
14-letter words containing a, r

  • barnacle goose — a N European goose, Branta leucopsis, that has a black-and-white head and body and grey wings
  • barnard's star — a red dwarf star in the constellation Ophiuchus having the largest proper motion known
  • baroja y nessi — Pío [pee-oh;; Spanish pee-aw] /ˈpi oʊ;; Spanish ˈpi ɔ/ (Show IPA), 1872–1956, Spanish novelist.
  • barometrically — By means of a barometer.
  • barometrograph — barograph.
  • barong tagalog — (in the Philippines) a man's long-sleeved formal overblouse, made of fine, sheer fabric, often embroidered.
  • barrack square — an open area near a military barracks where drills are performed
  • barred warbler — a small passerine songbird, Sylvia nisoria, of the family Muscicapidae
  • barrel shifter — (hardware)   A hardware device that can shift or rotate a data word by any number of bits in a single operation. It is implemented like a multiplexor, each output can be connected to any input depending on the shift distance.
  • barrel-chested — A barrel-chested man has a large, rounded chest.
  • barrier island — a long island, parallel to the coastline, formed from a ridge of sand (barrier beach) thrown up by the waves, that serves the shore as a protective barrier against tidal waves, storms, etc.
  • barrier method — Barrier methods of contraception involve the use of condoms, diaphragms, or other devices that physically prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.
  • bartered bride — a comic opera (1866) by Bedřich Smetana.
  • bascule bridge — a kind of drawbridge counterweighted so that it can be raised and lowered easily
  • bascule-bridge — a device operating like a balance or seesaw, especially an arrangement of a movable bridge (bascule bridge) by which the rising floor or section is counterbalanced by a weight.
  • basic industry — an industry which is highly important in a nation's economy
  • basic training — Basic training is the training that someone receives when they first join the armed forces.
  • basque country — Theregion comprising three provinces in N Spain, on the Bay of Biscay, inhabited by Basques: 2,803 sq mi (7,260 sq km); pop. 2,104,000
  • bass guitarist — a player of the bass guitar
  • basso profundo — (esp in operatic solo singing) a singer with a very deep bass voice
  • bastard indigo — a bushy shrub, Amorpha fruticosa, of the legume family, native to North America, having elongated clusters of dull purplish or bluish flowers.
  • bastard ridley — ridley (def 1).
  • bastard turtle — ridley (def 1).
  • bastard-ridley — ridley (def 1).
  • bastard-turtle — ridley (def 1).
  • bastardisation — Alternative form of bastardization.
  • bastardization — the act of bastardizing
  • basting thread — inexpensive, loosely twisted thread that can be easily pulled out when permanent stitching is in place
  • bat the breeze — a wind or current of air, especially a light or moderate one.
  • bateleur eagle — an African crested bird of prey, Terathopius ecaudatus, with a short tail and long wings: subfamily Circaetinae, family Accipitridae (hawks, etc)
  • bathing trunks — Bathing trunks are shorts that a man wears when he goes swimming.
  • bathygraphical — (of a maps) representing the contours of the seabed
  • batrachophobia — fear of amphibians
  • batrachophobic — relating to the fear of toads and frogs
  • battered woman — See under battered woman syndrome.
  • battered-women — the array of physical and psychological injuries exhibited by women (battered women or battered wives) who have been beaten repeatedly or otherwise abused by their partners or spouses.
  • battery backup — A battery backup is a system in some power supplies that switches between a main power source and a battery.
  • battle cruiser — A battle cruiser is a large fast warship that is lighter than a battleship and moves more easily.
  • battle lantern — a portable, battery-operated light for emergency use aboard a warship.
  • battle-scarred — adversely affected from the experience of battle, or some other traumatic experience
  • bavarian cream — a cold dessert consisting of a rich custard set with gelatine and flavoured in various ways
  • bayes' theorem — the fundamental result which expresses the conditional probability P(E/A) of an event E given an event A as P(A/E).P(E)/P(A); more generally, where En is one of a set of values Ei which partition the sample space, P(En/A) = P(A/En)P(En)/Σ P(A/Ei)P(Ei). This enables prior estimates of probability to be continually revised in the light of observations
  • bayonet charge — a charge by riflemen with fixed bayonets
  • bazillionaires — Plural form of bazillionaire.
  • be gagging for — to be very eager to have or do something
  • be in bad odor — to be in ill repute
  • be in the wars — If someone has been in the wars, they have been injured, for example in a fight or in an accident.
  • beach barbecue — a barbecue on a beach
  • beach umbrella — a large umbrella used as a sunshade on the beach
  • beach wormwood — a composite plant, Artemisia stellerana, having yellow flowers and deeply lobed leaves covered with dense white fuzz.
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