
  • clean and jerk — a lift in which a barbell is raised from the floor to shoulder height where it is brought to rest and then, with a lunging movement by the lifter, is thrust overhead so the arms extend straight in the air, being held in this position for a short, specified length of time.
  • clean up after — If you clean up after someone, you clean or tidy a place that they have made dirty or untidy.
  • clean-and-jerk — a lift in weightlifting in which the weight is held momentarily at shoulder height before being thrust overhead
  • clearance sale — A clearance sale is a sale in which the goods in a shop are sold at reduced prices, because the shopkeeper wants to get rid of them quickly or because the shop is closing down.
  • clearing house — If an organization acts as a clearing house, it collects, sorts, and distributes specialized information.
  • clearing-house — a place or institution where mutual claims and accounts are settled, as between banks.
  • clearinghouses — Plural form of clearinghouse.
  • cleistocarpous — Mycology. having cleistothecia.
  • cleptoparasite — Alternative spelling of kleptoparasite.
  • cliffside park — a city in NE New Jersey.
  • climate canary — a human being or other living organism whose lack of health indicates environmental problems, reminiscent of the way in which live canaries were once used to detect the presence of poisonous gas in coal mines
  • climbing frame — A climbing frame is a structure that has been made for children to climb and play on. It consists of metal or wooden bars joined together.
  • clinical trial — When a new type of drug or medical treatment undergoes clinical trials, it is tested directly on patients to see if it is effective.
  • clive sinclair — (person)   Sir Clive Sinclair (1939- ) The British inventor who pioneered the home microcomputer market in the early 1980s, with the introduction of low-cost, easy to use, 8-bit computers produced by his company, Sinclair Research. Sir Clive also invented and produced a variety of electronic devices from the 1960s to 1990s, including pocket calculators (he marketed the first pocket calculator in the world), radios and televisions. Perhaps he is most famous (or some might say notorious) for his range electric vehicles, especially the Sinclair C5, introduced in 1985. He has been a member of MENSA, the high IQ society, since 1962.
  • clock repairer — a person who mends clocks, watches, etc
  • cloister garth — garth (def 1).
  • close quarters — a narrow cramped space or position
  • closed primary — a primary in which only members of a particular party may vote
  • clothes hanger — item for hanging clothing
  • co-chairperson — one of two or more joint chairpersons.
  • co-conspirator — a fellow conspirator; associate or collaborator in a conspiracy.
  • co-trimoxazole — an antibiotic consisting of a mixture of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole (a sulfa drug): used esp to treat infections of the urinary tract and lungs (as in AIDS)
  • coach operator — a company that operates a business involving the transport of passengers in coaches
  • coach transfer — a short journey by coach constituting part of a longer journey taken chiefly by a different mode of transport, esp a journey to or from an airport
  • coach-and-four — a coach together with the four horses by which it is drawn.
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